1,186 research outputs found

    Oil cooling system for a gas turbine engine

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    A gas turbine engine fuel delivery and control system is provided with means to recirculate all fuel in excess fuel control requirements back to the aircraft fuel tank. This increases the fuel pump heat sink and decreases the pump temperature rise without the addition of valving other than normally employed. A fuel/oil heat exchanger and associated circuitry is provided to maintain the hot engine oil in heat exchange relationship with the cool engine fuel. Where anti-icing of the fuel filter is required, means are provided to maintain the fuel temperature entering the filter at or above a minimum level to prevent freezing thereof. In one embodiment, a divider valve is provided to take all excess fuel from either upstream or downstream of the fuel filter and route it back to the tanks, the ratio of upstream to downstream extraction being a function of fuel pump discharge pressure

    Persistence of coherent quantum dynamics at strong dissipation

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    The quantum dynamics of a two state system coupled to a bosonic reservoir with sub-Ohmic spectral density is investigated for strong friction. Numerically exact path integral Monte Carlo methods reveal that in contrast to conventional expectations, coherent dynamics never turns into incoherent decay for a broad class of spectral distributions. Coherences associated with substantial system-reservoir entanglement exist in non-equilibrium even when strong dissipation makes the thermodynamic state of the system to behave essentially classical. This may be of relevance for current experiments with nanoscale devices and bio-molecular aggregates.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    ECHO user's guide

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    Effects of microflora composition in the phyllosphere on biological regulation of grapevine fungal diseases

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    Aqueous fermentation extracts of composted microbiologically active substrates reduced significantly the infestation of grapevine leaves with Plasmopara viticola under growth chamber conditions. Enhancement of efficacy was available through the enrichment of the extracts with nutrients - like sucrose and brewer's yeast - or with a natural surfactant (methylized cellulose). Studies on the microbial composition of the phyllosphere showed that the quantity of the total number of colony forming units, of yeasts/filametous fungi, of enterobacteria, of pseudomonads and of aerobic bacilli depends on the specific amendments to the extracts and on the microclimatic conditions. They ace responsible for the differences in efficiency of the various extracts against P. viticola. Appropriate investigations on the phyllosphere in a field experiment resulted in a different composition of the microflora, though the same combinations of extract amendments were used. This is caused by the varying environmental conditions. In spite of the changed microflora, the disease suppressing effects against Urcinula necator were preserved

    Kupferersatz im ökologischen Weinbau: Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Formulierungs- und Produktionstechnologien fĂŒr den praxisgerechten Einsatz bakterieller Antagonisten

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    Im vorliegenden Projekt wurde der Einsatz bakterieller Antagonisten als Kupferersatz zur BekĂ€mpfung von Plasmopara viticola, dem Erreger des Falschen Mehltaus der Weinrebe, im ökologischen Weinbau optimiert. Mit Hilfe von Dual-Kultur-Tests wurden sechs bakterielle Antagonisten aus vorhandenen Antagonisten-Stammsammlungen selektiert (Testpilze: Pythium ultimum; Phytophthora infestans). Mittels Blattscheiben-Test im Labor konnte mit den ausgewĂ€hlten Isolaten eine Befallsreduzierung auf unter 5 % BefallsstĂ€rke erzielt werden. Der Befall in der unbehandelten Kontrolle schwankte je nach Ansatz zwischen 19 % und 35 %. Unter GewĂ€chshausbedingungen zeigte sich an Topfreben ebenfalls eine gute biologische Wirksamkeit gegen den Schadpilz. Die Kontrollpflanzen wiesen einen Befall zwischen 60 % und 77 % BefallsstĂ€rke auf, wĂ€hrend die BlĂ€tter der PrĂŒfglieder weniger als 5 % BefallsstĂ€rke zeigten. Zur Eliminierung des Kupferanteils wurden fĂŒr die Freilandversuche drei hochwirksame Isolate ausgewĂ€hlt und in die BekĂ€mpfungsstrategie „Öko-Standard“ integriert. Die Isolate gehörten den Bakteriengattungen Pseudomonas spp. und Bacillus spp. an. Um die Wirksamkeit im Freiland zu steigern, wurden Formulierungshilfsstoffe ausgewĂ€hlt, die den Bakterien kurz vor der Applikation zugesetzt wurden. Dabei fanden die Substanzen Xanthan gum, Trehalose und PHYTO-VITALÂź Anwendung. Aufgrund des extremen Sommers im Jahr 2003 war der Peronospora-Befall im Weinberg so gering, dass keine aussagekrĂ€ftigen Ergebnisse zum Einsatz unter Freilandbedingungen gemacht werden konnten. Studien zur Etablierung der Antagonisten auf dem Rebblatt haben gezeigt, dass die BlĂ€tter der bakterienbehandelten Versuchsglieder Bakteriendichten aufwiesen, die um etwa eine Zehnerpotenz höher lagen als die mit Kupfer behandelten BlĂ€tter. Um mögliche GĂ€rbeeinflussungen zu erfassen, wurden die Moste im Kleinmaßstab (25-Liter GĂ€rbehĂ€lter) vergoren. Bisher zeigten sich keine Abweichungen vom kupferhaltigen Versuchsglied „Öko-Standard“

    Consensus Protein Design without Phylogenetic Bias

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    Consensus design is an appealing strategy for the stabilization of proteins. It exploits amino acid conservation in sets of homologous proteins to identify likely beneficial mutations. Nevertheless, its success depends on the phylogenetic diversity of the sequence set available. Here, we show that randomization of a single protein represents a reliable alternative source of sequence diversity that is essentially free of phylogenetic bias. A small number of functional protein sequences selected from binary-patterned libraries suffice as input for the consensus design of active enzymes that are easier to produce and substantially more stable than individual members of the starting data set. Although catalytic activity correlates less consistently with sequence conservation in these extensively randomized proteins, less extreme mutagenesis strategies might be adopted in practice to augment stability while maintaining function

    ECHO User\u27s Guide

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    Over the past several years, the ECHO classifiers have been developed to incorporate spatial as well as spectral information into the classifier decision criteria. This document contains a comprehensive description of the functional organization of the supervised and the nonsupervised ECHO processes, the manner in for individuals who intend to make use of the ECHO classifiers, although it is also of value to those wanting to understand of implement the ECHO algorithms

    Inflight Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Responses to Medications Commonly Used in Spaceflight

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    Researchers do not know if medications act the same in the spaceflight environment as they do on Earth. Aspects of the spaceflight environment (low gravity, radiation exposure, closed environment, stress) have been shown to alter human physiology. Some of these physiological changes could be expected to alter either pharmacokinetics (PK, how the body absorbs, distributes, metabolizes and excretes administered medications) or pharmacodynamics (PD, receptors or signaling systems that are the targets of medication action). Anecdotal data has suggested that, at least for certain medications or indications, inflight medication efficacy is poor. In order to prepare for exploration missions where speedy evacuation to Earth may not be a possibility, the likelihood of unexpected medication action must be determined

    FLT3-regulated antigens as targets for leukemia-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes

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    The FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) is highly expressed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Internal tandem duplications (ITD) of the juxtamembrane domain lead to the constitutive activation of the FLT3 kinase inducing the activation of multiple genes, which may result in the expression of leukemia-associated antigens (LAAs). We analyzed the regulation of LAA in FLT3-wild-type (WT)- and FLT3-ITD+ myeloid cells to identify potential targets for antigen-specific immunotherapy for AML patients. Antigens, such as PR-3, RHAMM, Survivin, WT-1 and PRAME, were upregulated by constitutively active FLT3-ITD as well as FLT3-WT activated by FLT3 ligand (FL). Cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) clones against PR-3, RHAMM, Survivin and an AML-directed CTL clone recognized AML cell lines and primary AML blasts expressing FLT3-ITD, as well as FLT3-WT+ myeloid dendritic cells in the presence of FL. Downregulation of FLT3 led to the abolishment of CTL recognition. Comparing our findings concerning LAA upregulation by the FLT3 kinase with those already made for the Bcr-Abl kinase, we found analogies in the LAA expression pattern. Antigens upregulated by both FLT3 and Bcr-Abl may be promising targets for the development of immunotherapeutical approaches against myeloid leukemia of different origin

    Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Mosten und Weinen aus gesunden und aus Botrytis-infizierten Traubenbeeren I. SĂ€urestoffwechsel, Zuckerstoffwechselprodukte, Leucoanthocyangehalte

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Abbau von Beereninhaltsstoffen bzw. die Bildung von Stoffwechselprodukten aus ihnen durch Botrytis wĂ€hrend der Infektion der Traubenbeeren. Zur Bestimmung des Botrytis-Einflusses auf die VerĂ€nderung der Moste wurden Moste aus Botrytis-infiziertem mit Mosten aus infektionsfreiem, im ĂŒbrigen aber gleichem Beerenmaterial verglichen. Dieser Vergleich einiger fĂŒr die Weinbereitung wichtiger Stoffe lieferte folgende Ergebnisse: W e i n s Ă€ ur e wurde bevorzugt abgebaut, relativ stĂ€rker als Zucker. Die WeinsĂ€uregehalte der Moste aus Botrytis-befallenen Beeren lagen um etwa 1-3 g/l tiefer als die aus gesunden Beeren. - A p f e 1 s Ă€ u r e wurde ungefĂ€hr im gleichen Prozentsatz abgebaut, in dem Zucker verbraucht wurde. Die ÄpfelsĂ€urewerte der „faulen" Moste waren daher im Durchschnitt um 1,5 g/l erhöht. - G l u c o n s Ă€ u r e ist in „gesunden" Mosten nur in relativ kleinen Mengen enthalten, ,,faule" Moste können aber mehr als 4 g/l enthalten. Gluconolacton wurde nicht gefunden. - Z i t r o n e n s Ă€ u r e war in „gesunden" Mosten in Mengen unter 100 mg/l nachweisbar, ,,faule" Moste enthalten etwa das doppelte. Bei der VergĂ€rung der Moste erhöhte sich der Zitratgehalt um fast das doppelte. - 0 x a l e s s i g s Ă€ u r e war in Mosten aus nicht infizierten Beeren nicht nachzuweisen. In stark infizierten Beeren ist die Oxalacetatbildung aber betrĂ€chtlich. Der Höchstwert betrug 15,7 mg/l. In den Weinen konnte dagegen kein Oxalacetat gefunden werden. - G l y c er i n : WĂ€hrend „gesunde" Moste kaum 1 g/l enthalten, wurde als Ergebnis der Botrytis-Infektion im Höchstfalle 14,20 g Glycerin/l festgestellt. Durch die GĂ€rung wurde der Glycerinwert bei den „gesunden" Mosten relativ stĂ€rker erhöht als bei den „faulen". - A c e t a l d e h y d : Die Werte der „gesunden" und der „faulen" Moste lagen alle unter 3 mg/l. Bei der VergĂ€rung der „faulen" Moste wurde 58% mehr Acetaldehyd gebildet. - P y r u v a t war in den „faulen" Mosten um 50% erhöht. Bei der VergĂ€rung war die Pyruvat-Bildung der „faulen" Moste 3,5mal höher als die der gesunden. Der starke Pyruvat-Stau wird wahrscheinlich durch Thiamin-Mangel verursacht. - K e t o g l u t a r a t enthalten die „gesunden" Moste durchschnittlich 10 mg/l, die „faulen" 21,5 mg/l. Nach der GĂ€rung enthielten die „gesunden" Proben 49,7 mg/l, die „faulen" 119,0 mg/l. - SO2 - B i n d u n g : Sie betrug bei den „gesunden" Mosten durchschnittlich 77 mg/l, bei den „faulen" 116 mg/l. - L e u c o an t h o c y a n e haben bei Botrytis-Befall der Beeren stark abgenommen. WĂ€hrend der GĂ€rung erfolgte eine Verringerung durch die Hefe. Ein Jungwein aus „gesunden" Beeren enthielt 4,0 mg/l, sein Pendant aus „faulen" Beeren aber nur 1,5 mg/l.Comparative investigations on musts and wines from healthy and Botrytis-infestedgrape-berries.I. Metabolism of organic acids, metabolites of sugars, and leucoanthocyanincontentsIn grape-berries infested by Botrytis cinerea, the decomposition of several constituents important to vinification and their transformation into certain metabolites were investigated and compared with healthy berries of the same quality. The following results were obtained: Compared to sugar, t a r t a r i c a c i d was preferably reduced. The content was approximately 1-3 g/l lower in musts from Botrytis-infested berries than in musts from healthy ones. - M a l i c a c i d was approximately reduced to the same percentage as sugar. Therefore, the malic acid content was increased by 1,5 g/l in musts from infested berries. - G l u c o n i c a c i d : Only comparatively small quantities were found in "healthy" musts, whereas "infested" musts can contain more than 4 g/l. Gluconolacton was not found. - C i t r i c a c i d : Quantities below 100 mg/l were determined in "healthy" musts, "infested" musts contained about twice as much. During fermentation the citric acid content was nearly doubled. - 0 x a l a c e t i c a c i d could not be ascertained in musts from healthy berries. However, considerable amounts of this constituent were produced in strongly infested berries. Their maximum content was 15,7 g/l. On the other hand, no oxalacetate was found in the wines. - G l y c e r o l : Although the "healthy" musts contained by 1 g/l only, glycerol could be found up to a maximum of 14,20 g/l in "infested" musts. During fermentation the glycerol-content was comparatively more increased in "healthy" musts than in "infested" musts. - Ac e t a l d e h y d e : In any case, the contents were below 3 mg/1 in "healthy" musts and "infested" musts. During fermentation, however, 58 & more acetaldehyde was produced in the "infested" musts. - P y r u v i c a c i d was increased by 50% in "infested" musts. During fermentation the production of pyruvic acid was 3,5 times as high in "infested" musts as in "healthy" musts, which was probably caused by a deficiency of thiamin. - K e t o g l u t a r i c a c i d : Approximately 10 mg/l were present in "healthy" samples and 21,5 mg/l in "infested" musts. After fermentation the "healthy" specimens showed 49,7 mg/l, the "infested" ones 119,0 mg/l. - SO2 - f i x a t i o n was approximately 77 mg/l in "healthy" musts, in "infested" musts 116 mg/l. - L e u c o a n t h o c y a n i n s were very much reduced by Botrytis-infection. During fermentation a further decrease was caused by yeasts. A young wine from healthy berries contained 4,0 mg/l, its counterpart from infested berries 1,5 mg/l only
