14,717 research outputs found

    Water production models for Comet Bradfield (1979 l)

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    The IUE observations of Comet Bradfield (1979 l) made 10 January 1980 to 3 March 1980 permit a detailed study of water production for this comet. Brightness measurements are presented for all three water dissociation products, H, O, and OH, and comparisons are made with model predictions. The heliocentric variation of the water production rate was derived

    Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Imaging and High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Water Photodissociation Products in Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2)

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    Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2) provided a target of opportunity for performing a systematic study of water photodissociation products in which we obtained data from three instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The HST Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) was used to measure the line profile of hydrogen Lyα (H Lyα) at six locations around the coma of the comet, ranging from the nucleus to a displacement of 100,000 km, and covering different directions compared with the comet-sun line. GHRS yielded line profiles with a spectral resolution (FWHM ~4 km s^(-1)) that was a factor of 2-3 better than any previous H Lyα or Hα ground-based measurements. The Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) and the Woods filter were used to obtain H Lyα images of the inner coma. The faint object spectrograph (FOS) was used to determine the OH production rate and monitor its variation throughout the HST observing sequence. The GHRS H Lyα line profiles show the behavior of a line profile that is optically thick in the core for positions near the nucleus (<5000 km) and gradually becoming more optically thin at larger displacements and lower column abundances. A composite H Lyα image constructed from four separate WFPC2 exposures is consistent with the relative fluxes seen in GHRS observations and clearly shows the dayside enhancement of a solar illuminated optically thick coma. These data were analyzed self-consistently to test our understanding of the detailed physics and chemistry of the expanding coma and our ability to obtain accurate water production rates from remote observations of gaseous hydrogen (H) and hydroxyl (OH), the major water dissociation products. Our hybrid kinetic/hydrodynamic model of the coma combined with a spherical radiative transfer calculation is able to account for (1) the velocity distribution of H atoms, (2) the spatial distribution of the H Lyα emission in the inner coma, and (3) the absolute intensities of H and OH emissions, giving a water production rate of (2.6 ± 0.4) × 10^(29) s^(-1) on 1996 April 4

    Fermionic functional renormalization group for first-order phase transitions: a mean-field model

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    First-order phase transitions in many-fermion systems are not detected in the susceptibility analysis of common renormalization-group (RG) approaches. Here we introduce a counterterm technique within the functional renormalization-group (fRG) formalism which allows access to all stable and metastable configurations. It becomes possible to study symmetry-broken states which occur through first-order transitions as well as hysteresis phenomena. For continuous transitions, the standard results are reproduced. As an example, we study discrete-symmetry breaking in a mean-field model for a commensurate charge-density wave. An additional benefit of the approach is that away from the critical temperature for the breaking of discrete symmetries large interactions can be avoided at all RG scales.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. v2 corrects typos, adds references and a discussion of the literatur

    Renormalized perturbation theory for Fermi systems: Fermi surface deformation and superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    Divergencies appearing in perturbation expansions of interacting many-body systems can often be removed by expanding around a suitably chosen renormalized (instead of the non-interacting) Hamiltonian. We describe such a renormalized perturbation expansion for interacting Fermi systems, which treats Fermi surface shifts and superconductivity with an arbitrary gap function via additive counterterms. The expansion is formulated explicitly for the Hubbard model to second order in the interaction. Numerical soutions of the self-consistency condition determining the Fermi surface and the gap function are calculated for the two-dimensional case. For the repulsive Hubbard model close to half-filling we find a superconducting state with d-wave symmetry, as expected. For Fermi levels close to the van Hove singularity a Pomeranchuk instability leads to Fermi surfaces with broken square lattice symmetry, whose topology can be closed or open. For the attractive Hubbard model the second order calculation yeilds s-wave superconductivity with a weakly momentum dependent gap, whose size is reduced compared to the mean-field result.Comment: 18 pages incl. 6 figure

    A solar spectroscopic absolute abundance of argon from RESIK

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    Observations of He-like and H-like Ar (Ar XVII and Ar XVIII) lines at 3.949 Angstroms and 3.733 Angstroms respectively with the RESIK X-ray spectrometer on the CORONAS-F spacecraft, together with temperatures and emission measures from the two channels of GOES, have been analyzed to obtain the abundance of Ar in flare plasmas in the solar corona. The line fluxes per unit emission measure show a temperature dependence like that predicted from theory, and lead to spectroscopically determined values for the absolute Ar abundance, A(Ar) = 6.44 pm 0.07 (Ar XVII) and 6.49 pm 0.16 (Ar XVIII) which are in agreement to within uncertainties. The weighted mean is 6.45 pm 0.06, which is between two recent compilations of the solar Ar abundance and suggest that the photospheric and coronal abundances of Ar are very similar.Comment: 4 figure

    Spectral Function of 2D Fermi Liquids

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    We show that the spectral function for single-particle excitations in a two-dimensional Fermi liquid has Lorentzian shape in the low energy limit. Landau quasi-particles have a uniquely defined spectral weight and a decay rate which is much smaller than the quasi-particle energy. By contrast, perturbation theory and the T-matrix approximation yield spurious deviations from Fermi liquid behavior, which are particularly pronounced for a linearized dispersion relation.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX2e, 5 EPS figure