142 research outputs found

    Quantum thermodynamics with missing reference frames: Decompositions of free energy into non-increasing components

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    If an absolute reference frame with respect to time, position, or orientation is missing one can only implement quantum operations which are covariant with respect to the corresponding unitary symmetry group G. Extending observations of Vaccaro et al., I argue that the free energy of a quantum system with G-invariant Hamiltonian then splits up into the Holevo information of the orbit of the state under the action of G and the free energy of its orbit average. These two kinds of free energy cannot be converted into each other. The first component is subadditive and the second superadditive; in the limit of infinitely many copies only the usual free energy matters. Refined splittings of free energy into more than two independent (non-increasing) terms can be defined by averaging over probability measures on G that differ from the Haar measure. Even in the presence of a reference frame, these results provide lower bounds on the amount of free energy that is lost after applying a covariant channel. If the channel properly decreases one of these quantities, it decreases the free energy necessarily at least by the same amount, since it is unable to convert the different forms of free energies into each other.Comment: 17 pages, latex, 1 figur

    A Complexity Measure for Continuous Time Quantum Algorithms

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    We consider unitary dynamical evolutions on n qubits caused by time dependent pair-interaction Hamiltonians and show that the running time of a parallelized two-qubit gate network simulating the evolution is given by the time integral over the chromatic index of the interaction graph. This defines a complexity measure of continuous and discrete quantum algorithms which are in exact one-to-one correspondence. Furthermore we prove a lower bound on the growth of large-scale entanglement depending on the chromatic index.Comment: 6 pages, Revte

    Spin-1/2 particles moving on a 2D lattice with nearest-neighbor interactions can realize an autonomous quantum computer

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    What is the simplest Hamiltonian which can implement quantum computation without requiring any control operations during the computation process? In a previous paper we have constructed a 10-local finite-range interaction among qubits on a 2D lattice having this property. Here we show that pair-interactions among qutrits on a 2D lattice are sufficient, too, and can also implement an ergodic computer where the result can be read out from the time average state after some post-selection with high success probability. Two of the 3 qutrit states are given by the two levels of a spin-1/2 particle located at a specific lattice site, the third state is its absence. Usual hopping terms together with an attractive force among adjacent particles induce a coupled quantum walk where the particle spins are subjected to spatially inhomogeneous interactions implementing holonomic quantum computing. The holonomic method ensures that the implemented circuit does not depend on the time needed for the walk. Even though the implementation of the required type of spin-spin interactions is currently unclear, the model shows that quite simple Hamiltonians are powerful enough to allow for universal quantum computing in a closed physical system.Comment: More detailed explanations including description of a programmable version. 44 pages, 12 figures, latex. To appear in PR

    Quantum control without access to the controlling interaction

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    In our model a fixed Hamiltonian acts on the joint Hilbert space of a quantum system and its controller. We show under which conditions measurements, state preparations, and unitary implementations on the system can be performed by quantum operations on the controller only. It turns out that a measurement of the observable A and an implementation of the one-parameter group exp(iAr) can be performed by almost the same sequence of control operations. Furthermore measurement procedures for A+B, for (AB+BA), and for i[A,B] can be constructed from measurements of A and B. This shows that the algebraic structure of the set of observables can be explained by the Lie group structure of the unitary evolutions on the joint Hilbert space of the measuring device and the measured system. A spin chain model with nearest neighborhood coupling shows that the border line between controller and system can be shifted consistently.Comment: 10 pages, Revte

    Thermodynamic efficiency of information and heat flow

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    A basic task of information processing is information transfer (flow). Here we study a pair of Brownian particles each coupled to a thermal bath at temperature T1T_1 and T2T_2, respectively. The information flow in such a system is defined via the time-shifted mutual information. The information flow nullifies at equilibrium, and its efficiency is defined as the ratio of flow over the total entropy production in the system. For a stationary state the information flows from higher to lower temperatures, and its the efficiency is bound from above by max[T1,T2]T1T2\frac{{\rm max}[T_1,T_2]}{|T_1-T_2|}. This upper bound is imposed by the second law and it quantifies the thermodynamic cost for information flow in the present class of systems. It can be reached in the adiabatic situation, where the particles have widely different characteristic times. The efficiency of heat flow|defined as the heat flow over the total amount of dissipated heat|is limited from above by the same factor. There is a complementarity between heat- and information-flow: the setup which is most efficient for the former is the least efficient for the latter and {\it vice versa}. The above bound for the efficiency can be [transiently] overcome in certain non-stationary situations, but the efficiency is still limited from above. We study yet another measure of information-processing [transfer entropy] proposed in literature. Though this measure does not require any thermodynamic cost, the information flow and transfer entropy are shown to be intimately related for stationary states.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Fragility of a class of highly entangled states of many quantum-bits

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    We consider a Quantum Computer with n quantum-bits (`qubits'), where each qubit is coupled independently to an environment affecting the state in a dephasing or depolarizing way. For mixed states we suggest a quantification for the property of showing {\it quantum} uncertainty on the macroscopic level. We illustrate in which sense a large parameter can be seen as an indicator for large entanglement and give hypersurfaces enclosing the set of separable states. Using methods of the classical theory of maximum likelihood estimation we prove that this parameter is decreasing with 1/\sqrt{n} for all those states which have been exposed to the environment. Furthermore we consider a Quantum Computer with perfect 1-qubit gates and 2-qubit gates with depolarizing error and show that any state which can be obtained from a separable initial state lies inbetween a family of pairs of certain hypersurfaces parallel to those enclosing the separable ones.Comment: 9 Pages, RevTe

    Complexity of decoupling and time-reversal for n spins with pair-interactions: Arrow of time in quantum control

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    Well-known Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments show that the time evolution according to (truncated) dipole-dipole interactions between n spins can be inverted by simple pulse sequences. Independent of n, the reversed evolution is only two times slower than the original one. Here we consider more general spin-spin couplings with long range. We prove that some are considerably more complex to invert since the number of required time steps and the slow-down of the reversed evolutions are necessarily of the order n. Furthermore, the spins have to be addressed separately. We show for which values of the coupling parameters the phase transition between simple and complex time-reversal schemes occurs.Comment: Completely rewritten, new lower bounds on the number of time steps, applications and references adde

    Relating the thermodynamic arrow of time to the causal arrow

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    Consider a Hamiltonian system that consists of a slow subsystem S and a fast subsystem F. The autonomous dynamics of S is driven by an effective Hamiltonian, but its thermodynamics is unexpected. We show that a well-defined thermodynamic arrow of time (second law) emerges for S whenever there is a well-defined causal arrow from S to F and the back-action is negligible. This is because the back-action of F on S is described by a non-globally Hamiltonian Born-Oppenheimer term that violates the Liouville theorem, and makes the second law inapplicable to S. If S and F are mixing, under the causal arrow condition they are described by microcanonic distributions P(S) and P(S|F). Their structure supports a causal inference principle proposed recently in machine learning.Comment: 10 page

    Universal quantum interfaces

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    To observe or control a quantum system, one must interact with it via an interface. This letter exhibits simple universal quantum interfaces--quantum input/output ports consisting of a single two-state system or quantum bit that interacts with the system to be observed or controlled. It is shown that under very general conditions the ability to observe and control the quantum bit on its own implies the ability to observe and control the system itself. The interface can also be used as a quantum communication channel, and multiple quantum systems can be connected by interfaces to become an efficient universal quantum computer. Experimental realizations are proposed, and implications for controllability, observability, and quantum information processing are explored.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    A measure of majorisation emerging from single-shot statistical mechanics

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    The use of the von Neumann entropy in formulating the laws of thermodynamics has recently been challenged. It is associated with the average work whereas the work guaranteed to be extracted in any single run of an experiment is the more interesting quantity in general. We show that an expression that quantifies majorisation determines the optimal guaranteed work. We argue it should therefore be the central quantity of statistical mechanics, rather than the von Neumann entropy. In the limit of many identical and independent subsystems (asymptotic i.i.d) the von Neumann entropy expressions are recovered but in the non-equilbrium regime the optimal guaranteed work can be radically different to the optimal average. Moreover our measure of majorisation governs which evolutions can be realized via thermal interactions, whereas the nondecrease of the von Neumann entropy is not sufficiently restrictive. Our results are inspired by single-shot information theory.Comment: 54 pages (15+39), 9 figures. Changed title / changed presentation, same main results / added minor result on pure bipartite state entanglement (appendix G) / near to published versio