314 research outputs found

    High Electron Mobility InN

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    Irradiation of InN films with 2 MeV He+ ions followed by thermal annealing below 500 °C creates films with high electron concentrations and mobilities, as well as strong photoluminescence. Calculations show that electron mobility in irradiated samples is limited by triply charged donor defects. Subsequent thermal annealing removes a fraction of the defects, decreasing the electron concentration. There is a large increase in electron mobility upon annealing; the mobilities approach those of the as-grown films, which have 10 to 100 times smaller electron concentrations. Spatial ordering of the triply charged defects is suggested to cause the unusual increase in electron mobility

    High Electron Mobility InN

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    ABSTRACT Irradiation of InN films with 2 MeV He + ions followed by thermal annealing below 500 o C creates films with high electron concentration and mobility, as well as strong photoluminescence. Calculations show that electron mobility in irradiated samples is limited by triply charged donor defects. Subsequent thermal annealing removes a fraction of the defects, decreasing the electron concentration. There is a large increase in electron mobility upon annealing; the mobilities approach those of the as-grown films, which have 10 to 100 times smaller electron concentrations. Spatial ordering of the triply charged defects is suggested to cause the unusual increase in electron mobility

    Removal of hexavalent chromium of contaminated soil by coupling electrokinetic remediation and permeable reactive biobarriers

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    PURPOSE: In this study, a novel and ecological alternative have been developed to treat soils contaminated with hexavalent chromium coupling two well-known systems: electrokinetic remediation and permeable reactive biobarriers. The electric field promotes the electromigration of the hexavalent chromium oxyanions towards the anode. The biobarriers were placed before the anode electrode, in order to promote the reduction and retention of the chromium migrating in its direction. Thus, this technology provided a global treatment to soil removal without subsequent treatments of the contaminated effluents. METHODS: The electrokinetic system was coupled with two different permeable reactive biobarriers composed by Arthrobacter viscosus bacteria, supported either in activated carbon or zeolite. An electric field of 10 V was applied and two different treatment times of 9 and 18 days were tested. RESULTS: Removal values of 60% and 79% were obtained when electrokinetic treatment was coupled with zeolite and activated carbon biobarriers, respectively, for a test period of 18 day. The reduction of hexavalent chromium to trivalent chromium was around 45% for both systems. CONCLUSIONS: In this work, two types of biobarriers were efficiently coupled to electrokinetic treatment to decontaminate soil with Cr(VI). Furthermore, the viability of the new coupling technology developed (electrokinetic + biobarriers) to treat low-permeability polluted soils was demonstrated.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTQ2008-03059/PPQ), Xunta de Galicia (08MDS034314PR). The authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for providing financial support for Marta Pazos under the Ramon y Cajal program and the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia, Ministerio da Ciencia e Tecnologia, Portugal through the PhD grant of Bruna Fonseca (SFRH/BD/27780/2006)
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