548 research outputs found

    Optical conductivity study of screening of many-body effects in graphene interfaces

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    Theoretical studies have shown that electron-electron (e-e) and electron-hole (e-h) interactions play important roles in many observed quantum properties of graphene making this an ideal system to study many body effects. In this report we show that spectroscopic ellipsometry can enable us to measure this interactions quantitatively. We present spectroscopic data in two extreme systems of graphene on quartz (GOQ), an insulator, and graphene on copper (GOC), a metal which show that for GOQ, both e-e and e-h interactions dominate while for GOC e-h interactions are screened. The data further enables the estimation of the strength of the many body interaction through the effective fine structure constant, αg\alpha_{g}^{*}. The αg\alpha_{g}^{*} for GOQ indicates a strong correlation with an almost energy independent value of about 1.37. In contrast, αg\alpha_{g}^{*} value of GOC is photon energy dependent, is almost two orders of magnitude lower at low energies indicating very weak correlation.Comment: Main Article (4 pages, 4 figures); Supporting Online Material (12 pages, 9 figures

    Hybrid Spectral-IRDx: Near-IR and Ultrasound Attenuation System for Differentiating Breast Cancer from Adjacent Normal Tissue

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    OBJECTIVE: While performing surgical excision for breast cancer (lumpectomy), it is important to ensure a clear margin of normal tissue around the cancer to achieve complete resection. The current standard is histopathology; however, it is time-consuming and labour-intensive requiring skilled personnel. METHOD: We describe a Hybrid Spectral-IRDx - a combination of the previously reported Spectral-IRDx tool with multimodal ultrasound and NIR spectroscopy techniques. We show how this portable, cost-effective, minimal-contact tool could provide rapid diagnosis of cancer using formalin-fixed (FF) and deparaffinized (DP) breast biopsy tissues. RESULTS: Using this new tool, measurements were performed on cancerous/fibroadenoma and its adjacent normal tissues from the same patients (N=14). The acoustic attenuation coefficient () and reduced scattering coefficient (s) (at 850, 940, and 1060 nm) for the cancerous/fibroadenoma tissues were reported to be higher compared to adjacent normal tissues, a basis of delineation. Comparing FF cancerous and adjacent normal tissue, the difference in s at 850 nm and 940 nm were statistically significant (p=3.17e-2 and 7.94e-3 respectively). The difference in between the cancerous and adjacent normal tissues for DP and FF tissues were also statistically significant (p=2.85e-2 and 7.94e-3 respectively). Combining multimodal parameters and s (at 940 nm) show highest statistical significance (p=6.72e-4) between FF cancerous/fibroadenoma and adjacent normal tissues. CONCLUSION: We show that Hybrid Spectral-IRDx can accurately delineate between cancerous and adjacent normal breast biopsy tissue. SIGNIFICANCE: The results obtained establish the proof-of-principle and large-scale testing of this multimodal breast cancer diagnostic platform for core biopsy diagnosis

    Optimization of process parameters for improved production of bioactive metabolite by a novel endophytic fungus Fusarium sp. DF2 isolated from Taxus wallichiana of North East India

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    An endophytic fungus having antifungal and antibacterial properties was isolated from Taxus wallichiana of Arunachal Pradesh, India. On the basis of morphological and molecular characteristics, the fungus was identified as Fusarium sp. and designated as DF2. The fungus was optimized for growth and maximum production of the antimicrobial agent. Media with 5% leaf extract (w/v) supplemented with 0.1% dextrose as carbon and yeast extract as nitrogen source favored the growth with temperature optimum 25 ± 2°C and pH 6. Incubation period of 10 days was observed optimum for growth and production of antimicrobial agent. Phenylalanine and dextrose enriched basal medium promoted the antimicrobial agent production, whereas methionine amended in combination with glucose promoted higher biomass accumulation. The TLC purified active compound with UV λ-max 270 nm in ethyl acetate has got the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and highest against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Optical spectroscopy-based imaging techniques for the diagnosis of breast cancer: A novel approach

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    There have been substantial advancements in optical spectroscopy-based imaging techniques in recent years. These developments can potentially herald a transformational change in the diagnostic pathway for diseases such as cancer. In this paper, we review the clinical and engineering aspects of novel optical spectroscopy-based imaging tools. We provide a comprehensive analysis of optical and non-optical spectroscopy-based breast cancer diagnosis techniques vis-à-vis the current standard techniques such as X-Ray mammography, ultrasonography, and tissue biopsy. The recent advancements in optical spectroscopy-based imaging systems such as Transillumination Imaging (TI) and the various types of Diffuse Optical Imaging (DOI) systems (parallel-plate, bed-based, and handheld) are examined. The engineering aspects, including mechanical, electronics, optics, automatic interpretation using artificial intelligence (AI), and ergonomics are discussed. The abilities of these technologies for measuring several cancer biomarkers such as hemoglobin, water, lipid, collagen, oxygen saturation (SO2), and tissue oxygenation index (TOI) are investigated. This article critically assesses the diagnostic ability and practical deployment of these new technologies to differentiate between the normal and cancerous tissue

    Inheritance study and stable sources of maydis leaf blight (Cochliobolus heterostrophus) resistance in tropical maize germplasm

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    Maydis leaf blight (MLB), a serious foliar fungal disease of maize, may cause up to 40% losses in yield. The present studies were undertaken to identify the stable sources of MLB resistance, its inheritance study, and testing of MLB resistance linked markers from diverse background in the Indian adapted tropical maize genotypes. A set of 112 inbred lines were screened under artificially created epiphytotics conditions at three hotspot locations. Analysis across multi-locations revealed significant effects of genotypes and environments, and non-significant effects due to genotypes × environment interaction on disease incidence. A total of 25 inbred lines with stable resistance were identified across multi-locations. Inheritance of resistance was studied in six F1s and two F2s of resistant and susceptible parents. The null hypothesis of segregation of resistance and susceptible for mono and digenic ratios in two F2 populations was rejected by Chi-square test. The non-significant differences among the reciprocal crosses depicted the complete control of nuclear genome for MLB resistance. Partial dominance in F1s and normal distribution pattern in F2s of resistant and susceptible parents suggested polygenic nature of MLB resistance. Correlation studies in F2 populations exhibited significant negative correlation between disease score and days to flowering. Five simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers, found associated to MLB resistance in different studies were unable to differentiate amongst MLB resistance and susceptible parents in our study. This emphasizes the need of fine mapping for MLB resistance in Indian germplasm. The identified stable sources of resistance and information on inheritance study can be used further in strengthening of resistance breeding against MLB