Exceptional Electron Transport Properties of In-rich InGaN


Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in the narrow band gap end of the InGaN alloy system, particularly in InN. The existence of surface electron accumulation and a tendency for n-type conductivity have been well-established and are explained by an extremely large electron affinity and the location of the Fermi level stabilization energy (E{sub FS}) high in the conduction band [1]. These characteristics pose significant challenges to the integration of In-rich InGaN into devices and demonstrate the need for a better understanding of the relationship between native defects and electronic transport in the alloy system. It has been previously shown that high-energy particle irradiation can predictably control the electronic properties of In-rich InGaN [1]. With increasing irradiation dose, the electron concentration (n) increases and the electron mobility ({mu}) decreases until the Fermi level reaches E{sub FS}, which is the saturation point. The value of n at saturation decreases with decreasing In fraction, due to the raising of the conduction band edge with respect to E{sub FS}

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