20 research outputs found

    Analisis Ketersediaan Sistem Pembangkit Berbasiskan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin (PLTB) dan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS)

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    The increasing need for energy and the depletion of petroleum reserves forces people to seek alternative energy sources. Based on the above problems it is necessary to analyse of the availability of generating systems to generate electrical energy pekanbaru city. This study uses a HOMER simulation consisting of Solar Cell (PV), Wind, and Converter. Simulation results of the highest availability of solar energy at 12.00 for 3.86 kw, and wind energy at 16.00 for 3.79 kw.for grouping of the potential winds are in group II that is locations with an average wind speed of 2,5 – 4 m/s. the resulting solar energy can be used for small scale electrical energy conversion system.Design of wind turbine (PLTB) and solar power plants the most optimal based on net present cost of 53.18andcostofenergy(COE)amount506. 53.18 and cost of energy (COE) amount 506./kWh. In terms of its economy, the greater the installed renewable energy capacity, will decrease fuel USAge levels and cost incurred

    Analysis of Configuration and Performance of Arrester for Protecting Substation Against Impulse Lightning Using ATP-EMTP Software

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    Electrical energy is one of the most important and often used energy in life. Therefore to keep the availability of electricity, it takes a power company that will manage the electricity needs. One of the things that affect to the reliability of the equipment is need to know the configuration of the electrical equipment protective device. As known that transmission line is very vulnerable to lightning strikes that produce a traveling wave. It can enter the substation and make the existing equipment in danger. Based on the problems we need to analyze the configuration and performance of the arrester against the impulse lightning. This study was conducted by simulating lightning strikes on equipment using ATP-EMTP software by varying the strike and the distance of the arrester protection for protected transformer in order to get the correct distance to minimize the optimum voltage. The result of the simulation by varying the distance from 3 m, 6.7 m, 9 m, 15 m, 21 m, 27 m, 28.5 m, the safer distance and the smaller peak voltage which is protected by the arrester to the transformer is 21 meters from the current variation at 10 kA, 30 kA, and 60 kA where the lowest peak voltage of phases A, B, and C are compared with other distances. Then the distance 21 m better than the distance of 6.7 m used by PT.PLN (Persero) Garuda Sakti Substation

    Proteksi Panas Lebih pada Generator Berbasiskan Smart Relay

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    One of abnormal conditions that may happen when operating synchronous generator is overheating at armature winding. Therefore, this condition is needed to overcome to avoid further damage in the generator by designing and implementing smart relay based overheating protection. Temperature at armature winding is as an input of the smart relay where it was measured by using LM35DZ sensor. Magnetic contactor was used as switch, where it will open when the temperature higher then setting value. The overheat protection design was implemented successfully where it can trip (disconnect generator from the system by opening magnetic contactor) when the armature winding temperature is higher than 60° C

    Rancang Bangun Aerator Menggunakan Penggerak Motor Satu Fasa dan Sistem Otomatisasi Berbasis Smart Relay

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    Oxigen in the water is obtained from 2 processes specifically the first is, photosynthesis by water plants and the second is aeration which included in the diffusion process. Aerator is a device that serves to produce oxygen through the diffusion process for the needs of living creatures in the water. Aerators themselves have several types, those are ; gravity aerator (gravity influence), surface aerator (surface), diffusier aerator (mixing), turbine aerator (windmill), and combination. The aerators which designed here are aerator type of turbine (turbine aerator) similar to the aerator used in the research area generally. The purpose in the making of an aerator with this automatic system is to simplify the management and also to reduce the operational costs of the ponds. Aerator is made using 2 pieces of waterwheel with each pin having the same 6 blades with a mill used in ponds at the research site. As the basis of the automation system, the aerator is a smart relay programmed with 2 input which are the light sensor and the sensor temperature parameters in the programming obtained from the results of research on dissolved oxygen levels in the water. From the results of the testing, when dissolved oxygen levels are relatively high in the range of 30mg/L light intensity > 100,000 lux and for temperature 350 C

    Effect Of Solar Radiation On Module Photovoltaics 100 Wp With Variation of Module Slope Angle

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    Solar photovoltaic generation system is a very promising type of renewable energy, particularly when it is implemented in the tropical country like Indonesia where it receives a huge amount of sunshine. Solar photovoltaic generation system can be utilised to supply power for different types of consumer, namely utility grids, industrials as well as household. This article discusses the effect solar radiation to the photovoltaic module with different slope angles namely; 300, 400 and 500 respectively. It was used a 100 Wp solar module in the research. It is not only the slope angle of module analysed in this article but also the weather condition such as: sunny or cloudy conditions. The performances of solar photovoltaic at temperature ranging from 280C to 500C are analysed significantly. The results showed that the above conditions affected the voltage generated by solar photovoltaic system. Finally, the results of this test will be compared with the simulation results of photovoltaic system modeling using Matlab/Simulink

    Tinjauan Kesehatan Mental Psikoanalisis Terhadap Sikap Nrimo Dalam Novel Nenek Hebat Dari Saga Karya Yoshichi Shimada

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    Agus Iswadi (, Tinjauan Kesehatan Mental Psikoanalisis Terhadap Sikap Nrimo Dalam Novel Nenek Hebat Dari Saga Karya Yoshichi Shimada: Skrispsi: Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Surakarta, April 2017 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan bagaimana tinjauan kesehatan mental psikoanalisis terhadap sikap nrimo dalam novel Nenek Hebat Dari Saga karya Yoshichi Shimada. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan mengkategorikan data berupa teks maupun dialog dalam novel Nenek Hebat Dari Saga adapun konsep nrimo yang terdapat di dalamnya yaitu diantaranya sikap nrimo sebagai sumber ketentraman batin, sikap nrimo sebagai awal pengendalian diri dan sikap nrimo sebagai bentuk syukur. Selanjutnya dalam kesehatan mental psikoanalisis, fungsi ego adalah mengkoordinasikan antara tuntutan yang keluar dari Id dan superegodemi terwujudnya keseimbangan dalam diri. Selain itu untuk menjaga keseimbangan diri dalam psikoanalisis juga terdapat mekanisme pertahanan ego dalam meredam kecemasan akibat tuntutan Id yang tak tersalurkan. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa sikap nrimo bukan merupakan sikap yang pasif dengan menerima apa adanya, melainkan sikap nrimo adalah sebuah sikap untuk bertahan hidup dengan menerima dan menyadari kondisi diri (ego) secara spiritual-psikologis (superego) terhadap suatu kondisi/keadaan yang terjadi di luar dugaan tanpa adanya penolakan terhadapnya (akibat tuntutan Id). Sehingga orang yang nrimo akan mempunyai mental sehat yang membentuk pandangan positif dalam melihat realitas yang terjadi. Kata kunci: kesehatan mental psikoanalisis, nrimo, Novel Nenek Hebat Dari Sag