1,755 research outputs found

    Actor Ideology and Public Perception of Sand Mining Impacts on Rural Galunggung Mountain

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    Pasca erupsi, kawasan Gunung Galunggung merupakan salah satu kawasan yang menjadi arena besar pertarungan kepentingan antara pemerintah, masyarakat dan swasta. Objek pasir yang berlimpah menjadikan pertambangan skala besar hadir dan berimplikasi secara esensial terhadap kehidupan masyarakat lokal yang tidak hanya berada dekat dengan kawasan pertambangan, namun juga berada jauh dengan lokasi pertambangan. Terlebih diketahui bahwa ideologi masyarakat yang menekankan pada kesejahteraan dan populisme, berbanding terbalik dengan ideologi swasta dan pemerintah yang menekankan pada profit dan pembangunan. Dampak negatif dan positif aktivitas pertambangan mulai secara nyata dirasakan oleh masyarakat, diantaranya seperti degradasi kualitas air, tingkat pendapatan atau konflik yang secara krusial merepresentasikan respons masyarakat terhadap keberadaan Perusahaan pertambangan pasir yang telah hampir tiga puluh tahun mengeruk kawasan ini. Kata kunci: Analisis aktor, analisis dampak, pemanfaatan sumber daya alam, persepsi masyarakat, pertambangan pasi

    Hubungan antara Kecerdasan Emosi dengan Agresivitas pada Atlet Futsal

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    One of the factors that contribute to the athlete\u27s perfomance is his emotional state. Athletes who are emotionally unstable tend to be more easily expressed aggression in front of opponents. This research aims to investigate the relationship between emotional intellegence and aggressiveness among futsal athlete. It was hypothesized that there a negative relationship between emotional intelligence and aggressiveness. There were 111 futsal athletes of University X from many faculties in this research. Data analysis using Product Moment correlation technique from Pearson showed rxy=-0.488 with p<0,01 pointing out that there is significant negative correlation between emotional intelligence and aggressiveness among futsal athlete. That result proved that hypothesis was accepted

    Nombre chromosomique et caryotype de Cistus Ladanifer subsp. Africanus Dansereau (Cistaceae)

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    L’approche caryologique de Cistus ladanifer subsp. africanus Dansereau (Cistaceae) rapportée pour la première fois sur des populations du Maroc, a mis en évidence le nombre et la formule chromosomiques avec 2n = 2x = 18 = 10 m + 4 sm + 4 st ; l’existence d’un phénomène d’endomitose fréquent et la présence à la fois de cellules à chromosomes en croix et de cellules à chromosomes normaux et ceci dans un même méristème. Aussi, les deux variétés, différentes par leurs sécrétions aromatiques volatiles, ont des caryotypes similaires.The kariological approach of Cistus ladanifer subsp. africanus Dansereau (Cistaceae), reported for the fi rst time on populations of Morocco, highlighted the chromosomal number and formula (2n = 2x =18 = 10 m + 4 sm + 4 st); the existence of frequent endomitosis phenomenon’s. We have also noticed that in the same root we can fi nd two different shapes of chromosome: normal and in cross ones. Moreover, the two varieties which differ from their volatile aromatic secretions have the same karyotype

    Influence of Micro-Cantilever Geometry and Gap on Pull-in Voltage

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    In this paper, we study the behaviour of a microcantilever beam under electrostatic actuation using finite difference method. This problem has a lot of applications in MEMS based devices like accelerometers, switches and others. In this paper, we formulated the problem of a cantilever beam with proof mass at its end and carried out the finite difference solution. we studied the effects of length, width, and the gap size on the pull-in voltage using data that are available in the literature. Also, the stability limit is compared with the single degree of freedom commonly used in the earlier literature as an approximation to calculate the pull-in voltage.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Nombre chromosomique de quelques Angiospermes marocaines

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de cinco taxones pertenecientes a cinco familias de Angiospermas de Marruecos: Allium porrum 2n=32; Armeria simplex 2n=18; Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus n=28; Delphinium nanum subsp. nanum 2n=16 et Dipcadi serotinum 2n=8 et 32. Cada taxon se acompaña de una fotografía en mitosis o meiósis así como de un breve comentario."Chromosome numbers of some Moroccan angiosperm". Chromosome numbers of five taxa from five families of Moroccan angiosperms are reported: Allium porrum 2n=32; Armeria simplex 2n=18; Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus n=28; Delphinium nanum subsp. nanum 2n=16 and Dipcadi serotinum 2n=8 and 32. Mitotic or meiotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied

    Variabilité chromosomique de neuf plantes medicinales au Maroc

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de 9 taxones usados como medicinales en Marruecos: Carum carvi 2n=20; Coriandrum sativum n=11 y 2n=22; Cuminum cyminum 2n=14; Foeniculum vulgare subsp. dulce 2n=22; Nigella sativa 2n=12; Pennisetum typhoides 2n=14; Petroselinum crispum n=11 y 2n=22; Pimpinella anisum 2n=20 y Trigonella foenum-graecum 2n=16. La mayoría de estos números se indican por primera vez en poblaciones de Marruecos. Cada taxon se acompaña de una fotrografía en mitosis así como de un breve comentario.Chromosomal variability of some medicinal plants in Morocco. Chromosome numbers of nine plants used in Moroccan pharmacopoeia are reported: Carum carvi 2n=20; Coriandrum sativum n=11 and 2n=22; Cuminum cyminum 2n=14; Foeniculum vulgare subsp. dulce 2n=22; Nigella sativa 2n=12; Pennisetum typhoides 2n=14; Petroselinum crispum n=11 and 2n=22; Pimpinella anisum 2n=20 and Trigonella foenum-graecum 2n=16. Most of those numbers are reported for the first time in Moroccan populations. Mitotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied

    Symptoms of anxiety and depression among adolescents with seizures in Irbid, Northern Jordan

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    AbstractIn Jordan, individuals with epilepsy commonly attend neuropsychiatric clinics. The objective of this study was to assess the psychosocial outcome of epilepsy among adolescents. The study included 101 epileptic adolescents who attended the neurology clinic at the Princess Basma Teaching Hospital in Northern Jordan and 101 non-epileptic controls. Sociodemographic characteristics and all relevant clinical data were collected through interviewing the cases and controls. Identification of the symptoms of anxiety and depression was made according to DSM-IV criteria. The patients were age and sex matched with the controls. The controls had achieved a significantly better education ( >12 years education) than the patients with epilepsy. The adolescents with epilepsy were also shown to be disadvantaged in their living circumstances. Some of them were dependent on their parents in some daily physical activities, such as bathing, which might be a sign of overprotection by their parents. Those with epilepsy had a significantly higher tendency to develop symptoms of anxiety and depression than the control group. Moreover these psychiatric symptoms, especially anxiety symptoms, were more likely to happen when seizures had not been properly medically controlled. Overprotective parental behaviour towards their ill children could also delay their psychosocial maturation. Therefore, counselling of patients and parents about epilepsy is an important factor in the control of seizures and their sequelae
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