1,811,732 research outputs found
Citric Acid and Microbial Phytase Inclusion in the Diet to Improve Utilization Phytate Phosporus and Growth of Broiler
Penelitian ini menggunakan anak ayam umur 3 sampai dengan 38 hari (180 ekor) dan 7 sampai dengan 42 hari (180 ekor). Ayam diberi ransum A, B, dan C yang berbahan dasar jagung (CSM) dan ransum E, F, dan G yang berbahan dasar gandum (WSM) yang diberi perlakuan penambahan steam pada suhu 1000C selama 10 menit. Semua ransum ditambah enzim fitase (SP-1002 ct) sebanyak 500 U/kg dan dibuat dalam bentuk pelet. Khusus ransum C dan G ditambah asam sitrat. Kandungan fosfor total ransum adalah 4,5 g/kg dan fosfor tersedia adalah 1,5 g/kg (defisien P). Bobot badan harian adalah 36, 34, dan 45 g/hari untuk ayam yang diberi ransum A, B, dan C dan 54, 46, dan 55 g/hari untuk ransum E, F, dan G. Deposisi fosfor total adalah 5,75; 5,36; dan 6,99 g berturut-turut untuk ransum A, B dan C dan 8,15; 6,90; dan 7,77 g untuk E, F, dan G. Penambahan asam sitrat dalam ransum CSM yang mengandung enzim fitase rendah mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan deposisi fosfor. Pada ransum WSM, perlakuan panas menyebabkan penurunan aktifitas fitase dan penurunan ini tidak dapat digantikan dengan penambahan enzim fitase (microbial phytase) akan tetapi dapat digantikan dengan penambahan asam sitrat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa asam sitrat berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi enzim fitase (microbial phytase) dalam mendegradasi senyawa fitat di dalam saluran pencernaan
Simulation of interaction Hamiltonians by quantum feedback: a comment on the dynamics of information exchange between coupled systems
Since quantum feedback is based on classically accessible measurement
results, it can provide fundamental insights into the dynamics of quantum
systems by making available classical information on the evolution of system
properties and on the conditional forces acting on the system. In this paper,
the feedback-induced interaction dynamics between a pair of quantum systems is
analyzed. It is pointed out that any interaction Hamiltonian can be simulated
by local feedback if the levels of decoherence are sufficiently high. The
boundary between genuine entanglement generating quantum interactions and
non-entangling classical interactions is identified and the nature of the
information exchange between two quantum systems during an interaction is
discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; invited paper for the special issue of J. Opt. B
on quantum contro
Parallel plate viscometer Patent
Describing instrument capable of measuring true shear viscosity of liquids and viscoelastic material
Minority Game With Peer Pressure
To study the interplay between global market choice and local peer pressure,
we construct a minority-game-like econophysical model. In this so-called
networked minority game model, every selfish player uses both the historical
minority choice of the population and the historical choice of one's neighbors
in an unbiased manner to make decision. Results of numerical simulation show
that the level of cooperation in the networked minority game differs remarkably
from the original minority game as well as the prediction of the
crowd-anticrowd theory. We argue that the deviation from the crowd-anticrowd
theory is due to the negligence of the effect of a four point correlation
function in the effective Hamiltonian of the system.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures in revtex 4.
Precambrian Evolution of North and North-East Greenland: Crystalline Basement and Sedimentary Basins
Inverse Avalanches On Abelian Sandpiles
A simple and computationally efficient way of finding inverse avalanches for
Abelian sandpiles, called the inverse particle addition operator, is presented.
In addition, the method is shown to be optimal in the sense that it requires
the minimum amount of computation among methods of the same kind. The method is
also conceptually nice because avalanche and inverse avalanche are placed in
the same footing.Comment: 5 pages with no figure IASSNS-HEP-94/7
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