5,880 research outputs found

    Statistical evaluation of the composition, physical properties, and surface configuration of terrestrial test sites and their correlation with remotely sensed data Final report

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    Utilizing spatial filtering for analyzing structural configuration of Michigan Basin for application to remote sensin

    Density wave triggered star formation in grand design spirals

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    In normal spiral galaxies the arms are the main sites for star formation. This is the cause of their optical contrast compared with the rest of the disc. The spiral structure can be observed as a higher concentration of H2 regions, neutral gas (both atomic and molecular via CO), dust and stars than in the interarm disc. It seens generally accepted that, at least in grand design spirals, there are density waves in the discs. However, several questions are not clear yet and still under discussion. An important question could be termed the triggering dilemma (by analogy with the 'winding dilemma' raised in the forties): Is the enhanced star formation in the spiral arms triggered by the passage of a system of density waves or is it simply due to the presence of a higher column density of gas there? In the present work, we use triggering in the same sense as the moderate to strong triggering defined by Elmegreen (1992), that is to say that star formation in the arms occurs at a rate faster than that in the interarm zone, relative to the available placental gas. Our group has designed several tests to elucidate whether or not star formation is triggered in the arms with respect to the interarm region and we summarize one of them, that of the ratio of the star formation efficiency in the arms divided by that of the interarm zone at the same galactocentric distance which we may call the relative massive star formation efficiency, where the efficiency is defined using the ratio of the mass of stars (evaluated via the H alpha flux) to the mass of neutral gas, atomic plus molecular (which must be measured with the adequate angular resolution). If the relative efficiency is of order unity, the star formation is proportional to the mass of gas, if some kind of induced star formation is present, the relative efficiency should be considerably larger than unity

    The Central Region in M100: Observations and Modeling

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    We present new high-resolution observations of the center of the late-type spiral M100 (NGC 4321) supplemented by 3D numerical modeling of stellar and gas dynamics, including star formation (SF). NIR imaging has revealed a stellar bar, previously inferred from optical and 21 cm observations, and an ovally-shaped ring-like structure in the plane of the disk. The K isophotes become progressively elongated and skewed to the position angle of the bar (outside and inside the `ring') forming an inner bar-like region. The galaxy exhibits a circumnuclear starburst in the inner part of the K `ring'. Two maxima of the K emission have been observed to lie symmetrically with respect to the nucleus and equidistant from it slightly leading the stellar bar. We interpret the twists in the K isophotes as being indicative of the presence of a double inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) and test this hypothesis by modeling the gas flow in a self-consistent gas + stars disk embedded in a halo, with an overall NGC4321-like mass distribution. We have reproduced the basic morphology of the region (the bar, the large scale trailing shocks, two symmetric K peaks corresponding to gas compression maxima which lie at the caustic formed by the interaction of a pair of trailing and leading shocks in the vicinity of the inner ILR, both peaks being sites of SF, and two additional zones of SF corresponding to the gas compression maxima, referred usually as `twin peaks').Comment: 31 pages, postscript, compressed, uuencoded. 21 figures available in postscript, compressed form by anonymous ftp from ftp://asta.pa.uky.edu/shlosman/main100 , mget *.ps.Z. To appear in Ap.

    The structure, energy, and electronic states of vacancies in Ge nanocrystals

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    The atomic structure, energy of formation, and electronic states of vacancies in H-passivated Ge nanocrystals are studied by density functional theory (DFT) methods. The competition between quantum self-purification and the free surface relaxations is investigated. The free surfaces of crystals smaller than 2 nm distort the Jahn-Teller relaxation and enhance the reconstruction bonds. This increases the energy splitting of the quantum states and reduces the energy of formation to as low as 1 eV per defect in the smallest nanocrystals. In crystals larger than 2 nm the observed symmetry of the Jahn-Teller distortion matches the symmetry expected for bulk Ge crystals. Near the nanocrystal's surface the vacancy is found to have an energy of formation no larger than 0.5 to 1.4 eV per defect, but a vacancy more than 0.7 nm inside the surface has an energy of formation that is the same as in bulk Ge. No evidence of the self-purification effect is observed; the dominant effect is the free surface relaxations, which allow for the enhanced reconstruction. From the evidence in this paper, it is predicted that for moderate sized Ge nanocrystals a vacancy inside the crystal will behave bulk-like and not interact strongly with the surface, except when it is within 0.7 nm of the surface.Comment: In Press at Phys. Rev.

    A surface-fitting program for areally- distributed data from the earth sciences and remote sensing

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    Fortran II program for analysis of data from earth sciences and remote sensin

    An Empirical Relation Between The Large-Scale Magnetic Field And The Dynamical Mass In Galaxies

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    The origin and evolution of cosmic magnetic fields as well as the influence of the magnetic fields on the evolution of galaxies are unknown. Though not without challenges, the dynamo theory can explain the large-scale coherent magnetic fields which govern galaxies, but observational evidence for the theory is so far very scarce. Putting together the available data of non-interacting, non-cluster galaxies with known large-scale magnetic fields, we find a tight correlation between the integrated polarized flux density, S(PI), and the rotation speed, v(rot), of galaxies. This leads to an almost linear correlation between the large-scale magnetic field B and v(rot), assuming that the number of cosmic ray electrons is proportional to the star formation rate, and a super-linear correlation assuming equipartition between magnetic fields and cosmic rays. This correlation cannot be attributed to an active linear alpha-Omega dynamo, as no correlation holds with global shear or angular speed. It indicates instead a coupling between the large-scale magnetic field and the dynamical mass of the galaxies, B ~ M^(0.25-0.4). Hence, faster rotating and/or more massive galaxies have stronger large-scale magnetic fields. The observed B-v(rot) correlation shows that the anisotropic turbulent magnetic field dominates B in fast rotating galaxies as the turbulent magnetic field, coupled with gas, is enhanced and ordered due to the strong gas compression and/or local shear in these systems. This study supports an stationary condition for the large-scale magnetic field as long as the dynamical mass of galaxies is constant.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter
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