1,187 research outputs found

    One-second coherence for a single electron spin coupled to a multi-qubit nuclear-spin environment

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    Single electron spins coupled to multiple nuclear spins provide promising multi-qubit registers for quantum sensing and quantum networks. The obtainable level of control is determined by how well the electron spin can be selectively coupled to, and decoupled from, the surrounding nuclear spins. Here we realize a coherence time exceeding a second for a single electron spin through decoupling sequences tailored to its microscopic nuclear-spin environment. We first use the electron spin to probe the environment, which is accurately described by seven individual and six pairs of coupled carbon-13 spins. We develop initialization, control and readout of the carbon-13 pairs in order to directly reveal their atomic structure. We then exploit this knowledge to store quantum states for over a second by carefully avoiding unwanted interactions. These results provide a proof-of-principle for quantum sensing of complex multi-spin systems and an opportunity for multi-qubit quantum registers with long coherence times

    BlogForever D3.2: Interoperability Prospects

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    This report evaluates the interoperability prospects of the BlogForever platform. Therefore, existing interoperability models are reviewed, a Delphi study to identify crucial aspects for the interoperability of web archives and digital libraries is conducted, technical interoperability standards and protocols are reviewed regarding their relevance for BlogForever, a simple approach to consider interoperability in specific usage scenarios is proposed, and a tangible approach to develop a succession plan that would allow a reliable transfer of content from the current digital archive to other digital repositories is presented

    Robust quantum-network memory using decoherence-protected subspaces of nuclear spins

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    The realization of a network of quantum registers is an outstanding challenge in quantum science and technology. We experimentally investigate a network node that consists of a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center electronic spin hyperfine-coupled to nearby nuclear spins. We demonstrate individual control and readout of five nuclear spin qubits within one node. We then characterize the storage of quantum superpositions in individual nuclear spins under repeated application of a probabilistic optical inter-node entangling protocol. We find that the storage fidelity is limited by dephasing during the electronic spin reset after failed attempts. By encoding quantum states into a decoherence-protected subspace of two nuclear spins we show that quantum coherence can be maintained for over 1000 repetitions of the remote entangling protocol. These results and insights pave the way towards remote entanglement purification and the realisation of a quantum repeater using NV center quantum network nodes

    The finiteness of the four dimensional antisymmetric tensor field model in a curved background

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    A renormalizable rigid supersymmetry for the four dimensional antisymmetric tensor field model in a curved space-time background is constructed. A closed algebra between the BRS and the supersymmetry operators is only realizable if the vector parameter of the supersymmetry is a covariantly constant vector field. This also guarantees that the corresponding transformations lead to a genuine symmetry of the model. The proof of the ultraviolet finiteness to all orders of perturbation theory is performed in a pure algebraic manner by using the rigid supersymmetry.Comment: 23 page

    Fractional Statistics in Three Dimensions: Compact Maxwell-Higgs System

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    We show that a (3+1)-dimensional system composed of an open magnetic vortex and an electrical point charge exhibits the phenomenon of Fermi-Bose transmutation. In order to provide the physical realization of this system we focus on the lattice compact scalar electrodynamics SQEDcSQED_c whose topological excitations are open Nielsen-Olesen strings with magnetic monopoles attached at their ends.Comment: 8 page

    Massive Hermitian Gravity

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    Einstein-Strauss Hermitian gravity was recently formulated as a gauge theory where the tangent group is taken to be the pseudo-unitary group instead of the orthogonal group. A Higgs mechanism for massive gravity was also formulated. We generalize this construction to obtain massive Hermitian gravity with the use of a complex Higgs multiplet. We show that both the graviton and antisymmetric tensor acquire the same mass. At the linearized level, the theory is ghost free around Minkowski background and describes a massive graviton with five degrees of freedom and an antisymmetric field with three degrees of of freedom. We determine the strong coupling scales for these degrees of freedom and argue that the potential nonlinear ghosts, if they exist, have to decouple from the gravitational degrees of freedom in strong coupling regime.Comment: 10 page

    A invenção de um discurso de patrimônio na cidade de Joinville (SC): políticas públicas na construção de unidades de interesse de preservação – UIP

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é trazer ao debate acadêmico-científico o tema das incongruências legais das unidades de interesse de preservação (UIPs) relacionado ao campo do patrimônio na cidade de Joinville. Essas incongruências legais, que tratam da legalidade e legitimidade de tais unidades, apresentam elementos para serem analisados dentro das políticas públicas municipais como um discurso de preservação patrimonial. Este estudo é parte integrante de tese de doutorado cursado no Programa Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas, na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), que vem sendo orientada pelas professoras Dras. Maria Bernardete Ramos Flores e Alicia Norma Castells. A pesquisa de doutoramento tem o condão de analisar os (des)caminhos das políticas públicas de preservação dopatrimônio cultural de Joinville. O recorte dado para este artigo seria o debate sobre a permanência da existência e do uso de uma lista de bens cadastrados como de interesse de preservação cultural para a cidade. Tal lista foi criada antes do primeiro tombamento em âmbito municipal, por isso a sua peculiaridade e interesse em ser estudada. Acredita-se que rememorar alguns fatos relacionados à criação dessa lista e, consequentemente, ao órgão de proteção ao patrimônio da cidade pode auxiliar na reflexão sobre a dinâmica e a construção dos discursos patrimoniais de Joinville. A metodologia aplicada será bibliográfica e documental, com pesquisa no Arquivo Histórico de Joinville e no arquivo da Fundação Cultural da cidade

    Duality for symmetric second rank tensors. II. The linearized gravitational field

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    The construction of dual theories for linearized gravity in four dimensions is considered. Our approach is based on the parent Lagrangian method previously developed for the massive spin-two case, but now considered for the zero mass case. This leads to a dual theory described in terms of a rank two symmetric tensor, analogous to the usual gravitational field, and an auxiliary antisymmetric field. This theory has an enlarged gauge symmetry, but with an adequate partial gauge fixing it can be reduced to a gauge symmetry similar to the standard one of linearized gravitation. We present examples illustrating the general procedure and the physical interpretation of the dual fields. The zero mass case of the massive theory dual to the massive spin-two theory is also examined, but we show that it only contains a spin-zero excitation.Comment: 20 pages, no figure