110 research outputs found

    An adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to model the uniaxial compressive strength of cemented hydraulic backfill

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    Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to develop the models for predicting the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of cemented hydraulic backfill (CHB), a widely used technique for filling underground voids created by mining operations as it provides the high strength required for safe and economical working environment and allows the use of waste rock from mining operations as well as tailings from mineral processing plants as ingredients. Methods. In this study, different modelling techniques such as conventional linear, nonlinear multiple regression and one of the evolving soft computing methods, adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), were used for the prediction of UCS, the main criterion used to design backfill recipe. Findings. Statistical performance indices used to evaluate the efficiency of the developed models indicated that the ANFIS model can effectively be implemented for designing CHB with desired UCS. As proved by the performance indicators ANFIS model gives more compatible results with the expert opinion and current literature than conventional modelling techniques. Originality. In order to construct the models a very large database, containing more than 1600 UCS test results, was used. In addition to widely used conventional regression based modelling techniques, one of the evolving soft computing methods, ANFIS was employed. Numerical examples showing the implementation of constructed models were provided. Practical implementation. As proved by the statistical performance indicators, the developed models can be used for a reliable prediction of the UCS of CHB. However, more accurate results can be achieved by expanding the database and by constructing improved models using the algorithm presented in this paper.Мета. Побудова моделей для прогнозування межі міцності при одноосьовому стисканні цементної гідравлічної закладки для заповнення вироблених просторів шахт. Методика. Для досягнення поставленої мети були використані різні методи моделювання: лінійна та нелінійна множинна регресія, а також порівняно недавно став популярним метод програмування – адаптивне нейронечітке логічне виведення (ANFIS). За їх допомогою було спрогнозовано зміну міцності на одноосьове стискання, що є ключовим показником для визначення складу закладної суміші. Для побудови моделей використана значна база даних, яка включає результати більш ніж 1600 випробувань на одноосьове стискання. Лабораторними дослідженнями також визначалися властивості закладних матеріалів і суміші. Результати. Модель ANFIS дала найкращу продуктивність з урахуванням статистичних показників ефективності, таких як середня абсолютна процентна похибка і змінний обліковий запис. Статистичні показники продуктивності, які використовуються для оцінки ефективності розроблених моделей, свідчать, що моделювання за допомогою ANFIS дозволяє отримати результати, які більше відповідають експертній оцінці та даним з сучасної літератури, ніж інформація, отримана за допомогою традиційного моделювання. Встановлено, що на відміну від регресивного моделювання, ANFIS не вимагає заздалегідь визначених математичних рівнянь для взаємозв’язку між вхідними та вихідними змінними і використовує наданий набір даних для ефективного визначення структури моделі. Наукова новизна. Вперше для прогнозування міцності при одноосьовому стисканні були використані не лише традиційні способи моделювання, засновані на регресії, а й інноваційний метод програмування – адаптивне нейронечітке логічне виведення ANFIS. У статті наведені чисельні приклади впровадження нових побудованих моделей. Практична значимість. Статистичні індикатори продуктивності показали, що розроблені моделі можуть бути використані для надійного прогнозування міцності при одноосьовому стисканні й оптимальної рецептури закладної суміші. Однак, щоб отримати більш точні результати, необхідно мати більш широку базу даних і створити більш досконалі моделі на основі алгоритму, запропонованому в даній статті.Цель. Построение моделей для прогнозирования предела прочности при одноосном сжатии цементной гидравлической закладки для заполнения выработанных пространств шахт. Методика. Для достижения поставленной цели были использованы различные методы моделирования: линейная и нелинейная множественная регрессия, а также сравнительно недавно ставший популярным метод программирования – адаптивный нейронечеткий логический вывод (ANFIS). С их помощью было спрогнозировано изменение прочности на одноосное сжатие, что является ключевым показателем для определения состава закладочной смеси. Для построения моделей использована обширная база данных, которая включает результаты более чем 1600 испытаний на одноосное сжатие. Лабораторными исследованиями также определялись свойства закладочных материалов и смеси. Результаты. Модель ANFIS дала наилучшую производительность с учетом статистических показателей эффективности, таких как средняя абсолютная процентная погрешность и переменная учетная запись. Статистические показатели производительности, используемые для оценки эффективности разработанных моделей, свидетельствуют, что моделирование с помощью ANFIS позволяет получить результаты, которые более соответствуют экспертной оценке и данным из современной литературы, чем информация, полученная при помощи традиционного моделирования. Установлено, что в отличие от регрессионного моделирования, ANFIS не требует заранее определенных математических уравнений для взаимосвязи между входными и выходными переменными и использует предоставленный набор данных для эффективного определения структуры модели. Научная новизна. Впервые для прогнозирования прочности при одноосном сжатии были использованы не только традиционные способы моделирования, основанные на регрессии, но и инновационный метод программирования – адаптивный нейронечеткий логический вывод ANFIS. В статье приведены численные примеры внедрения новых построенных моделей. Практическая значимость. Статистические индикаторы производительности показали, что разработанные модели могут быть использованы для надежного прогнозирования прочности при одноосном сжатии и оптимальной рецептуры закладочной смеси. Однако, чтобы получить более точные результаты, необходимо иметь более широкую базу данных и создать более совершенные модели на основе алгоритма, предложенного в данной статье.The authors thank the staff and the managers of Jinfeng underground gold mine for their helps and cooperation during field and laboratory studies. The company is also acknowledged for the permission to use and publish the data

    The Capability Approach: A critical review of its application in health economics

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    The capability approach is an approach to assessing well-being developed by Amartya Sen. Interest in this approach has resulted in several attempts to develop questionnaires to measure and value capability at an individual level in health economics. The methods of measuring and valuing capability used in the questionnaires are critically reviewed in this paper. It is argued that the methods used to measure capability result in a capability profile that is often an inaccurate description of the individual’s true capability set. In addition, existing methods of valuing capability do not consider that capability is a set, consisting of multiple combinations of functionings rather than a single combination, which means that existing methods of valuing capability may be inadequate. The difficulties in measuring and valuing capability faced by existing questionnaires means that using the capability approach in economic evaluations will require a significant amount of further research

    Are policy decisions on surgical procedures informed by robust economic evidence? A systematic review

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the empirical and methodological cost-effectiveness evidence of surgical interventions for breast, colorectal, or prostate cancer. Methods: A systematic search of seven databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, and NHSEED, research registers, the NICE Web site and conference proceedings was conducted in April 2012. Study quality was assessed in terms of meeting essential, preferred and UK NICE specific requirements for economic evaluations. Results: The seventeen (breast = 3, colorectal = 7, prostate = 7) included studies covered a broad range of settings (nine European; eight non-European) and six were published over 10 years ago. The populations, interventions and comparators were generally well defined. Very few studies were informed by literature reviews and few used synthesized clinical evidence. Although the interventions had potential differential effects on recurrence and mortality rates, some studies used relatively short time horizons. Univariate sensitivity analyses were reported in all studies but less than a third characterized all uncertainty with a probabilistic sensitivity analysis. Although a third of studies incorporated patients' health-related quality of life data, only four studies used social tariff values. Conclusions: There is a dearth of recent robust evidence describing the cost-effectiveness of surgical interventions in the management of breast, colorectal and prostate cancers. Many of the recent publications did not satisfy essential methodological requirements such as using clinical evidence informed by a systematic review and synthesis. Given the ratio of potential benefit and harms associated with cancer surgery and the volume of resources consumed by these, there is an urgent need to increase economic evaluations of these technologies

    Using a discrete choice experiment involving cost to value a classification system measuring the quality of life impact of self-management for diabetes

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    Objective: This paper describes the use of a novel approach in health valuation of a discrete choice experiment (DCE) including a cost attribute to value a recently developed classification system for measuring the quality of life impact (both health and treatment experience) of self-management for diabetes. Methods: A large online survey was conducted using DCE with cost on UK respondents from the general population (n=1,497) and individuals with diabetes (n=405). The data was modelled using a conditional logit model with robust standard errors. The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) was used to generate willingness to pay estimates for every state defined by the classification system. Robustness of results was assessed by including interaction effects for household income. Results: There were some logical inconsistencies and insignificant coefficients for the milder levels of some attributes. There were some differences in the rank ordering of different attributes for the general population and diabetes patients. The willingness to pay to avoid the most severe state was £1,118.53 per month for the general population and £2,356.02 per month for the diabetes patient population. The results were largely robust. Conclusion: Health and self-management can be valued in a single classification system using DCE with cost. The MRS for key attributes can be used to inform cost-benefit analysis of self-management interventions in diabetes using results from clinical studies where this new classification system has been applied. The method shows promise, but found large willingness to pay estimates exceeding the cost levels used in the survey

    Infliximab, adalimumab and golimumab for treating moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis after the failure of conventional therapy (including a review of TA140 and TA262): clinical effectiveness systematic review and economic model.

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    BACKGROUND: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is the most common form of inflammatory bowel disease in the UK. UC can have a considerable impact on patients' quality of life. The burden for the NHS is substantial. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the clinical effectiveness and safety of interventions, to evaluate the incremental cost-effectiveness of all interventions and comparators (including medical and surgical options), to estimate the expected net budget impact of each intervention, and to identify key research priorities. DATA SOURCES: Peer-reviewed publications, European Public Assessment Reports and manufacturers' submissions. The following databases were searched from inception to December 2013 for clinical effectiveness searches and from inception to January 2014 for cost-effectiveness searches for published and unpublished research evidence: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, The Cochrane Library including the Cochrane Systematic Reviews Database, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, the Health Technology Assessment database and NHS Economic Evaluation Database; ISI Web of Science, including Science Citation Index, and the Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science and Bioscience Information Service Previews. The US Food and Drug Administration website and the European Medicines Agency website were also searched, as were research registers, conference proceedings and key journals. REVIEW METHODS: A systematic review [including network meta-analysis (NMA)] was conducted to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and safety of named interventions. The health economic analysis included a review of published economic evaluations and the development of a de novo model. RESULTS: Ten randomised controlled trials were included in the systematic review. The trials suggest that adult patients receiving infliximab (IFX) [Remicade(®), Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltd (MSD)], adalimumab (ADA) (Humira(®), AbbVie) or golimumab (GOL) (Simponi(®), MSD) were more likely to achieve clinical response and remission than those receiving placebo (PBO). Hospitalisation data were limited, but suggested more favourable outcomes for ADA- and IFX-treated patients. Data on the use of surgical intervention were sparse, with a potential benefit for intervention-treated patients. Data were available from one trial to support the use of IFX in paediatric patients. Safety issues identified included serious infections, malignancies and administration site reactions. Based on the NMA, in the induction phase, all biological treatments were associated with statistically significant beneficial effects relative to PBO, with the greatest effect associated with IFX. For patients in response following induction, all treatments except ADA and GOL 100 mg at 32-52 weeks were associated with beneficial effects when compared with PBO, although these were not significant. The greatest effects at 8-32 and 32-52 weeks were associated with 100 mg of GOL and 5 mg/kg of IFX, respectively. For patients in remission following induction, all treatments except ADA at 8-32 weeks and GOL 50 mg at 32-52 weeks were associated with beneficial effects when compared with PBO, although only the effect of ADA at 32-52 weeks was significant. The greatest effects were associated with GOL (at 8-32 weeks) and ADA (at 32-52 weeks). The economic analysis suggests that colectomy is expected to dominate drug therapies, but for some patients, colectomy may not be considered acceptable. In circumstances in which only drug options are considered, IFX and GOL are expected to be ruled out because of dominance, while the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for ADA versus conventional treatment is approximately £50,300 per QALY gained. LIMITATIONS: The health economic model is subject to several limitations: uncertainty associated with extrapolating trial data over a lifetime horizon, the model does not consider explicit sequential pathways of non-biological treatments, and evidence relating to complications of colectomy was identified through consideration of approaches used within previous models rather than a full systematic review. CONCLUSIONS: Adult patients receiving IFX, ADA or GOL were more likely to achieve clinical response and remission than those receiving PBO. Further data are required to conclusively demonstrate the effect of interventions on hospitalisation and surgical outcomes. The economic analysis indicates that colectomy is expected to dominate medical treatments for moderate to severe UC. STUDY REGISTRATION: This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42013006883. FUNDING: The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme

    Developing a questionnaire to determine the impact of self-management in diabetes: giving people with diabetes a voice

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    Background The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is increasing dramatically, placing considerable financial burden on the healthcare budget of each country. Patient self-management is crucial for the control of blood glucose, which largely determines the chances of developing diabetes-related complications. Self-management interventions vary widely, and a method is required for assessing the impact of self-management. This paper describes the development of a questionnaire intended for use to measure the impact of self-management in diabetes. Methods An iterative development process was undertaken to identify the attributes of self-management using 5 steps. First, a literature review was undertaken to identify and understand themes relating to self-management of DM to inform a topic guide. Second, the topic guide was further refined following consultation with a Patient and Public Involvement group. Third, the topic guide was used to inform semi-structured interviews with patients with Type 1 DM (T1DM) and Type 2 DM (T2DM) to identify how self-management of DM affects individuals. Fourth, the research team considered potential attributes alongside health attributes from an existing measure (Diabetes Health Profile, DHP) to produce an instrument reflecting both health and self-management outcomes simultaneously. Finally, a draft instrument was tested in a focus group to determine the wording and acceptability. Results Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 32 patients with T1DM and T2DM. Eight potential attributes were identified: fear/worry/anxiety, guilt, stress, stigma, hassle, control, freedom, and feeling supported. Four of these self-management attributes were selected with four health attributes (mood, worry about hypos (hypoglycaemic episodes), vitality and social limitations) to produce the Health and Self-Management in Diabetes (HASMID v1) questionnaire. Conclusions HASMID v1 is a short questionnaire that contains eight items each with four response levels to measure the impact of self-management in diabetes for both T1DM and T2DM. The measure was developed using a mixed-methods approach that involved semi-structured interviews with people with diabetes. The measure has high face validity. Ongoing research is being undertaken to assess the validity of this questionnaire for measuring the impact of self-management interventions in economic evaluation

    Relative effectiveness of insulin pump treatment over multiple daily injections and structured education during flexible intensive insulin treatment for type 1 diabetes: cluster randomised trial (REPOSE).

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    Objective To compare the effectiveness of insulin pumps with multiple daily injections for adults with type 1 diabetes, with both groups receiving equivalent training in flexible insulin treatment.Design Pragmatic, multicentre, open label, parallel group, cluster randomised controlled trial (Relative Effectiveness of Pumps Over MDI and Structured Education (REPOSE) trial).Setting Eight secondary care centres in England and Scotland.Participants Adults with type 1 diabetes who were willing to undertake intensive insulin treatment, with no preference for pumps or multiple daily injections. Participants were allocated a place on established group training courses that taught flexible intensive insulin treatment ("dose adjustment for normal eating," DAFNE). The course groups (the clusters) were then randomly allocated in pairs to either pump or multiple daily injections.Interventions Participants attended training in flexible insulin treatment (using insulin analogues) structured around the use of pump or injections, followed for two years.Main outcome measures The primary outcomes were a change in glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) values (%) at two years in participants with baseline HbA1c value of ≥7.5% (58 mmol/mol), and the proportion of participants achieving an HbA1c value of <7.5%. Secondary outcomes included body weight, insulin dose, and episodes of moderate and severe hypoglycaemia. Ancillary outcomes included quality of life and treatment satisfaction.Results 317 participants (46 courses) were randomised (156 pump and 161 injections). 267 attended courses and 260 were included in the intention to treat analysis, of which 235 (119 pump and 116 injection) had baseline HbA1c values of ≥7.5%. Glycaemic control and rates of severe hypoglycaemia improved in both groups. The mean change in HbA1c at two years was -0.85% with pump treatment and -0.42% with multiple daily injections. Adjusting for course, centre, age, sex, and accounting for missing values, the difference was -0.24% (-2.7 mmol/mol) in favour of pump users (95% confidence interval -0.53 to 0.05, P=0.10). Most psychosocial measures showed no difference, but pump users showed greater improvement in treatment satisfaction and some quality of life domains (dietary freedom and daily hassle) at 12 and 24 months.Conclusions Both groups showed clinically relevant and long lasting decreases in HbA1c, rates of severe hypoglycaemia, and improved psychological measures, although few participants achieved glucose levels currently recommended by national and international guidelines. Adding pump treatment to structured training in flexible intensive insulin treatment did not substantially enhance educational benefits on glycaemic control, hypoglycaemia, or psychosocial outcomes in adults with type 1 diabetes. These results do not support a policy of providing insulin pumps to adults with poor glycaemic control until the effects of training on participants' level of engagement in intensive self management have been determined.Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN61215213.This research was funded by the UK Health Technology Assessment Programme (project No 08/107/01) and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment. See the HTA programme website for further project information. (http://www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/). This report presents independent research commissioned by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). We also acknowledge financial support from the Research and Development Programmes of the Department of Health for England and the Scottish Health and Social Care Directorates who supported the costs of consumables, and of Medtronic UK, which provided the insulin pumps for the trial. These funders had no involvement in the design of the protocol; the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data; the writing of this paper; or the decision to submit this article for publication. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the HTA, NIHR, NHS, the Department of Health, or Medtronic UK

    What is the quality of economic evaluations of non-drug therapies? A systematic review and critical appraisal of economic evaluations of radiotherapy for cancer. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy.

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    Background Breast, cervical and colorectal cancers are the three most frequent cancers in women, while lung, prostate and colorectal cancers are the most frequent in men. Much attention has been given to the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals for treatment of cancer by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the UK and similar authorities internationally, while economic analysis developed for other types of anti-cancer interventions, including radiotherapy and surgery, are less common. Objectives Our objective was to review methods used in published cost-effectiveness studies evaluating radiotherapy for breast, cervical, colorectal, head and neck and prostate cancer, and to compare the economic evaluation methods applied with those defined in the guidelines used by the NICE technology appraisal programme. Methods A systematic search of seven databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, CDSR, NHSEED, HTA, DARE, EconLit) as well as research registers, the NICE website and conference proceedings was conducted in July 2012. Only economic evaluations of radiotherapy interventions in individuals diagnosed with cancer that included quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) or life-years (LYs) were included. Included studies were appraised on the basis of satisfying essential, preferred and UK-specific methods requirements, building on the NICE Reference Case for economic evaluations and on other methods guidelines. Results A total of 29 studies satisfied the inclusion criteria (breast 14, colorectal 2, prostate 10, cervical 0, head and neck 3). Only two studies were conducted in the UK (13 in the USA). Among essential methods criteria, the main issue was that only three (10 %) of the studies used clinical-effectiveness estimates identified through systematic review of the literature. Similarly, only eight (28 %) studies sourced health-related quality-of-life data directly from patients with the condition of interest. Other essential criteria (e.g. clear description of comparators, patient group indication and appropriate time horizon) were generally fulfilled, while most of the UK-specific requirements were not met. Conclusion Based on this review there is a dearth of up-to-date, robust evidence on the cost effectiveness of radiotherapy in cancer suitable to support decision making in the UK. Studies selected did not fully satisfy essential method standards currently recommended by NICE