137 research outputs found
Nuclear Clusters as a Probe for Expansion Flow in Heavy Ion Reactions at 10-15AGeV
A phase space coalescence description based on the Wigner-function method for
cluster formation in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions is presented. The
momentum distributions of nuclear clusters d,t and He are predicted for central
Au(11.6AGeV)Au and Si(14.6AGeV)Si reactions in the framework of the RQMD
transport approach. Transverse expansion leads to a strong shoulder-arm shape
and different inverse slope parameters in the transverse spectra of nuclear
clusters deviating markedly from thermal distributions. A clear ``bounce-off''
event shape is seen: the averaged transverse flow velocities in the reaction
plane are for clusters larger than for protons. The cluster yields
--particularly at low at midrapidities-- and the in-plane (anti)flow of
clusters and pions change if suitably strong baryon potential interactions are
included. This allows to study the transient pressure at high density via the
event shape analysis of nucleons, nucleon clusters and other hadrons.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX type, eps used, subm. to Phys. Rev.
What determines the motivation for further training? Results from a factorial survey among jobseekers
Publically sponsored further trainings for the unemployed are an important measure of active labour market policies (ALMP) in Germany. Current discussions within this context also focus on the willingness to participate, which is an important prerequisite for the success of the programs. Financial incentives may foster both participation and successful completion, thereby reducing opportunity costs of these measures. We investigate the question what factors determine the motivation to participate by conducting a CATI survey among around 4000 unemployed persons from the unemployment insurance system (Social Code III) and the means-tested basic income support system for needy recipients (Social Code II). We use a factorial survey - also known as vignette analysis - in combination with administrative data of the Federal Employment Agency (FEA), the latter providing detailed information about the individual labour market history. Multivariate analyses suggest that a program's duration, monthly bonus payments in addition to regular unemployment benefits, future job prospects and gratifications for successful completion influence the probability of participation mostly in the theoretically expected way
Moritzoppia keilbachi
Moritzoppia keilbachi (MORITZ, 1969) H a b i t a t b i n d u n g: vorwiegendinWiesenund Waldböden. A l l g e m e i n e V e r b r e i t u n g: Österreich: Trockenrasen in Nordtirol (SCHATZ 2005), Trockenrasen in Kärnten (PERLINGER & SCHATZ 2009), Niederösterreich: in mehreren Höhlen (BRUCKNER 1995). Ungarn: Nordost-Ungarn (MAHUNKA & MAHUNKA- PAPP 2004). Paläarktis: Mittel-, Nord-, West-, Süd-, Südosteuropa, Kaukasus, Sibirien, Mongolei. Neumeldung für das Burgenland.Published as part of Schatz, H. & Hofstätter, S., 2014, Hornmilben (Acari, Oribatida) aus dem Europa-Schutzgebiet Zurndorfer Eichenwald (Burgenland, Österreich), pp. 1775-1793 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2) on page 1784, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.531233
Dissorhina signata
Dissorhina signata (SCHWALBE, 1989) H a b i t a t b i n d u n g: unklar (WEIGMANN 2006); silvicol? xerothermophil? (eigene Befunde). A l l g e m e i n e V e r b r e i t u n g: Mitteleuropa: Deutschland (Erzgebirge locus typicus, SCHWALBE 1989), Schweiz: Graubünden, Norditalien: Südtirol, Trentino, Süd-, Südosteuropa; "südliche Art?". Neumeldung für das Burgenland und Österreich (unpublizierter Fund in Trockenrasen in Nordtirol, Kaunerberg).Published as part of Schatz, H. & Hofstätter, S., 2014, Hornmilben (Acari, Oribatida) aus dem Europa-Schutzgebiet Zurndorfer Eichenwald (Burgenland, Österreich), pp. 1775-1793 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2) on page 1784, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.531233
Sellnickochthonius rostratus
Sellnickochthonius rostratus (JACOT, 1936) Z u r n d o r f e r E i c h e n w a l d: vereinzelt (5 Individuen). H a b i t a t b i n d u n g: infeuchtenWiesen-und Waldböden. A l l g e m e i n e V e r b r e i t u n g: Österreich: Funde in Nordtirol (Innsbruck, vgl. SCHATZ 1983); auch in Italien / Südtirol: Schlern – Gipfelplateau (SCHATZ 2008). Östliches Ungarn (MAHUNKA & MAHUNKA- PAPP 2004). Holarktis: Mittel-, Nord-, Süd-, Südosteuropa, Sibirien, Ostasien, Japan, Canada. Neumeldung für das Burgenland.Published as part of Schatz, H. & Hofstätter, S., 2014, Hornmilben (Acari, Oribatida) aus dem Europa-Schutzgebiet Zurndorfer Eichenwald (Burgenland, Österreich), pp. 1775-1793 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2) on page 1782, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.531233
Hornmilben (Acari, Oribatida) aus dem Europa-Schutzgebiet Zurndorfer Eichenwald (Burgenland, Ă–sterreich)
Schatz, H., Hofstätter, S. (2014): Hornmilben (Acari, Oribatida) aus dem Europa-Schutzgebiet Zurndorfer Eichenwald (Burgenland, Österreich). Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2): 1775-1793, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.531233
Coronoquadroppia monstruosa
Coronoquadroppia monstruosa (HAMMER, 1979) Z u r n d o r f e r E i c h e n w a l d: vereinzelt (3 Individuen). H a b i t a t b i n d u n g: inhumusreichenWaldböden. A l l g e m e i n e V e r b r e i t u n g: Österreich:wenigMeldungen, wahrscheinlich mehrfach verkannt und mit nachfolgender Art verwechselt; Vorarlberg (SCHATZ & FISCHER 2013), Trockenrasen in Nordtirol (Schatz unpubl.), Trockenrasen in Kärnten (PERLINGER & SCHATZ 2009), Hundsheimer Berge (SCHATZ & FISCHER 2007). Ungarn: Fertö-Hanság Nationalpark (MAHUNKA & MAHUNKA- PAPP 2002). Holarktis, Orientalis: Mittel-, Süd-, Westeuropa, Ostasien (Java, locus typicus), östliche USA: North Carolina; "südliche Art". Neumeldung für das Burgenland.Published as part of Schatz, H. & Hofstätter, S., 2014, Hornmilben (Acari, Oribatida) aus dem Europa-Schutzgebiet Zurndorfer Eichenwald (Burgenland, Österreich), pp. 1775-1793 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2) on page 1783, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.531233
Ramusella elliptica
Ramusella elliptica (BERLESE, 1908) Z u r n d o r f e r E i c h e n w a l d: vereinzelt (2 Individuen). H a b i t a t b i n d u n g: inMoospölstern,vorwiegendimhumusreichenWaldböden, eher hygrophil. A l l g e m e i n e V e r b r e i t u n g: südliche Holarktis: Mittel-, West, Süd-, Südwest-, Südosteuropa, Makaronesien, Vorderasien (Türkei, Iran), Orientalis: Vietnam, südwestliche USA: New Mexico? (sp. cf. elliptica), Costa Rica; "südliche Art". Neumeldung für das Burgenland und Österreich (unpublizierte Funde in Trockenrasen in Nordtirol, Kaunerberg und Zirl).Published as part of Schatz, H. & Hofstätter, S., 2014, Hornmilben (Acari, Oribatida) aus dem Europa-Schutzgebiet Zurndorfer Eichenwald (Burgenland, Österreich), pp. 1775-1793 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2) on page 1784, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.531233
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