666 research outputs found

    Theory of the Reentrant Charge-Order Transition in the Manganites

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    A theoretical model for the reentrant charge-order transition in the manganites is examined. This transition is studied with a purely electronic model for the Mn electrons: the extended Hubbard model. The electron-phonon coupling results in a large nearest-neighbor repulsion between electrons. Using a finite-temperature Lanczos technique, the model is diagonalized on a 16-site periodic cluster to calculate the temperature-dependent phase boundary between the charge-ordered and homogeneous phases. A reentrant transition is found. The results are discussed with respect to the specific topology of the 16-site cluster.Comment: 3 pages, 2 ps figures included in text, submitted to the 8th MMM-Intermag conferenc

    Variational state based on the Bethe ansatz solution and a correlated singlet liquid state in the one-dimensional t-J model

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    The one-dimensional t-J model is investigated by the variational Monte Carlo method. A variational wave function based on the Bethe ansatz solution is newly proposed, where the spin-charge separation is realized, and a long-range correlation factor of Jastrow-type is included. In most regions of the phase diagram, this wave function provides an excellent description of the ground-state properties characterized as a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid; Both of the amplitude and exponent of correlation functions are correctly reproduced. For the spin-gap phase, another trial state of correlated singlet pairs with a Jastrow factor is introduced. This wave function shows generalized Luther-Emery liquid behavior, exhibiting enhanced superconducting correlations and exponential decay of the spin correlation function. Using these two variational wave functions, the whole phase diagram is determined. In addition, relations between the correlation exponent and variational parameters in the trial functions are derived.Comment: REVTeX 3.0, 27 pages. 7 figures available upon request ([email protected]). To be published in Phys. Rev. B 5

    Luttinger Liquid Instability in the One Dimensional t-J Model

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    We study the t-J model in one dimension by numerically projecting the true ground state from a Luttinger liquid trial wave function. We find the model exhibits Luttinger liquid behavior for most of the phase diagram in which interaction strength and density are varied. However at small densities and high interaction strengths a new phase with a gap to spin excitations and enhanced superconducting correlations is found. We show this phase is a Luther-Emery liquid and study its correlation functions.Comment: REVTEX, 11 pages. 4 Figures available on request from [email protected]

    Spin transition in Gd3_3N@C80_{80}, detected by low-temperature on-chip SQUID technique

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    We present a magnetic study of the Gd3_3N@C80_{80} molecule, consisting of a Gd-trimer via a Nitrogen atom, encapsulated in a C80_{80} cage. This molecular system can be an efficient contrast agent for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) applications. We used a low-temperature technique able to detect small magnetic signals by placing the sample in the vicinity of an on-chip SQUID. The technique implemented at NHMFL has the particularity to operate in high magnetic fields of up to 7 T. The Gd3_3N@C80_{80} shows a paramagnetic behavior and we find a spin transition of the Gd3_3N structure at 1.2 K. We perform quantum mechanical simulations, which indicate that one of the Gd ions changes from a 8S7/2^8S_{7/2} state (L=0,S=7/2L=0, S=7/2) to a 7F6^7F_{6} state (L=S=3,J=6L=S=3, J=6), likely due to a charge transfer between the C80_{80} cage and the ion

    Latitudinal variation of freeze tolerance in intertidal marine snails of the genus melampus (Gastropoda: Ellobiidae)

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    Low temperatures limit the poleward distribution of many species such that the expansion of geographic range can only be accomplished via evolutionary innovation. We have tested for physiological differences among closely related species to determine whether their poleward latitudinal ranges are limited by tolerance to cold. We measured lower temperature tolerance (LT50) among a group of intertidal pulmonate snails from six congeneric species and nine locales. Differences in tolerance are placed in the context of a molecular phylogeny based on one mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) and two nuclear (histone 3 and a mitochondrial phosphate carrier protein) markers. Temperate species from two separate lineages had significantly lower measures of LT50 than related tropical species. Range differences within the temperate zone, however, were not explained by LT50. These results show that multiple adaptations to cold and freezing may have enabled range expansions out of the tropics in Melampus. However, northern range limits within temperate species are not governed by cold tolerance alone. © 2014 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved

    Phase separation at all interaction strengths in the t-J model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of the two-dimensional t-J model using a recently developed Green's Function Monte Carlo method for lattice fermions. We use the technique to calculate exact ground-state energies of the model on large lattices. In contrast to many previous studies, we find the model phase separates for all values of J/t. In particular, it is unstable at the hole dopings and interaction strengths at which the model was thought to describe the cuprate superconductors.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 3 figures. Some minor changes were made to the text and figures, and some references were adde

    Formation of clusters in the ground state of the t−Jt-J model on a two leg ladder

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    We investigate the ground state properties of the t−Jt-J model on a two leg ladder with anisotropic couplings (t,α=J/tt,\alpha=J/t) along rungs and (t′,α′=J′/t′t',\alpha'=J'/t') along legs. We have implemented a cluster approach based on 4-site plaqettes. In the strong asymmetric cases α/α′≪1\alpha/\alpha'\ll 1 and α′/α≪1\alpha'/\alpha\ll 1 the ground state energy is well described by plaquette clusters with charges Q=2,4Q=2,4. The interaction between the clusters favours the condensation of plaquettes with maximal charge -- a signal for phase separation. The dominance of Q=2 plaquettes explains the emergence of tightly bound hole pairs. We have presented the numerical results of exact diagonalization to support our cluster approach.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, RevTex

    Getting a grip at the edge: recolonization and introgression in eastern Pacific Porites corals

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    © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Aim: To infer species identity, population isolation, and geographical variation in inter-specific hybridization among corals of the genus Porites from the central and eastern tropical Pacific, with a focus on the timing of separation between populations of P. evermanni and P. lobata divided by the Eastern Pacific Barrier. Location: Hawaii, American Samoa, Panama and the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. Methods: Maximum likelihood gene trees were obtained for mitochondrial DNA (COI), the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and 5 single-copy nuclear (scn) gene regions. Allelic networks were used to group multi-locus scn data into species clusters despite some allele sharing. Coalescent analyses (IMa2) of the 5 scn markers were used to estimate the time of population divergence and test for introgression between P. evermanni and P. lobata. Results: Allelic networks based on scn gene sequences agreed with mtCOI and ITS designations. Divergence times between Hawaiian and eastern Pacific populations are consistent with an early Pleistocene recolonization of the eastern Pacific by P. evermanni followed by a more recent arrival of P. lobata. The two species were fully isolated in Hawaii/American Samoa populations, but introgression from P. evermanni into P. lobata was evident in the eastern Pacific. Main conclusions: These results are consistent with a scenario where a bout of introgression with P. evermanni, an early-arriving colonizer of the eastern Pacific suited to marginal environmental conditions, facilitated the later colonization of the more sensitive P. lobata

    Green's Function Monte Carlo for Lattice Fermions: Application to the t-J Model

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    We develop a general numerical method to study the zero temperature properties of strongly correlated electron models on large lattices. The technique, which resembles Green's Function Monte Carlo, projects the ground state component from a trial wave function with no approximations. We use this method to determine the phase diagram of the two-dimensional t-J model, using the Maxwell construction to investigate electronic phase separation. The shell effects of fermions on finite-sized periodic lattices are minimized by keeping the number of electrons fixed at a closed-shell configuration and varying the size of the lattice. Results obtained for various electron numbers corresponding to different closed-shells indicate that the finite-size effects in our calculation are small. For any value of interaction strength, we find that there is always a value of the electron density above which the system can lower its energy by forming a two-component phase separated state. Our results are compared with other calculations on the t-J model. We find that the most accurate results are consistent with phase separation at all interaction strengths.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figure

    Stripes due to the next-nearest neighbor exchange in high-Tc cuprates

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    We propose a possible mechanism of the charge stripe order due to the next-nearest neighbor exchange interaction J' in the two-dimensional t-J model, based on the concept of the phase separation. We also calculate some hole correlation functions of the finite cluster of the model using the numerical diagonalization, to examine the realization of the mechanism. It is also found that the next-nearest neighbor hopping t' suppresses the stripe order induced by the present mechanism for t'0.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, with 5 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications (April 1, 2001
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