1,102 research outputs found

    Experiences of Using Models and Information of Building Automation System in Commissioning

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    Simulation programs are widely used in the design of heating and cooling devices. However, modeling of the whole building with simulation programs is exceptional at least in Finland. We have built and utilized whole building models in a commissioning project to estimate the energy consumption and the indoor climate in an educational building. We have also used component models in the commissioning of a ventilation system. One of our pilots was modeled very accurately using IDA-ICE. Finnish engineering office Granlund LTD has modeled the same building with a simulation program called RIUSKA, which is based on DOE-2. We present an analysis based on verification results of simulation to measured energy consumption, and the results of component models to the actual properties of HVAC system

    The Many Phases of Holographic Superfluids

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    We investigate holographic superfluids in AdS_{d+1} with d=3,4 in the non-backreacted approximation for various masses of the scalar field. In d=3 the phase structure is universal for all the masses that we consider: the critical temperature decreases as the superfluid velocity increases, and as it is cranked high enough, the order of the phase transition changes from second to first. Surprisingly, in d=4 we find that the phase structure is more intricate. For sufficiently high mass, there is always a second order phase transition to the normal phase, no matter how high the superfluid velocity. For some parameters, as we lower the temperature, this transition happens before a first order transition to a new superconducting phase. Across this first order transition, the gap in the transverse conductivity jumps from almost zero to about half its maximum value. We also introduce a double scaling limit where we can study the phase transitions (semi-)analytically in the large velocity limit. The results corroborate and complement our numerical results. In d=4, this approach has the virtue of being fully analytically tractable.Comment: 31 pages, 19 figure

    The Quark-Gluon Plasma in a Finite Volume

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    The statistical mechanics of quarks and gluons are investigated within the context of the canonical ensemble. Recursive techniques are developed which enforce the exact conservation of baryon number, total isospin, electric charge, strangeness, and color. Bose and Fermi-Dirac statistics are also accounted for to all orders. The energy, entropy and particle number densities are shown to be significantly reduced for volumes less than 5 cubic fm.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Maxwell-Chern-Simons Vortices and Holographic Superconductors

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    We investigate probe limit vortex solutions of a charged scalar field in Einstein-Maxwell theory in 3+1 dimensions, for an asymptotically AdS Schwarzschild black hole metric with the addition of an axionic coupling to the Maxwell field. We show that the inclusion of such a term, together with a suitable potential for the axion field, can induce an effective Chern-Simons term on the 2+1 dimensional boundary. We obtain numerical solutions of the equations of motion and find Maxwell-Chern-Simons like magnetic vortex configurations, where the magnetic field profile varies with the size of the effective Chern-Simons coupling. The axion field has a non-trivial profile inside the AdS bulk but does not condense at spatial infinity.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, version accepted for publication in JHE

    Lattice potentials and fermions in holographic non Fermi-liquids: hybridizing local quantum criticality

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    We study lattice effects in strongly coupled systems of fermions at a finite density described by a holographic dual consisting of fermions in Anti-de-Sitter space in the presence of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. The lattice effect is encoded by a periodic modulation of the chemical potential with a wavelength of order of the intrinsic length scales of the system. This corresponds with a highly complicated "band structure" problem in AdS, which we only manage to solve in the weak potential limit. The "domain wall" fermions in AdS encoding for the Fermi surfaces in the boundary field theory diffract as usually against the periodic lattice, giving rise to band gaps. However, the deep infrared of the field theory as encoded by the near horizon AdS2 geometry in the bulk reacts in a surprising way to the weak potential. The hybridization of the fermions bulk dualizes into a linear combination of CFT1 "local quantum critical" propagators in the bulk, characterized by momentum dependent exponents displaced by lattice Umklapp vectors. This has the consequence that the metals showing quasi-Fermi surfaces cannot be localized in band insulators. In the AdS2 metal regime, where the conformal dimension of the fermionic operator is large and no Fermi surfaces are present at low T/\mu, the lattice gives rise to a characteristic dependence of the energy scaling as a function of momentum. We predict crossovers from a high energy standard momentum AdS2 scaling to a low energy regime where exponents found associated with momenta "backscattered" to a lower Brillioun zone in the extended zone scheme. We comment on how these findings can be used as a unique fingerprint for the detection of AdS2 like "pseudogap metals" in the laboratory.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures; v2, minor correction, to appear in JHE

    Holographic models for undoped Weyl semimetals

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    We continue our recently proposed holographic description of single-particle correlation functions for four-dimensional chiral fermions with Lifshitz scaling at zero chemical potential, paying particular attention to the dynamical exponent z = 2. We present new results for the spectral densities and dispersion relations at non-zero momenta and temperature. In contrast to the relativistic case with z = 1, we find the existence of a quantum phase transition from a non-Fermi liquid into a Fermi liquid in which two Fermi surfaces spontaneously form, even at zero chemical potential. Our findings show that the boundary system behaves like an undoped Weyl semimetal.Comment: 64 pages, 19 figure

    Radiative corrections to scalar-fermion pair production in high energy e+e- collisions

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    We study the one-loop radiative corrections to pair production of the supersymmetric scalar partners of the standard fermions in e+e- annihilation. Both electroweak and SUSY-QCD corrections are considered. Applications are for production of scalar fermions of the third generation, e^+e^-\to \wt{f}_i \wt{f}_j^* (i,j=1,2), f=t,b,τf=t, b,\tau, as well as for production of scalar quarks of the first and second generation. Effects on integrated cross sections are discussed and also the one-loop induced forward-backward asymmetries are studied. It is found that at low energy, \sqrt{s}\approx 500 \to 1000 GeV, the corrections are dominated by the QCD contributions, At high energy, s≥2\sqrt{s}\geq 2 TeV, the electroweak box diagrams give a substantial contribution and even dominate in some regions of parameters space. The purely loop-induced forward-backward asymmetry can reach values of several per cent.Comment: 23 pages, latex, 13 figure
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