12 research outputs found

    Common Changes in Global Gene Expression Induced by RNA Polymerase Inhibitors in shigella flexneri

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    Characterization of expression profile of organisms in response to antimicrobials provides important information on the potential mechanism of action of the drugs. The special expression signature can be used to predict whether other drugs act on the same target. Here, the common response of Shigella flexneri to two inhibitors of RNA polymerase was examined using gene expression profiling. Consistent with similar effects of the two drugs, the gene expression profiles indicated that responses of the bacteria to these drugs were roughly the same, with 225 genes affected commonly. Of them, 88 were induced and 137 were repressed. Real-time PCR was performed for selected genes to verify the microarray results. Analysis of the expression data revealed that more than 30% of the plasmid-encoded genes on the array were up-regulated by the antibiotics including virF regulon, other virulence-related genes, and genes responsible for plasmid replication, maintenance, and transfer. In addition, some chromosome-encoded genes involved in virulence and genes acquired from horizontal transfer were also significantly up-regulated. However, the expression of genes encoding the beta-subunit of RNA polymerase was increased moderately. The repressed genes include those that code for products associated with the ribosome, citrate cycle, glycolysis, thiamine biosynthesis, purine metabolism, fructose metabolism, mannose metabolism, and cold shock proteins. This study demonstrates that the two antibiotics induce rapid cessation of RNA synthesis resulting in inhibition of translation components. It also indicates that the production of virulence factors involved in intercellular dissemination, tissue invasion and inflammatory destruction may be enhanced through derepressing horizontal transfer genes by the drugs

    Choisir son canal de distribution : dépendance ou émancipation ?

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    National audienceAprès avoir étudié les comportements différents de chaque secteur du Languedoc-Roussillon face aux possibilités de ventes régionales, nationales ou internationales, les auteurs s'interrogent sur la typicité des entreprises exportatrices. Même si le seuil est inférieur dans les vins, ils constatent que c'est autour de 20 salariés que les regards se tournent vers l'extérieur, et cet extérieur se réduit à une demi-douzaine de pays (ou moins) qui absorbent 90% des exportations. Concernant le marché intérieur, l'analyse porte l'accent sur les différentes parts de marché de la grande distribution. Ici, les filières vins et viandes et poissons arrivent en tête en confiant près de la moitié de leurs ventes à ce circuit. Les fruits et légumes, par contre, restent encore majoritairement fidèles aux grossistes. Ces circuits expliquent en partie les pratiques en matière de contrats (écrits ou non, longs ou courts). La dépendance par rapport aux quatre principaux clients est jugée forte dans les vins et à un degré moindre, dans l'industrie céréalière et les produits alimentaires divers. Mais la dépendance ressentie ne correspond pas forcément à un degré de concentration de ventes élevé. Quoi qu'il en soit, la grande majorité des entreprises a l'intention de diversifier ses circuits de vente et de développer à l'avenir ceux dans lesquels elle est peu présente aujourd'hui

    Identification of icsA, a plasmid locus of Shigella flexneri that governs bacterial intra- and intercellular spread through interaction with F-actin.

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    The capacity of Shigella to spread within the cytosol of infected epithelial cells and to infect adjacent cells is critical for the development of infection foci, which lead to mucosal abscesses. Shigella is a nonmotile microorganism that appears to utilize host cell microfilaments to generate intra- as well as intercellular movements, since this movement was inhibited by cytochalasin D and involvement of F-actin was demonstrated by direct labeling of infected cells with the specific dye N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)phallacidin. Such movements led to the formation of extracellular protrusions, which may explain cell to cell spread. icsA, a locus necessary for intra- and intercellular spread, was identified on the Shigella flexneri virulence plasmid pWR100. This locus was cloned and shown to express a 120-kDa outer membrane protein, which plays an important role in the interactions established between host cell microfilaments and the bacterial surface, thus leading to intracellular movement

    International comparison of consumer choice for wine: a twelve country comparison

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    This paper presents the initial results at a country level for a twelve country study of the influencers of consumer choice for wine in retail stores. Using the Best-Worst method the design was replicated in each market to enable the comparison of the influencers of consumer wine choice behaviour across the markets. This is the first paper to present all data for the retail set and presents data at the national level. Further work is underway involving segmentation analysis to identify what segments empirically exist in what markets. The key findings are the global importance of influencers such as previous trial and recommendations and the variation from some markets to others of influencers such as brand, grape variety, food matching and medals/awards. There is an almost global ranking of the least influencer on wine choice of low alcohol level (<13%) and promotional displays.S. Goodman, L. Lockshin, E. Cohen, J. Fensterseifer, H. Ma, F. d’Hauteville, L. Sirieix, U. Orth, L. Casini, A. Corsi, S.Jaeger, P.Danaher,j R. Brodie, J Olsen, L Thach, J.-P. Perroutyhttp://academyofwinebusiness.com/?page_id=23

    Comparaison internationale des critères de choix des consommateurs de vin : une étude comparative dans douze pays

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    International audienceThis paper presents the initial results at a country level for a twelve country study of the influencers of consumer choice for wine in retail stores. Using the Best-Worst method the design was replicated in each market to enable the comparison of the influencers of consumer wine choice behaviour across the markets. This is the first paper to present all data for the retail set and presents data at the national level. Further work is underway involving segmentation analysis to identify what segments empirically exist in what markets. The key findings are the global importance of influencers such as previous trial and recommendations and the variation from some markets to others of influencers such as brand, grape variety, food matching and medals/awards. There is an almost global ranking of the least influencer on wine choice of low alcohol level (<13%) and promotional displays