365 research outputs found

    A new perturbation treatment applied to the transport through a quantum dot

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    Resonant tunnelling through an Anderson impurity is investigated by employing a new perturbation scheme at nonequilibrium. This new approach gives the correct weak and strong coupling limit in UU by introducing adjustable parameters in the self-energy and imposing self-consistency of the occupation number of the impurity. We have found that the zero-temperature linear response conductance agrees well with that obtained from the exact sum rule. At finite temperature the conductance shows a nonzero minimum at the Kondo valley, as shown in recent experiments. The effects of an applied bias voltage on the single-particle density of states and on the differential conductances are discussed for Kondo and non-Kondo systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PRB-Rapid Comm. Email addresses [email protected], [email protected]

    On the Inequivalence of Weak-Localization and Coherent Backscattering

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    We define a current-conserving approximation for the local conductivity tensor of a disordered system which includes the effects of weak localization. Using this approximation we show that the weak localization effect in conductance is not obtained simply from the diagram corresponding to the coherent back-scattering peak observed in optical experiments. Other diagrams contribute to the effect at the same order and decrease its value. These diagrams appear to have no semiclassical analogues, a fact which may have implications for the semiclassical theory of chaotic systems. The effects of discrete symmetries on weak localization in disordered conductors is evaluated and and compared to results from chaotic scatterers.Comment: 24 pages revtex + 12 figures on request; hub.94.

    Kondo Effect in Single Quantum Dot Systems --- Study with Numerical Renormalization Group Method ---

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    The tunneling conductance is calculated as a function of the gate voltage in wide temperature range for the single quantum dot systems with Coulomb interaction. We assume that two orbitals are active for the tunneling process. We show that the Kondo temperature for each orbital channel can be largely different. The tunneling through the Kondo resonance almost fully develops in the region T \lsim 0.1 T_{K}^{*} \sim 0.2 T_{K}^{*}, where TKT_{K}^{*} is the lowest Kondo temperature when the gate voltage is varied. At high temperatures the conductance changes to the usual Coulomb oscillations type. In the intermediate temperature region, the degree of the coherency of each orbital channel is different, so strange behaviors of the conductance can appear. For example, the conductance once increases and then decreases with temperature decreasing when it is suppressed at T=0 by the interference cancellation between different channels. The interaction effects in the quantum dot systems lead the sensitivities of the conductance to the temperature and to the gate voltage.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, LaTeX, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 67 No. 7 (1998

    Kondo effect in coupled quantum dots under magnetic fields

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    The Kondo effect in coupled quantum dots is investigated theoretically under magnetic fields. We show that the magnetoconductance (MC) illustrates peak structures of the Kondo resonant spectra. When the dot-dot tunneling coupling VCV_C is smaller than the dot-lead coupling Δ\Delta (level broadening), the Kondo resonant levels appear at the Fermi level (EFE_F). The Zeeman splitting of the levels weakens the Kondo effect, which results in a negative MC. When VCV_{C} is larger than Δ\Delta, the Kondo resonances form bonding and anti-bonding levels, located below and above EFE_F, respectively. We observe a positive MC since the Zeeman splitting increases the overlap between the levels at EFE_F. In the presence of the antiferromagnetic spin coupling between the dots, the sign of MC can change as a function of the gate voltage.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Shot noise of a quantum dot with non-Fermi liquid correlations

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    The shot noise of a one-dimensional wire interrupted by two barriers shows interesting features related to the interplay between Coulomb blockade effects, Luttinger correlations and discrete excitations. At small bias the Fano factor reaches the lowest attainable value, 1/2, irrespective of the ratio of the two junction resistances. At larger voltages this asymmetry is power-law renormalized by the interaction strength. We discuss how the measurement of current and these features of the noise allow to extract the Luttinger liquid parameter.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures,to be published in Phys. Rev. B. For high resolution image of Fig.1 see http://server1.fisica.unige.it/~braggio/doc.ht

    Andreev Scattering and the Kondo Effect

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    We examine the properties of an infinite-UU Anderson impurity coupled to both normal and superconducting metals. Both the cases of a quantum dot and a quantum point contact containing an impurity are considered; for the latter, we study both one and two-channel impurities. Using a generalization of the noncrossing approximation which incorporates multiple Andreev reflection, we compute the impurity spectral function and the linear-response conductance of these devices. We find generically that the Kondo resonance develops structure at energies corresponding to the superconducting gap, and that the magnitude of the resonance at the Fermi energy is altered. This leads to observable changes in the zero-bias conductance as compared to the case with no superconductivity.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; expanded version to appear in PR

    Shot noise of coupled semiconductor quantum dots

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    The low-frequency shot noise properties of two electrostatically coupled semiconductor quantum dot states which are connected to emitter/collector contacts are studied. A master equation approach is used to analyze the bias voltage dependence of the Fano factor as a measure of temporal correlations in tunneling current caused by Pauli's exclusion principle and the Coulomb interaction. In particular, the influence of the Coulomb interaction on the shot noise behavior is discussed in detail and predictions for future experiments will be given. Furthermore, we propose a mechanism for negative differential conductance and investigate the related super-Poissonian shot noise.Comment: submitted to PR

    Spin diffusion in doped semiconductors

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    The behavior of spin diffusion in doped semiconductors is shown to be qualitatively different than in undoped (intrinsic) ones. Whereas a spin packet in an intrinsic semiconductor must be a multiple-band disturbance, involving inhomogeneous distributions of both electrons and holes, in a doped semiconductor a single-band disturbance is possible. For n-doped nonmagnetic semiconductors the enhancement of diffusion due to a degenerate electron sea in the conduction band is much larger for these single-band spin packets than for charge packets, and can exceed an order of magnitude at low temperatures even for equilibrium dopings as small as 10^16 cm^-3. In n-doped ferromagnetic and semimagnetic semiconductors the motion of spin packets polarized antiparallel to the equilibrium carrier spin polarization is predicted to be an order of magnitude faster than for parallel polarized spin packets. These results are reversed for p-doped semiconductors.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Kondo time scales for quantum dots - response to pulsed bias potentials

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    The response of a quantum dot in the Kondo regime to rectangular pulsed bias potentials of various strengths and durations is studied theoretically. It is found that the rise time is faster than the fall time, and also faster than time scales normally associated with the Kondo problem. For larger values of the pulsed bias, one can induce dramatic oscillations in the induced current with a frequency approximating the splitting between the Kondo peaks that would be present in steady state. The effect persists in the total charge transported per pulse, which should facilitate the experimental observation of the phenomenon.Comment: 5 pages with 4 encapsulated figures which come in separate postscript files: latex file: text.tex figures: fig1.eps, fig2.eps, fig3.eps, fig4.ep