431 research outputs found

    Minimal Standard Heterotic String Models

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    Three generation heterotic-string vacua in the free fermionic formulation gave rise to models with solely the MSSM states in the observable Standard Model charged sector. The relation of these models to Z_2 x Z_2 orbifold compactifications dictates that they produce three pairs of untwisted Higgs multiplets. The reduction to one pair relies on the analysis of supersymmetric flat directions, that give superheavy mass to the dispensable Higgs states. We explore the removal of the extra Higgs representations by using the free fermion boundary conditions and hence directly at the string level, rather than in the effective low energy field theory. We present a general mechanism that achieves this reduction by using asymmetric boundary conditions between the left- and right-moving internal fermions. We incorporate this mechanism in explicit string models containing three twisted generations and a single untwisted Higgs doublet pair. We further demonstrate that an additional effect of the asymmetric boundary conditions is to substantially reduce the supersymmetric moduli space.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX; added reference

    Investigation of Quasi--Realistic Heterotic String Models with Reduced Higgs Spectrum

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    Quasi--realistic heterotic-string models in the free fermionic formulation typically contain an anomalous U(1), which gives rise to a Fayet-Iliopolous term that breaks supersymmetry at the one--loop level in string perturbation theory. Supersymmetry is restored by imposing F- and D-flatness on the vacuum. In Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 046009, we presented a three generation free fermionic standard-like model which did not admit stringent F- and D-flat directions, and argued that the all the moduli in the model are fixed. The particular property of the model was the reduction of the untwisted Higgs spectrum by a combination of symmetric and asymmetric boundary conditions with respect to the internal fermions associated with the compactified dimensions. In this paper we extend the analysis of free fermionic models with reduced Higgs spectrum to the cases in which the SO(10) symmetry is left unbroken, or is reduced to the flipped SU(5) subgroup. We show that all the models that we study in this paper do admit stringent flat directions. The only examples of models that do not admit stringent flat directions remain the strandard-like models of reference Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 046009.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    Spinor-Vector Duality in Heterotic String Orbifolds

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    The three generation heterotic-string models in the free fermionic formulation are among the most realistic string vacua constructed to date, which motivated their detailed investigation. The classification of free fermion heterotic string vacua has revealed a duality under the exchange of spinor and vector representations of the SO(10) GUT symmetry over the space of models. We demonstrate the existence of the spinor-vector duality using orbifold techniques, and elaborate on the relation of these vacua to free fermionic models.Comment: 20 pages. v2 minor corrections. Version to appear on JHEP. v3 misprints correcte

    On the Possibility of Optical Unification in Heterotic Strings

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    Recently J. Giedt discussed a mechanism, entitled optical unification, whereby string scale unification is facilitated via exotic matter with intermediate scale mass. This mechanism guarantees that a virtual MSSM unification below the string scale is extrapolated from the running of gauge couplings upward from M_Z^o when an intermediate scale desert is assumed. In this letter we explore the possibility of optical unification within the context of weakly coupled heterotic strings. In particular, we investigate this for models of free fermionic construction containing the NAHE set of basis vectors. This class is of particular interest for optical unification, because it provides a standard hypercharge embedding within SO(10), giving the standard k_Y = 5/3 hypercharge level, which was shown necessary for optical unification. We present a NAHE model for which the set of exotic SU(3)_C triplet/anti-triplet pairs, SU(2)_L doublets, and non-Abelian singlets with hypercharge offers the possibility of optical unification. Whether this model can realize optical unification is conditional upon these exotics not receiving Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) scale masses when a flat direction of scalar vacuum expectation values is non-perturbatively chosen to cancel the FI D-term, xi, generated by the anomalous U(1)-breaking Green-Schwarz-Dine-Seiberg-Wittten mechanism. A study of perturbative flat directions and their phenomenological implications for this model is underway. This paper is a product of the NFS Research Experiences for Undergraduates and the NSF High School Summer Science Research programs at Baylor University.Comment: 16 pages. Standard Late

    Making Ends Meet: String Unification and Low-Energy Data

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    A long-standing problem in string phenomenology has been the fact that the string unification scale disagrees with the GUT scale obtained by extrapolating low-energy data within the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). In this paper we examine several effects that may modify the minimal string predictions and thereby bring string-scale unification into agreement with low-energy data. These include heavy string threshold corrections, non-standard hypercharge normalizations, light SUSY thresholds, intermediate gauge structure, and thresholds arising from extra matter beyond the MSSM. We explicitly evaluate these contributions within a variety of realistic free-fermionic string models, including the flipped SU(5), SO(6) x SO(4), and various SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) models, and find that most of these sources do not substantially alter the minimal string predictions. Indeed, we find that the only way to reconcile string unification with low-energy data is through certain types of extra matter. Remarkably, however, many of the realistic string models contain precisely this required matter in their low-energy spectra.Comment: 10 pages, standard LaTeX, 1 figure (Encapsulated PostScript), version published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 264

    Left-Right Symmetric Heterotic-String Derived Models

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    Recently it was demonstrated that free fermionic heterotic-strings can produce models with solely the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model states in the low energy spectrum. This unprecedented result provides further strong evidence for the possibility that the true string vacuum shares some of the properties of the free fermionic models. Past free fermionic models have focused on several possible unbroken observable SO(10) subgroups at the string scale, which include the flipped SU(5) (FSU5), the Pati-Salam (PS) string models, and the string Standard-like Models (SLM). We extend this study to include the case in which the SO(10) symmetry is broken to the Left-Right Symmetric (LRS) gauge group, SO(10) -> SU(3)_C X U(1)_{B-L} X SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R. We present several models of this type and discuss their phenomenological features. The most striking new outcome of the LRS string models, in contrast to the case of the FSU5, the PS, and the SLM string models, is that they can produce effective field theories that are free of Abelian anomalies. We discuss the distinction between the two types of free fermionic models which result in the presence, or absence, of an anomalous U(1). As a counter example we also present a LRS model that does contain an anomalous U(1). Additionally, we discuss how in string models the Standard Model spectrum may arise from the three \mbf 16 representations of SO(10), while the weak-hypercharge does not have the canonical SO(10) embedding.Comment: 39 pages. Standard Latex. Version to appear in PR

    Grand Unification with Three Generations in Free Fermionic String Models

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    We examine the problem of constructing three generation free fermionic string models with grand unified gauge groups. We attempt the construction of GĂ—GG\times G models, where GG is a grand unified group realized at level 1. This structure allows those Higgs representations to appear which are necessary to break the symmetry down to the standard model gauge group. For G=SO(10)G=SO(10), we find only models with an even number of generations. However, for G=SU(5)G=SU(5) we find a number of 3 generation models.Comment: 22 pages, latex. References added to original versio

    Dynamical supersymmetry breaking in a superstring inspired model

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    We present a dilaton dominated scenario for supersymmetry breaking in a recently constructed realistic superstring inspired model with an anomalous U(1) symmetry. Supersymmetry is broken via gaugino condensation due to a confining SU(Nc) gauge group in the hidden sector. In particular, we find that by imposing on the model the phenomenological constraint of the absence of observed flavor changing neutral currents, there is a range of parameters related to the hidden sector and the Kahler potential for which we obtain a low energy spectrum consistent with present experimental bounds. As an illustrative example, we derive the low energy spectrum of a specific model. We find that the LSP is the lightest neutralino with a mass of 53 GeV and the lightest Higgs has a mass of 104 GeV.Comment: 13 page

    Interpolating Boundary Conditions on AdS2AdS_2

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    We consider two instances of boundary conditions for massless scalars on AdS2AdS_2 that interpolate between the Dirichlet and Neumann cases while preserving scale invariance. Assessing invariance under the full SL(2;\mathds{R}) conformal group is not immediate given their non-local nature. To further clarify this issue, we compute holographically 2- and 4-point correlation functions using the aforementioned boundary conditions and study their transformation properties. Concretely, motivated by the dual description of some multi-parametric families of Wilson loops in ABJM theory, we look at the excitations of an open string around an AdS2⊂AdS4×CP3AdS_2\subset AdS_4\times\mathbb{CP}^3 worldsheet, thus obtaining correlators of operators inserted along a 11-dimensional defect in N=6{\cal N}=6 super Chern-Simons-matter theory at strong coupling. Of the two types of boundary conditions analyzed, only one leads to the expected functional structure for conformal primaries; the other exhibits covariance under translations and rescalings but not under special conformal transformations

    The Vacuum Structure and Spectrum of N=2 Supersymmetric SU(N) Gauge Theory

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    We present an exact description of the metric on the moduli space of vacua and the spectrum of massive states for four dimensional N=2 supersymmetric SU(n) gauge theories. The moduli space of quantum vacua is identified with the moduli space of a special set of genus n-1 hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex, 2 figures. Reference adde
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