83 research outputs found

    Viscosity Is Not a Parameter of Postdeglutitive Pharyngeal Residue: Quantification and Analysis with Scintigraphy

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    The aim of this study was to explore the influence of viscosity on pharyngeal residue in normal healthy volunteers. Scintigraphy was used to measure pharyngeal residue in 11 healthy volunteers after swallowing three different substances (age = 20.2–48.3 years). The first substance was a 10-ml solution of tap water with 0.5% xanthan with a viscosity of 4500 mPa s, comparable to a yogurt drink. The second and third substances were a 0.75% xanthan and a 1.00% xanthan solution, with viscosities of 10,500 and 21,000 mPa s, comparable to low-fat yogurt and 3% fat yogurt, respectively. Tap water was used as the control substance. Mean pharyngeal residue after swallowing tap water was 2.3% (SD = 1.2) of the initial volume in the oral cavity. Pharyngeal residue after swallowing 0.5% xanthan solution was 1.8% (SD = 0.8), after swallowing 0.75% xanthan solution 2.6% (SD = 2.2), and after swallowing 1.00% xanthan solution 2.8% (SD = 1.7). No significant correlation between increase of viscosity and pharyngeal residue was found. In healthy persons viscosity does not seem to be a significant parameter for pharyngeal residue for boluses with viscosities ranging from tap water to solutions having a viscosity comparable to 3% fat yogurt

    Managing communication changes in persons with multiple sclerosis: Findings from qualitative focus groups

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    First published: 26 March 2022Background: There is growing recognition that communication can be affected in multiple sclerosis (MS) and can negatively impact relationships, employment and psychological well-being. Some persons with MS (PwMS) implement strategies to facilitate their communication; however, some do not. Most PwMS who report communication changes do not engage with speech–language pathology (SLP) services. This raises concerns that a large portion of communication changes associated with MS go under-recognized and unmanaged. Little is known about what PwMS want and need to facilitate effective communication. Aim: To explore what PwMS want and need to better manage their communication changes. Methods & Procedures: Three focus groups were conducted online using Zoom, with a total of 12 PwMS. Participants were an opportunistic sample of PwMS within Australia recruited via advertisements distributed to various MS organizations and clinics. Data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic content analysis to provide a qualitative analysis of the data. Outcomes & Results Two main themes emerged: (1) accessible knowledge and a holistic approach; and (2) partnerships. Specifically, the identified wants and needs of participants included: (1) assessment; (2) information; (3) raising awareness; (4) support groups; (5) a whole-person approach to intervention; (6) geographically and economically accessible and navigable services; (7) effective patient–physician interactions; and (8) a multidisciplinary team-based approach (e.g., SLP, psychology, neuropsychology, occupational therapy). Conclusions & Implications This study identified a wide range of unmet wants and needs of PwMS related to communication changes. Participants wanted improved collaborative partnerships with healthcare professionals to better manage their communication changes. For example, healthcare professionals could ask PwMS about potential communication changes, provide education and make appropriate referrals. Education and information provision could focus on communication changes in MS, factors that trigger or exacerbate communication changes, impacts, self-management strategies, and available supports and services. Specific implications for clinical practice and future research are suggested in this paper, including ideas for patient education materials and content, suggestions for communication-specific screening and information that could be shared in patient–physician interactions, the development of guidelines to systematically screen, assess, manage and monitor communication changes in MS, and the design of evidence-based communication interventions for this clinical population. The results from this study can be used to guide the design of supports and services to help PwMS better manage communication changes, with the aim to reduce the negative impacts.Sarah El-Wahsh, Susan Balandin, Hans Bogaardt, Fiona Kumfor, Kirrie J. Ballar

    Ontwikkelingsgericht financiering zoeken: Achtergronden bij de ontwikkeling van een stappenplan voor de financiering van projecten in Nationale Landschappen

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    Het rijk wil de totstandkoming van Nationale Landschappen financieel faciliteren een gaat er daarbij van uit dat ook anderen financieel gaan bijdragen. Dit rapport schetst, aan de hand van de analyses van een aantal cases, achtergronden bij de financiering van projecten die bij kunnen dragen aan Nationale Landschappen. Deze achtergronden dienen als input voor een te ontwikkelen stappenplan voor de financiering van projecten in Nationale Landschappen, gericht op lokale bewoners en groepen. The Dutch National Government wants to facilitate the realisation of 20 National Landscapes, and expects other actors to become financially responsible as well. By analysing cases, this report identifies crucial factors that can be decisive in the realisation of project funding in National Landscapes. These factors can become parts of a step-by-step plan to help local inhabitants and local organisations in their search for funds for their initiative in National Landscapes in the Netherlands

    Patients' experiences with HMEs and attachments after total laryngectomy

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    OBJECTIVES: The short-term and long-term beneficial effects of HME use by laryngectomees are well described in literature. In this study, we document how laryngectomised patients, who previously did not use an HME, get accustomed to the use of HME and attachments. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty patients, who were at least 3 months post-laryngectomy and previously did not use an HME, were followed for 12 weeks and were asked to complete questionnaires about their experiences with the HME and attachments. RESULTS: Results show that when patients start using an HME, they report some difficulties with breathing resistance during the first 2 weeks of use. However, after 6 weeks, they have become accustomed to the breathing resistance and after 12 weeks over 96% reports that breathing was equal or less strenuous compared with breathing though an open stoma. Only a small proportion of patients experienced problems with increased coughing when starting HME use. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides insight in the way laryngectomised patients are experiencing the use of HMEs in the first weeks. These outcomes can contribute to a better knowledge of HME use by healthcare providers and help them to manage patient expectations and improving support to patients in achieving compliant HME use

    Quality of Life in Oncological Patients with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: Validity and Reliability of the Dutch Version of the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory and the Deglutition Handicap Index

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    Quality of life is an important outcome measurement in objectifying the current health status or therapy effects in patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. In this study, the validity and reliability of the Dutch version of the Deglutition Handicap Index (DHI) and the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory (MDADI) have been determined for oncological patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. At Maastricht University Medical Center, 76 consecutive patients were selected and asked to fill in three questionnaires on quality of life related to oropharyngeal dysphagia (the SWAL-QOL, the MDADI, and the DHI) as well as a simple one-item visual analog Dysphagia Severity Scale. None of the quality-of-life questionnaires showed any floor or ceiling effect. The test-retest reliability of the MDADI and the Dysphagia Severity Scale proved to be good. The test-retest reliability of the DHI could not be determined because of insufficient data, but the intraclass correlation coefficients were rather high. The internal consistency proved to be good. However, confirmatory factor analysis could not distinguish the underlying constructs as defined by the subscales per questionnaire. When assessing criterion validity, both the MDADI and the DHI showed satisfactory associations with the SWAL-QOL (reference or gold standard) after having removed the less relevant subscales of the SWAL-QOL. In conclusion, when assessing the validity and reliability of the Dutch version of the DHI or the MDADI, not all psychometric properties have been adequately met. In general, because of difficulties in the interpretation of study results when using questionnaires lacking sufficient psychometric quality, it is recommended that researchers strive to use questionnaires with the most optimal psychometric properties

    Assessing dangerous climate impacts for the Netherlands

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    Het programma Wetenschappelijke Assessment en Beleidsanalyse Klimaatverandering in opdracht van het ministerie van VROM heeft tot doel: • Het bijeenbrengen en evalueren van relevante wetenschappelijke informatie ten behoeve van beleidsontwikkeling en besluitvorming op het terrein van klimaatverandering; • Het analyseren van voornemens en besluiten in het kader van de internationale klimaatonderhandelingen op hun consequentie

    Cognitive impairment, fatigue and depression in multiple sclerosis: Is there a difference between benign and non-benign MS?

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    Available online 21 March 2023Introduction: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and degenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The severity of disability in people with MS (PwMS) is generally measured with the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). A variant of MS known as ‘benign MS’ (BMS) has been defined as an EDSS score of 3 or lower, combined with a disease duration of 10 years or longer; however, there is disagreement in the field about whether BMS really exists. Given that the EDSS does not capture cognitive issues, communication dysfunction, fatigue, depression, or anxiety properly, its ability to accurately represent disability in all PwMS, including BMS, remains questionable. Methods: In this study, 141 persons with BMS (PwBMS) were included, consisting of 115 females (82%) and 26 males (18%) with a mean age of 50.8 (±8.68). A computerized test battery (NeuroTrax®) was used to assess cognition, covering seven cognitive domains (memory, executive function, visual-spatial processing, verbal function, attention, information processing, and motor skills). Fatigue was measured using the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS). The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was used to assess symptoms of depression. Cognitive impairment was defined for this study as when someone has a score lower than 85 in at least two subdomains of the cognitive test battery. Rates of impairment were compared to 158 persons with non-benign MS (PwNBMS; with a disease duration of 10 years and longer and an EDSS score higher than 3) and 487 PwMS with a disease duration of fewer than 10 years. Results: Cognitive impairment was found in 38% of PwBMS and in 66% of PwNBMS (p<0.001). In PwBMS, the lowest rate of impairment was found in the verbal function domain (18%) and the highest rate of impairment in the domain of information processing (32%). Fatigue and depression were found in 78% and 55% of all PwBMS, with no difference in these rates between PwBMS and PwNBMS (p = 0.787 and p = 0.316 resp.) Conclusion: Cognitive impairment, fatigue and depression are common among people with an EDSS-based definition of benign MS. These aspects should be incorporated into a new and better definition of truly benign MSHans Bogaardt, Daniel Golan, Marissa A Barrera, Stacie Attrill, Olivia Kaczmarek, Myassar Zarif, Barbara Bumstead, Marijean Buhse, Jeffrey Wilken, Glen M Doniger, Laura M Hancock, Iris-Katharina Penner, June Halper, Sarah A Morrow, Thomas J Covey, Mark Gudesblat

    Pretreatment organ function in patients with advanced head and neck cancer: clinical outcome measures and patients' views

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aim of this study is to thoroughly assess pretreatment organ function in advanced head and neck cancer through various clinical outcome measures and patients' views.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A comprehensive, multidimensional assessment was used, that included quality of life, swallowing, mouth opening, and weight changes. Fifty-five patients with stage III-IV disease were entered in this study prior to organ preserving (chemoradiation) treatment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All patients showed pretreatment abnormalities or problems, identified by one or more of the outcome measures. Most frequent problems concerned swallowing, pain, and weight loss. Interestingly, clinical outcome measures and patients' perception did no always concur. E.g. videofluoroscopy identified aspiration and laryngeal penetration in 18% of the patients, whereas only 7 patients (13%) perceived this as problematic; only 2 out of 7 patients with objective trismus actually perceived trismus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The assessment identified several problems already pre-treatment, in this patient population. A thorough assessment of both clinical measures and patients' views appears to be necessary to gain insight in all (perceived) pre-existing functional and quality of life problems.</p

    Frequency-dependent selection in vaccine-associated pneumococcal population dynamics

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    Many bacterial species are composed of multiple lineages distinguished by extensive variation in gene content. These often cocirculate in the same habitat, but the evolutionary and ecological processes that shape these complex populations are poorly understood. Addressing these questions is particularly important for Streptococcus pneumoniae, a nasopharyngeal commensal and respiratory pathogen, because the changes in population structure associated with the recent introduction of partial-coverage vaccines have substantially reduced pneumococcal disease. Here we show that pneumococcal lineages from multiple populations each have a distinct combination of intermediate-frequency genes. Functional analysis suggested that these loci may be subject to negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS) through interactions with other bacteria, hosts or mobile elements. Correspondingly, these genes had similar frequencies in four populations with dissimilar lineage compositions. These frequencies were maintained following substantial alterations in lineage prevalences once vaccination programmes began. Fitting a multilocus NFDS model of post-vaccine population dynamics to three genomic datasets using Approximate Bayesian Computation generated reproducible estimates of the influence of NFDS on pneumococcal evolution, the strength of which varied between loci. Simulations replicated the stable frequency of lineages unperturbed by vaccination, patterns of serotype switching and clonal replacement. This framework highlights how bacterial ecology affects the impact of clinical interventions.Accessory loci are shown to have similar frequencies in diverse Streptococcus pneumoniae populations, suggesting negative frequency-dependent selection drives post-vaccination population restructuring