97 research outputs found

    The analysis of influence the parameters of rolling process in three high skew rolling mill of AZ31 magnesium alloy bars on temperature distribution

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    The work presents the results of numerical investigations of AZ31 magnesium alloy bars obtaining by the rolling process in a three high skew rolling mill. An analysis of impact the magnitude of inflicted deformation on temperature distribution in the material was made. The calculations were made using Finite Element Method (FEM) for 3D deformation state taking into account thermal phenomena that occur during applied deformation scheme. Theoretical investigations were made for two variants of deformation, one temperature of the process that equals 400 °C and four rolling rates of 25, 75 and 100 rev/min

    Bimetalni lim St3S+Cu

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    The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the asymmetrical process of rolling bimetal plates composed of the base St3S layer and a Cu cladding layer. Investigation carried out aimed at determining the curvature of bimetal band depending on the value of roll peripheral speed asymmetry factor av. Computer simulations were performed on three different layer thickness ratios, HS/HH. Numerical studies were based on computer simulations carried out using the Forge 2D software. For computations, this program uses the finite-element method. The asymmetry of the process resulted from a non-uniform distribution of rolling reduction into the bimetal band layers, which caused the band to bend at the rolling mill exit. To counteract this behaviour, an asymmetry of working roll peripheral speeds was introduced.Članak daje teorijsku analizu učinka odnosa debljine sloja bimetalnih limova sastavljenih od osnovnog sloja St3S i sloja presvučenog bakrom. Provedena istraživanja su imala za cilj odrediti zakrivljenost bimetalne trake ovisno o vrijednosti faktora asimetrije av periferne brzine. Izvedene su kompjuterske simulacije tri sloja s različitim omjerima HS/HH debljine. Numeričke studije su se zasnivale na kompjuterskim simulacijama provedenim pomoću softvera Forge 2D. Za izračune, ovaj se program služi metodom konačnih elemenata. Asimetrija procesa rezultira od nejednolikog rasporeda redukcije u slojeve bimetalne trake koje uzrokuju savijanje trake na izlazu iz valjačkog stana. Kao protuteža takvom ponašanju uvedena je asimetrija perifernih brzina radnog valjka

    Predviđanje zakrivljenosti bimetalne limene ploče Al-Cu tijekom asimetričnog hladnog valjanja

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    In the paper, solving a problem of rolling Al-Cu plates by the numerical way is presented. In the development of new technologies in rolling of bimetallic plates there are many problems both with ensuring a uniform strain distribution and producing a straight plate as well. Such a solution within research of the numerical simulation was obtained at the Forge 2 program based on finite element method. The cold rolling process was carried out at the temperature of 20 °C for 10 %, 20 % and 25 % relative rolling reduction. The curvature of bimetallic plate was numerically controlled by changing the speed of one roll. In this article the numerical analysis of asymmetrical rolling processes of plate composed with two metal layers, Al and Cu, has been done. At the work an influence of rotary speed ratio and value deformation on change of curvature bimetallic plate is determined.U radu je predstavljen numerički način rješavanja valjanja Al-Cu limenih ploča. U razvoju novih tehnologija za valjanje bimetalnih ploča ima mnogo problema i u osiguravanju jednolikog rasporeda deformacije i u proizvodnji ravnih ploča. U okviru provedenih istraživanja programa Forge 2, baziranom na metodi konačnih elemenata, ostvarena je numerička simulacija. Proces hladnog valjanja proveden je na temperaturi od 20 °C s relativnom redukcijom valjanja od 10 %, 20 % i 25 %. Zakrivljenost bimetalne ploče kontrolirala se numeričkim mijenjanjem brzine valjaka. U ovom članku napravljena je numerička analiza procesa asimetričnog valjanja ploče sastavljene od dva metal nasloja: Al i Cu. Također je utvrđen utjecaj omjera brzine rotacije i vrijednosti deformacije na promjenu zakrivljenosti metalne ploče

    Analiza utjecaja oblika matrice na stanje naprezanja u procesu istiskivanja alumijiskih profila s tankim stjenkama

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    A theoretical analysis of the effect of die shape on the stress - strain state during hot extrusion of T-section bar of two different aluminium alloys has been carried out in this study. A finite element method-based program, was used for modelling the extrusion process. Tests were carried out to obtain optimal process parameters of extrusion of T-shaped section, at which no deformation of the section occurs. The effect of the antechamber height and the shape as well as arrangements of the die channel on the geometrical shape of the extruded product have been determined.U ovoj studiji je razrađena teorijska analiza utjecaja oblika matrice na naprezanje i deformiranje pri toplom istiskivanju T-profila dviju različitih aluminijskih slitina. Za modeliranje procesa istiskivanja rabljen je program temeljen na metodi konačnih elemenata. Provedena su ispitivanja za optimalne parametre procesa istiskivanja T-profila pri kojima nije došlo do nikakvih deformacija profila. Utvrđen je utjecaj visine pretkomore te oblika i izvedbi kanala matrice na geometrijski oblik istiskivanog proizvoda

    Analysis of the technology of rolling 5,5 mm-diameter wire rod of cold upsetting steel in the morgan block mill

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    The commercial technology of rolling 5,5 mm-diameter wire rod in Poland’s most modern rolling line has been examined within the study. The material used for the investigation was the 20MnB4 steel intended for subsequent cold working. From the performed analysis of the investigation results it has been found that the technology of rolling wire rod of cold upsetting steel, which is used currently in the Rolling Mill under examination, allows the production of finished products that can be deformed with a relative reduction of about 33 %. At larger plastic deformations,cracks occur in the material, which disqualifies it from further cold working

    Učinak parametara asimetričnog valjanja platine na promjene ukupnog pritiska valjka

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    This work shows the results of theoretical analysis of asymmetric rolling process of plates in the finishing mill of plate rolling. Its aim was to determine the influence of asymmetry velocity of working rolls on decrease of unit pressure of metal on the rolls. The lower value of the unit pressure will reduce the elastic deflection of the finishing stand and improve the cross-section shape of plate. Three-dimensional simulation of asymmetric hot rolling of S355J2G3 steel plates was done with the aid of FORGE 2008® software. The tensor polynomial interpolation was used for comparing the values of the unit pressure obtaining from symmetric and asymmetric rolling.Rad daje rezultate teorijske analize asimetričnog valjanja platine u završnom stanu. Cilj je odrediti utjecaj asimetrične brzine radnih valjaka na umanjenje jediničnog pritiska metala na valjke. Niža vrijednost jediničnog pritiska smanjiti će elastičnu deformaciju završnog stana. i poboljšati oblik presjeka platine. Trodimenzionalna simulacija asimetričnog vrućeg valjanja S355J2G3 čeličnih platina izvedena je pomoću FORGE 2008® softvera. Polinomni tenzor interpolacije rabljen je za usporedbu vrijednosti jediničnog pritiska dobijenog sa simetričnim I nesimetričnim valjanjem

    Determination of characteristics of plasticity of selected medium and high carbon steel grades in hot torsion test

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    This study presents results of the examinations aimed at determination of rheological properties of selected grades of medium and high-carbon steel grades ( C45 and C72D). The examinations were carried out for the hot torsion test using STD 812 torsion plastometer. The results of experimental studies were approximated with the function used for determination of yield stress depending on strain, strain rate and temperature. The study allowed for development of mathematical models of rheological properties of steel grades studied in the analysed scope of parameters of strain and temperature