92 research outputs found

    Bacteriological assessment of chlorinated and non-chlorinated water in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

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    Tanzania veterinary proceedings, vol. 35: 151-156This cross sectional study was conducted to assess the bacterial contamination in chlorinated and non- chlorinated water in Morogoro Municipality from October 2013 – January 2014. Fifty two samples were collected from selected taps (chlorinated samples) and directly from the water sources (non -chlorinated samples). The total viable count (TVC) was performed on nutrient agar while the total coliform count (TCC) was done by Most Probable Number (MPN) using MacConkey broth. It was found that the TVC ranged between 530 CFU/100 mL and 600 CFU/100 mL during dry season and the same range during rainy season. The TVC ranged between 530 CFU/100 mL and 600 CFU/100 mL during dry season and 600 CFU/100 mL to 650 CFU/100 mL during rainy season. The results for TCC positive chlorinated samples during dry season ranged between 3.6/100 mL and 150/100 mL while during the rainy season it ranged between 15/100 mL and 150/100 mL. The highest TCC were found at Department of Animal Science and Production in both season for chlorinated water and 41% of non- chlorinated water during dry season while all the samples of non- chlorinated water during rainy season had high TCC count. Also the results further showed that TCC for positive non- chlorinated samples during dry season ranged between 210/100 mL and >1100/100 mL while it was >1100/100 mL during rainy season. In chlorinated water, significant difference (p=0.332) was observed when TVC during dry season was compared with that of rainy season. Based on the results of this study, it is concluded that chlorinated and non- chlorinated water show high number of TCC than that recommended by WHO and Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS). However, there was low TVC which was within recommended standards. The high TCC observed in treated water in this study may pose a risk of acquiring water-borne diseases to the Morogoro communityHigher Education Student Loans Board (HESLB)

    Bacteriological assessment of chlorinated and non-chlorinated water in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

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    Tanzania veterinary proceedings, vol. 35: 151-156This cross sectional study was conducted to assess the bacterial contamination in chlorinated and non- chlorinated water in Morogoro Municipality from October 2013 – January 2014. Fifty two samples were collected from selected taps (chlorinated samples) and directly from the water sources (non -chlorinated samples). The total viable count (TVC) was performed on nutrient agar while the total coliform count (TCC) was done by Most Probable Number (MPN) using MacConkey broth. It was found that the TVC ranged between 530 CFU/100 mL and 600 CFU/100 mL during dry season and the same range during rainy season. The TVC ranged between 530 CFU/100 mL and 600 CFU/100 mL during dry season and 600 CFU/100 mL to 650 CFU/100 mL during rainy season. The results for TCC positive chlorinated samples during dry season ranged between 3.6/100 mL and 150/100 mL while during the rainy season it ranged between 15/100 mL and 150/100 mL. The highest TCC were found at Department of Animal Science and Production in both season for chlorinated water and 41% of non- chlorinated water during dry season while all the samples of non- chlorinated water during rainy season had high TCC count. Also the results further showed that TCC for positive non- chlorinated samples during dry season ranged between 210/100 mL and >1100/100 mL while it was >1100/100 mL during rainy season. In chlorinated water, significant difference (p=0.332) was observed when TVC during dry season was compared with that of rainy season. Based on the results of this study, it is concluded that chlorinated and non- chlorinated water show high number of TCC than that recommended by WHO and Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS). However, there was low TVC which was within recommended standards. The high TCC observed in treated water in this study may pose a risk of acquiring water-borne diseases to the Morogoro communityHigher Education Student Loans Board (HESLB)

    Aflatoxin M1 in pasteurized, UHT milk and milk powder commercialized in Londrina, Brazil and estimation of exposure

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    Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) is found in milk and other excretion products after aflatoxin B1 intake. AFM1 is carcinogenic to humans, and known levels of dairy product contamination is important to understand the risks to which the population is exposed. The occurrence of AFM1 was evaluated in 42 milk samples commercialized in Londrina, Paraná State, Brazil and this rate of occurrence was used to estimate this exposure. AFM1 determina tion was ca rried out by ELISA, and was detected in 100 % samples at levels ranging from 0.01 to 0.81 μg/kg (mean 0.13 μg/kg). None of the samples p resente d AFM1 above the maximum permitted level by Brazilian Legislation (0.5 μg/kg for fluid milk and 5 μg/kg for milk powder). The estimated daily intake (EDI) of AFM1 was evaluated, and the average intake was 0.468 ng/kg body weight (b.w.) for adolescents, 0.384 ng/kg b.w. for adults and 0.559 ng/kg b.w. for the elderly. Values of EDI of AFM1 found in Londrina pose a toxicological risk to the population investigated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on estimat ed AFM1 dietary exposure from Paraná, Brazil.Aflatoxina M1 (AFM1) é encontrada no leite e em outros produtos de excreção após o consumo de aflatoxina B1. AFM1 é carcinogênica para humanos, e avaliar os níveis de contaminação em produtos lácteos é importante para conhecer os riscos aos quais a população está exposta. A ocorrência de AFM1 foi avaliada em 42 amostras de leite comercializadas em Londrina, Estado do Paraná, Brasil, e sua ocorrência foi utilizada para estimar sua exposição. A determinação de AFM1 foi avaliada por ELISA, e foi detectada em 100% das amostras, em níveis variando de 0,01 a 0,81 μg/kg (média 0,13 μg kg). Nenhuma das amostras apresentou níveis de AFM1 acima do máximo permitido pela Legislação brasileira (0,5 μg/kg para leite fluido e 5 μg/kg para leite em pó). A ingestão diária estimada (IDE) de AFM1 foi avaliada, e a ingestão média foi de 0,468 ng/kg de peso corporal (p.c.)/dia para adolescentes, 0,384 ng/kg p.c./dia para adultos e 0,559 ng/kg p.c./dia para idosos. Valores de IDE de AFM1 encontrados em Londrina supõem um risco toxicológico para a população investigada. Do melhor do nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro trabalho sobre a exposição estimada de AFM1 do Paraná, Brasil

    Aflatoxina M1 em leite pasteurizado e UHT e leite em po comercializados em Londrina, Brasil e exposicao estimada.

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    Aflatoxina M1 (AFM1) e encontrada no leite e em outros produtos de excrecao apos o consumo de aflatoxina B1. AFM1 e carcinogenica para humanos, e avaliar os niveis de contaminacao em produtos lacteos e importante para conhecer os riscos aos quais a populacao esta exposta. A ocorrencia de AFM1 foi avaliada em 42 amostras de leite comercializadas em Londrina, Estado do Parana, Brasil, e sua ocorrencia foi utilizada para estimar sua exposicao. A determinacao de AFM1 foi avaliada por ELISA, e foi detectada em 100% das amostras, em niveis variando de 0,01 a 0,81 µ g/kg (media 0,13 µ g kg). Nenhuma das amostras apresentou niveis de AFM1 acima do maximo permitido pela Legislacao brasileira (0,5 µ g/kg para leite fluido e 5 µ g/kg para leite em po). A ingestao diaria estimada (IDE) de AFM1 foi avaliada, e a ingestao media foi de 0,468 ng/kg de peso corporal (p.c.)/dia para adolescentes, 0,384 ng/kg p.c./dia para adultos e 0,559 ng/kg p.c./dia para idosos. Valores de IDE de AFM1 encontrados em Londrina supoem um risco toxicologico para a populacao investigada. Do melhor do nosso conhecimento, este e o primeiro trabalho sobre a exposicao estimada de AFM1 do Parana, Brasil

    Bone and total alkaline phosphatase for screening skeletal metastasis in patients with solid tumours

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    Alkaline phosphatase (AP) has several isoforms including bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP). We evaluated BAP and AP for screening for bone metastasis (BM) in patients with solid tumours. This is a prospective non-blinded study conducted at ABC Foundation School of Medicine Oncology clinics. A total of 40 subjects without a history of cancer and 62 patients with various solid tumours referred for a bone scan had serum drawn for BAP and AP determination. Bone alkaline phosphatase and AP levels in patients with cancer and BM, without BM and with no cancer, were 70.32 +/- 3.65 and 310.21 +/- 16.87 U/L; 41.40 +/- 2.80 and 113.23 +/- 12.95 U/L; 21.19 +/- 2.76 and 148.05 +/- 12.79 U/L respectively (P < 0.0001 for both AP and BAP). for BAP and AP sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were 0.86 and 0.52; 0.69 and 1; 0.45 and 1; 0.94 and 0.87 respectively. ROC AUC value for BAP was 0.89 and for AP was 0.93. We conclude that BAP is more sensitive than AP, whereas AP had a remarkable specificity of 100%. in screening for BM in patients with solid tumours, obtaining initially BAP and then selecting for further investigation only patients with an abnormal AP may be a cost and resource saving strategy.ABC Fdn, Sch Med, Oncol Program Albert Einstein Hosp, Hematol & Oncol Discipline, São Paulo, BrazilNucl Med Physicians Hosp Estsdual Mario Covas, Santo Andre, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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