2,797 research outputs found

    Principles to Guide the Office of Legal Counsel

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    Former members of Office of Legal Counsel ( OLC ) in the Department of Justice offer guidance for their successors. Among the document\u27s recommendations are suggestions that the OLC provide an accurate and honest appraisal of applicable law, even if that advice will constrain the administration’s pursuit of desired policies; and publicly disclose its written legal opinions in a timely manner, absent strong reasons for delay or nondisclosure

    UV radiation below an Arctic vortex with severe ozone depletion

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    The erythemally weighted (UV) irradiance below the severely depleted Arctic vortices in spring 1996 and 1997 were substantially elevated. On average the UV increased 36 and 33% relative to the 1979-1981 mean assuming clear skies from day 80-100 in 1996 and 1997, respectively. On clear sky days large regions of the Arctic experienced maximum UV increases exceeding 70 and 50% on single days in 1996 and 1997, respectively. A minor fraction of these increases are not anthropogenic and have a dynamical origin as seen by comparison to 1982, when hardly any ozone depletion is expected

    Defensin-rich granules of human neutrophils: characterization of secretory properties

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    AbstractThe various granule subtypes of the human neutrophil differ in propensity for exocytosis. As a rule, granules formed at late stages of myelopoiesis have a higher secretory potential than granules formed in more immature myeloid cells. Neutrophils contain four closely related α-defensins, which are stored in a subset of azurophil granules. These defensin-rich azurophil granules (DRG) are formed later than defensin-poor azurophil granules, near the promyelocyte/myelocyte transition. In order to characterize the secretory properties of DRG, we developed a sensitive and accurate ELISA for detection of the neutrophil α-defensins HNP 1–3. This allowed us to quantify the exocytosis of α-defensins and markers of azurophil (myeloperoxidase), specific (lactoferrin) and gelatinase (gelatinase) granules from neutrophils stimulated with different secretagogues. The release pattern of α-defensins correlated perfectly with the release of myeloperoxidase and showed no resemblance to the exocytosis of lactoferrin or gelatinase. This finding was substantiated through subcellular fractionation experiments. In conclusion, despite a distinct profile of biosynthesis, DRG are indistinguishable from defensin-poor azurophil granules with respect to exocytosis. Thus, in contrast to peroxidase-negative granules, azurophil granules display homogeneity in their availability for extracellular release

    Role of the metal cation in the dehydration of the microporous metal–organic frameworks CPO-27-M

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    The dehydration of the CPO-27-M (M-MOF-74, M = Zn, Co, Ni, Mg, Mn, Cu) metal-organic framework series has been investigated comprehensively using in situ variable temperature powder X-ray diffraction (VT-PXRD) and thermal analysis (TG) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS). Significant differences in the order of water desorption from different adsorption sites on heating are found with varying metal cation in the otherwise isostructural material. For all CPO-27-M (except M = Cu), water is bonded significantly more strongly to the accessible open metal sites, and these water molecules are only desorbed at higher temperatures than the other water molecules. CPO-27-Cu is an exception, where all water molecules desorb simultaneously and at much lower temperatures (below 340 K). MS and TG data show that all CPO-27-M start to release traces of CO2 already at 300–350 K, and thus long before bulk thermal decomposition is observed. Only for CPO-27-Co, the CO2 release is essentially constant on its baseline between 450 and 700 K, and it is the only CPO-27-M member that shows a stable plateau in the TG in this region. Additional rehydration studies on CPO-27-Co show that the MOF incorporates any water molecules present until the pores are fully loaded. CPO-27-Co consequently behaves as an efficient trap for any water present

    Multiplication and Composition in Weighted Modulation Spaces

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    We study the existence of the product of two weighted modulation spaces. For this purpose we discuss two different strategies. The more simple one allows transparent proofs in various situations. However, our second method allows a closer look onto associated norm inequalities under restrictions in the Fourier image. This will give us the opportunity to treat the boundedness of composition operators.Comment: 49 page

    Temperature dependence of binary and ternary recombination of H3+ ions with electron

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    We study binary and the recently discovered process of ternary He-assisted recombination of H3+ ions with electrons in a low temperature afterglow plasma. The experiments are carried out over a broad range of pressures and temperatures of an afterglow plasma in a helium buffer gas. Binary and He-assisted ternary recombination are observed and the corresponding recombination rate coefficients are extracted for temperatures from 77 K to 330 K. We describe the observed ternary recombination as a two-step mechanism: First, a rotationally-excited long-lived neutral molecule H3* is formed in electron-H3+ collisions. Second, the H3* molecule collides with a helium atom that leads to the formation of a very long-lived Rydberg state with high orbital momentum. We present calculations of the lifetimes of H3* and of the ternary recombination rate coefficients for para and ortho-H3+. The calculations show a large difference between the ternary recombination rate coefficients of ortho- and para-H3+ at temperatures below 300 K. The measured binary and ternary rate coefficients are in reasonable agreement with the calculated values.Comment: 15 page

    Binary pattern tile set synthesis is NP-hard

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    In the field of algorithmic self-assembly, a long-standing unproven conjecture has been that of the NP-hardness of binary pattern tile set synthesis (2-PATS). The kk-PATS problem is that of designing a tile assembly system with the smallest number of tile types which will self-assemble an input pattern of kk colors. Of both theoretical and practical significance, kk-PATS has been studied in a series of papers which have shown kk-PATS to be NP-hard for k=60k = 60, k=29k = 29, and then k=11k = 11. In this paper, we close the fundamental conjecture that 2-PATS is NP-hard, concluding this line of study. While most of our proof relies on standard mathematical proof techniques, one crucial lemma makes use of a computer-assisted proof, which is a relatively novel but increasingly utilized paradigm for deriving proofs for complex mathematical problems. This tool is especially powerful for attacking combinatorial problems, as exemplified by the proof of the four color theorem by Appel and Haken (simplified later by Robertson, Sanders, Seymour, and Thomas) or the recent important advance on the Erd\H{o}s discrepancy problem by Konev and Lisitsa using computer programs. We utilize a massively parallel algorithm and thus turn an otherwise intractable portion of our proof into a program which requires approximately a year of computation time, bringing the use of computer-assisted proofs to a new scale. We fully detail the algorithm employed by our code, and make the code freely available online
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