1,051 research outputs found

    A model-based approach to stabilizing crutch supported paraplegic standing by artifical hip joint stiffness

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    The prerequisites for stable crutch supported standing were analyzed in this paper. For this purpose, a biomechanical model of crutch supported paraplegic stance was developed assuming the patient was standing with extended knees. When using crutches during stance, the crutches will put a position constraint on the shoulder, thus reducing the number of degrees of freedom. Additional hip-joint stiffness was applied to stabilize the hip joint and, therefore, to stabilize stance. The required hip-joint stiffness for changing crutch placement and hip-joint offset angle was studied under static and dynamic conditions. Modeling results indicate that, by using additional hip-joint stiffness, stable crutch supported paraplegic standing can be achieved, both under static as well as dynamic situations. The static equilibrium postures and the stability under perturbations were calculated to be dependent on crutch placement and stiffness applied. However, postures in which the hip joint was in extension (C postures) appeared to the most stable postures. Applying at least 60 N /spl middot/ m/rad hip-joint stiffness gave stable equilibrium postures in all cases. Choosing appropriate hip-joint offset angles, the static equilibrium postures changed to more erect postures, without causing instability or excessive arm forces to occur

    Digitally generated CPFSK IF test signals including phase noise

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    Feiten van algemene bekendheid en ervaringsregels – een empirisch vervolg

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    Feiten van algemene bekendheid en ervaringsregels behoeven geen bewijs. De rechter mag ze ambtshalve aan zijn beslissing ten grondslag leggen. Het is echter de vraag of leken dergelijke feiten ook zo ‘algemeen bekend’ vinden en of zij ervaringsregels net zo evident vinden als de rechter. Eerder onderzoek onder rechtenstudenten toonde aan dat dit lang niet altijd het geval is (NTBR 2010/2). Met een uitgebreider onderzoek onder een breder publiek van ‘echte’ leken wisten wij deze uitkomst in grote lijnen te bevestigen. Uit ons onderzoek volgt bovendien dat persoonskenmerken, zoals leeftijd, opleidingsniveau en inkomen, weinig tot geen effect hebben op iemands oordeel over ervaringsregels en feiten van algemene bekendheid. Wij vinden wel aanwijzingen dat er een verband bestaat tussen dit oordeel en iemands ‘persoonlijke wereldvisie’, in het bijzonder ‘autoritarisme’ en ‘economisch liberalisme’, alhoewel de samenhang niet in alle opzichten eenduidig is.Coherent privaatrech

    Investigation on the influence of pre-treatments on drying behaviour of broccoli by MRI experiments

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    Abstract: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) allows the monitoring of internal moisture content of food products during drying non-destructively. In an experimental set-up with continuous and controlled hot air supply, the internal moisture distribution of broccoli with different pre-treatments are measured during drying. Moisture distribution, drying rate and shrinkage are compared and analyzed quantitatively. MRI results indicated that for fresh broccoli stalks the moisture content in the core of the sample increased after some hours of drying. With pre-treatments as peeling, blanching or freezing the moisture transport barrier in the skin of the broccoli sample was reduced. Shrinkage was uniform for most of the pre-treated samples and the moisture increment in the core did not occur. It was also found that with these pre-treatments progress of drying enhanced significantly. Therefore, from an drying efficiency and economic point of view, pre-treatments prior to drying offer important opportunities. Keywords: MRI, hot air drying, broccoli stalk, increased moisture content, pre-treatment

    The Value of Pre-Ablative I-131 Scan for Clinical Management in Patients With Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: A diagnostic I-131 (Dx) scan is used to detect a thyroid remnant or metastases before treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) with I-131. The aim of this study is to specify in which patients with DTC a Dx scan could have an additional value, by studying the effect of the Dx scan on clinical management. METHODS: Patients with DTC, treated with I-131 after thyroidectomy were included in this retrospective cohort study. Twenty-four hours after administration of 37 MBq I-131 a whole body Dx scan and an uptake measurement at the original thyroid bed were performed. Outcomes of the Dx scan and the subsequent changes in clinical management, defined as additional surgery or adjustment of I-131 activity, were reported. Risk factors for a change in clinical management were identified with a binary logistic regression. RESULTS: In 11 (4.2%) patients clinical management was changed, including additional surgery (n=5), lowering I-131 activity (n=5) or both (n=1). Risk factors for a change in clinical management were previous neck surgery (OR 5.9, 95% CI: 1.4-24.5), surgery in a non-tertiary center (OR 13.4, 95% CI: 2.8 – 63.8), TSH <53.4 mU/L (OR 19.64, 95% CI: 4.94-78.13), thyroglobulin ≥50.0 ng/L (OR 7.4, 95% CI: 1.6-34.9) and free T4 ≥4.75 pmol/L (OR 156.8, 95% CI: 128.4-864.2) CONCLUSION: The Dx scan can potentially change clinical management before treatment with I-131, but the yield is low. A Dx-scan should only be considered for patients with a high pre-scan risk of a change in management, based on patient history and prior center-based surgical outcomes

    Cyclic diguanylic acid behaves as a host molecule for planar intercalators

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    AbstractCyclic ribodiguanylic acid, c-(GpGp), is the endogenous effector regulator of cellulose synthase. Its three-dimensional structure from two different crystal forms (tetragonal and trigonal) has been determined by X-ray diffraction analysis at 1 Å resolution. In both crystal forms, two independent c-(GpGp) molecules associate with each other to form a self-intercalated dimer. A hydrated cobalt ion is found to coordinate to two N7 atoms of adjacent guanines, forcing these two guanines to destack with a large dihedral angle (32°), in the dimer of the tetragonal form. This metal coordination mechanism may be relevant to that of the anticancer drug cisplatin. Moreover, c-(GpGp) exhibits unusual spectral properties not seen in any other cyclic dinucleotide. It interacts with planar organic intercalator molecules in ways similar to double helical DNA. We propose a cage-like model consisting of a tetrameric c-(GpGp) aggregate in which a large cavity (‘host’) is generated to afford a binding site for certain planar intercalators (‘guests’)

    Cell type-specific acquired protection from crystal adherence by renal tubule cells in culture

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    Cell type-specific acquired protection from crystal adherence by renal tubule cells in culture.BackgroundAdherence of crystals to the surface of renal tubule epithelial cells is considered an important step in the development of nephrolithiasis. Previously, we demonstrated that functional monolayers formed by the renal tubule cell line, Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK), acquire protection against the adherence of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals. We now examined whether this property is cell type specific. The susceptibility of the cells to crystal binding was further studied under different culture conditions.MethodsCell-type specificity and the influence of the growth substrate was tested by comparing calcium oxalate monohydrate crystal binding to LLC-PK1 cells and to two MDCK strains cultured on either permeable or impermeable supports. These cell lines are representative for the renal proximal tubule (LLC-PK1) and distal tubule/collecting duct (MDCK) segments of the nephron, in which crystals are expected to be absent and present, respectively.ResultsWhereas relatively large amounts of crystals adhered to subconfluent MDCK cultures, the level of crystal binding to confluent monolayers was reduced for both MDCK strains. On permeable supports, MDCK cells not only obtained a higher level of morphological differentiation, but also acquired a higher degree of protection than on impermeable surfaces. Crystals avidly adhered to LLC-PK1 cells, irrespective of their developmental stage or growth substrate used.ConclusionsThese results show that the prevention of crystal binding is cell type specific and expressed only by differentiated MDCK cells. The anti-adherence properties acquired by MDCK cells may mirror a specific functional characteristic of its in situ equivalent, the renal distal tubule/collecting ducts