263 research outputs found

    Algebraic Quantum Gravity (AQG) III. Semiclassical Perturbation Theory

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    In the two previous papers of this series we defined a new combinatorical approach to quantum gravity, Algebraic Quantum Gravity (AQG). We showed that AQG reproduces the correct infinitesimal dynamics in the semiclassical limit, provided one incorrectly substitutes the non -- Abelean group SU(2) by the Abelean group U(1)3U(1)^3 in the calculations. The mere reason why that substitution was performed at all is that in the non -- Abelean case the volume operator, pivotal for the definition of the dynamics, is not diagonisable by analytical methods. This, in contrast to the Abelean case, so far prohibited semiclassical computations. In this paper we show why this unjustified substitution nevertheless reproduces the correct physical result: Namely, we introduce for the first time semiclassical perturbation theory within AQG (and LQG) which allows to compute expectation values of interesting operators such as the master constraint as a power series in â„Ź\hbar with error control. That is, in particular matrix elements of fractional powers of the volume operator can be computed with extremely high precision for sufficiently large power of â„Ź\hbar in the â„Ź\hbar expansion. With this new tool, the non -- Abelean calculation, although technically more involved, is then exactly analogous to the Abelean calculation, thus justifying the Abelean analysis in retrospect. The results of this paper turn AQG into a calculational discipline

    On a partially reduced phase space quantisation of general relativity conformally coupled to a scalar field

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    The purpose of this paper is twofold: On the one hand, after a thorough review of the matter free case, we supplement the derivations in our companion paper on 'loop quantum gravity without the Hamiltonian constraint' with calculational details and extend the results to standard model matter, a cosmological constant, and non-compact spatial slices. On the other hand, we provide a discussion on the role of observables, focussed on the situation of a symmetry exchange, which is key to our derivation. Furthermore, we comment on the relation of our model to reduced phase space quantisations based on deparametrisation.Comment: 51 pages, 5 figures. v2: Gauge condition used shown to coincide with CMC gauge. Minor clarifications and correction

    Properties of the Volume Operator in Loop Quantum Gravity I: Results

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    We analyze the spectral properties of the volume operator of Ashtekar and Lewandowski in Loop Quantum Gravity, which is the quantum analogue of the classical volume expression for regions in three dimensional Riemannian space. Our analysis considers for the first time generic graph vertices of valence greater than four. Here we find that the geometry of the underlying vertex characterizes the spectral properties of the volume operator, in particular the presence of a `volume gap' (a smallest non-zero eigenvalue in the spectrum) is found to depend on the vertex embedding. We compute the set of all non-spatially diffeomorphic non-coplanar vertex embeddings for vertices of valence 5--7, and argue that these sets can be used to label spatial diffeomorphism invariant states. We observe how gauge invariance connects vertex geometry and representation properties of the underlying gauge group in a natural way. Analytical results on the spectrum on 4-valent vertices are included, for which the presence of a volume gap is proved. This paper presents our main results; details are provided by a companion paper arXiv:0706.0382v1.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX. See also companion paper arXiv:0706.0382v1. Version as published in CQG in 2008. See arXiv:1003.2348 for important remarks regarding the sigma configurations. Subsequent computations have revealed some minor errors, which do not change the qualitative results but modify some of the numbers presented her

    Properties of the Volume Operator in Loop Quantum Gravity II: Detailed Presentation

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    The properties of the Volume operator in Loop Quantum Gravity, as constructed by Ashtekar and Lewandowski, are analyzed for the first time at generic vertices of valence greater than four. The present analysis benefits from the general simplified formula for matrix elements of the Volume operator derived in gr-qc/0405060, making it feasible to implement it on a computer as a matrix which is then diagonalized numerically. The resulting eigenvalues serve as a database to investigate the spectral properties of the volume operator. Analytical results on the spectrum at 4-valent vertices are included. This is a companion paper to arXiv:0706.0469, providing details of the analysis presented there.Comment: Companion to arXiv:0706.0469. Version as published in CQG in 2008. More compact presentation. Sign factor combinatorics now much better understood in context of oriented matroids, see arXiv:1003.2348, where also important remarks given regarding sigma configurations. Subsequent computations revealed some minor errors, which do not change qualitative results but modify some numbers presented her

    The Holst Spin Foam Model via Cubulations

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    Spin foam models are an attempt for a covariant, or path integral formulation of canonical loop quantum gravity. The construction of such models usually rely on the Plebanski formulation of general relativity as a constrained BF theory and is based on the discretization of the action on a simplicial triangulation, which may be viewed as an ultraviolet regulator. The triangulation dependence can be removed by means of group field theory techniques, which allows one to sum over all triangulations. The main tasks for these models are the correct quantum implementation of the Plebanski constraints, the existence of a semiclassical sector implementing additional "Regge-like" constraints arising from simplicial triangulations, and the definition of the physical inner product of loop quantum gravity via group field theory. Here we propose a new approach to tackle these issues stemming directly from the Holst action for general relativity, which is also a proper starting point for canonical loop quantum gravity. The discretization is performed by means of a "cubulation" of the manifold rather than a triangulation. We give a direct interpretation of the resulting spin foam model as a generating functional for the n-point functions on the physical Hilbert space at finite regulator. This paper focuses on ideas and tasks to be performed before the model can be taken seriously. However, our analysis reveals some interesting features of this model: first, the structure of its amplitudes differs from the standard spin foam models. Second, the tetrad n-point functions admit a "Wick-like" structure. Third, the restriction to simple representations does not automatically occur -- unless one makes use of the time gauge, just as in the classical theory.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure; v3: published version. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0911.213

    Asymptotics of Spinfoam Amplitude on Simplicial Manifold: Euclidean Theory

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    We study the large-j asymptotics of the Euclidean EPRL/FK spin foam amplitude on a 4d simplicial complex with arbitrary number of simplices. We show that for a critical configuration (j_f, g_{ve}, n_{ef}) in general, there exists a partition of the simplicial complex into three regions: Non-degenerate region, Type-A degenerate region and Type-B degenerate region. On both the non-degenerate and Type-A degenerate regions, the critical configuration implies a non-degenerate Euclidean geometry, while on the Type-B degenerate region, the critical configuration implies a vector geometry. Furthermore we can split the Non-degenerate and Type-A regions into sub-complexes according to the sign of Euclidean oriented 4-simplex volume. On each sub-complex, the spin foam amplitude at critical configuration gives a Regge action that contains a sign factor sgn(V_4(v)) of the oriented 4-simplices volume. Therefore the Regge action reproduced here can be viewed as a discretized Palatini action with on-shell connection. The asymptotic formula of the spin foam amplitude is given by a sum of the amplitudes evaluated at all possible critical configurations, which are the products of the amplitudes associated to different type of geometries.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, references adde

    Loop quantum gravity without the Hamiltonian constraint

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    We show that under certain technical assumptions, including the existence of a constant mean curvature (CMC) slice and strict positivity of the scalar field, general relativity conformally coupled to a scalar field can be quantised on a partially reduced phase space, meaning reduced only with respect to the Hamiltonian constraint and a proper gauge fixing. More precisely, we introduce, in close analogy to shape dynamics, the generator of a local conformal transformation acting on both, the metric and the scalar field, which coincides with the CMC gauge condition. A new metric, which is invariant under this transformation, is constructed and used to define connection variables which can be quantised by standard loop quantum gravity methods. While it is hard to address dynamical problems in this framework (due to the complicated 'time' function), it seems, due to good accessibility properties of the CMC gauge, to be well suited for problems such as the computation of black hole entropy, where actual physical states can be counted and the dynamics is only of indirect importance. The corresponding calculation yields the surprising result that the usual prescription of fixing the Barbero-Immirzi parameter beta to a constant value in order to obtain the well-known formula S = a(Phi) A/(4G) does not work for the black holes under consideration, while a recently proposed prescription involving an analytic continuation of beta to the case of a self-dual space-time connection yields the correct result. Also, the interpretation of the geometric operators gets an interesting twist, which exemplifies the deep relationship between observables and the choice of a time function and has consequences for loop quantum cosmology.Comment: 8 pages. v2: Journal version. Black hole state counting based on physical states added. Applications to loop quantum cosmology discussed. Gauge condition used shown to coincide with CMC gauge. Minor clarifications. v3: Erroneous topology dependence of the entropy in journal version corrected, conclusions fixed accordingly. Main results unaffecte

    Algebraic Quantum Gravity (AQG) IV. Reduced Phase Space Quantisation of Loop Quantum Gravity

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    We perform a canonical, reduced phase space quantisation of General Relativity by Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) methods. The explicit construction of the reduced phase space is made possible by the combination of 1. the Brown -- Kuchar mechanism in the presence of pressure free dust fields which allows to deparametrise the theory and 2. Rovelli's relational formalism in the extended version developed by Dittrich to construct the algebra of gauge invariant observables. Since the resulting algebra of observables is very simple, one can quantise it using the methods of LQG. Basically, the kinematical Hilbert space of non reduced LQG now becomes a physical Hilbert space and the kinematical results of LQG such as discreteness of spectra of geometrical operators now have physical meaning. The constraints have disappeared, however, the dynamics of the observables is driven by a physical Hamiltonian which is related to the Hamiltonian of the standard model (without dust) and which we quantise in this paper.Comment: 31 pages, no figure

    Oriented Matroids -- Combinatorial Structures Underlying Loop Quantum Gravity

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    We analyze combinatorial structures which play a central role in determining spectral properties of the volume operator in loop quantum gravity (LQG). These structures encode geometrical information of the embedding of arbitrary valence vertices of a graph in 3-dimensional Riemannian space, and can be represented by sign strings containing relative orientations of embedded edges. We demonstrate that these signature factors are a special representation of the general mathematical concept of an oriented matroid. Moreover, we show that oriented matroids can also be used to describe the topology (connectedness) of directed graphs. Hence the mathematical methods developed for oriented matroids can be applied to the difficult combinatorics of embedded graphs underlying the construction of LQG. As a first application we revisit the analysis of [4-5], and find that enumeration of all possible sign configurations used there is equivalent to enumerating all realizable oriented matroids of rank 3, and thus can be greatly simplified. We find that for 7-valent vertices having no coplanar triples of edge tangents, the smallest non-zero eigenvalue of the volume spectrum does not grow as one increases the maximum spin \jmax at the vertex, for any orientation of the edge tangents. This indicates that, in contrast to the area operator, considering large \jmax does not necessarily imply large volume eigenvalues. In addition we give an outlook to possible starting points for rewriting the combinatorics of LQG in terms of oriented matroids.Comment: 43 pages, 26 figures, LaTeX. Version published in CQG. Typos corrected, presentation slightly extende
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