9 research outputs found


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    Nous proposons dans le cadre de ce travail une nouvelle approche de la méthode des volumes finis dédié principalement à lamodélisation tridimensionnelle des phénomènes électromagnétiques au sein des dispositifs électrotechniques. Le maillageadopté est un maillage non-structuré qui requiert un mailleur indépendant, spécifique, parfaitement adapté à l’algorithmenumérique. Son rôle est de partitionner l’application étudiée en cellules élémentaires de forme aussi variée que des trianglesdans le cas bidimensionnel et tétraèdres voir prismatique dans le cas tridimensionnel. Cette approche est avantageuse comparéeaux approches présentées dans des travaux précédents par le faite quelle s’adapte parfaitement à la modélisationtridimensionnelle des problèmes électromagnétiques dans des dispositifs ayants des géométries complexe d’une part, d’autrepart, elle peut résoudre des problèmes électromagnétiques où les matériaux magnétiques sont utilisés dans la conception desdispositifs étudiés, contrairement à celles déjà présenté précédemment, où seulement on peut traiter les problèmes ayant desdispositifs conçut à partir des matériaux amagnétiques [1] voir diamagnétiques [2] comme par exemple les matériauxsupraconducteurs à haute température critique. L’ensemble des modèles mathématiques et numériques est implémenté dans uncode de calcul tridimensionnel sous environnement Matlab. La validité du travail présenté est atteinte par la comparaison desrésultats obtenus avec des résultats expérimentaux trouvés dans la littérature [3]

    Neurocognitive outcome after preterm birth: Interest of the follow-up and the systematic evaluation

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    ObjectivePreterm children can experience cognitive and behavioral difficulties being able to be responsible for school difficulties going to the academic failure. The aim of this study was to assess the cognitive process while insisting on the early screening from the preschool age.MethodsThe data arise from the study of files and from the neuropsychological evaluations realized with the premature children followed in a regular way to the service. The premature children with or without motor disabilities more 4 and a half-years, old deficit integrated pre-school and ordinary school were included. The children with severe disabilities in upper limbs and the children having a mental deficiency were excluded.Results30 middle-aged children 7 years 5 months have been included. The prematurity is between 27–34. The born term has an effect on the performances in particular on attention and visuo-spatial capacities.ConclusionThe prematurity is a risk factor of the school future of the child. There is specially a negative impact on visuo-spatial and visuo-motor processes and those children present social and behavioral difficulties. It is mandatory to include the neuropsychological evaluation in any follow-up of premature child thanks to tests validated in the Tunisian context. It remains of great importance to identify effective interventions to improve the long-term neurocognitive outcomes

    Prioritizing Consumer-Centric NFPs in Service Selection

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    Service Selection continues to be a challenge in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). In this paper, we propose a consumer-centric Non-Functional Properties (NFP) based services selection approach that relies on an externally-validated set of NFP descriptions integrated with the Web Service Description Language (WSDL). Our approach is based on three steps: (1) a Filtering step based on Hard NFPs defined in the consumer's request, (2) a Matchmaking step to discover the functionally-equivalent services, and (3) a Ranking step that sorts the resulting set of services based on the Soft NFPs defined by the consumer. The evaluation of our proposed service selection approach shows that the prioritization of NFP usage enhances the performance time of the service selection process while satisfying the functional and the nonfunctional requirements of the consumer

    3D modeling of magneto-thermal phenomena in superconductors with defects

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    International audienceThis paper describes the magnetization process of a superconducting material using a three-dimensional numericalmodel based on a control volume method and a magneto-thermal formulation. The coulomb gauge isused in the magnetic formulation in order to reduce the size of the system and the computational cost. Theproposed model considers the presence of a defect inside the material. Numerical results obtained from differentconfigurations show the effect of defects on the magnetization process

    Graph Explorations with Mobile Agents

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    International audienceThe basic primitive for a mobile agent is the ability to visit all the nodes of the graph in a systematic manner. This chapter considers the exploration of unknown graphs in full detail, for the specific mobile agent model considered in this book. The graph is considered to be finite, undirected and connected. Other than this fact, no prior knowledge of the graph is assumed. Several exploration techniques are introduced and explained for either a single agent, or multiple agents, exploring either labelled or unlabelled graphs. We focus on the efficiency of exploration and consider three different complexity measures, the time taken, the amount of memory used by the agents and the storage needed at each node of the graph. For exploration by multiple agents, we consider collaborative exploration by a team of colocated agents as well as distributed exploration by agents scattered in a graph. The concluding section presents some brief ideas and references on more advanced topics on graph exploration that are not covered in this chapter