2,469 research outputs found

    Urban Morphology Framework; A Sustainable approach to Heritage Contexts – Fes El-Bali: The sacred heart of the old city, Morocco.

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    Morphologies, patterns of urban form, are outcomes of myriad decisions taken by planners, urban designers, architects, engineers, politicians and others, addressing existing problems. Many city strategies and programs focus on specific urban issues in which local improvements, designs are considered, where as a broad context vision stays unknown. The insufficiency is in taking responsibility of the whole city shape, since development is limited to a group of land uses and road networks. Instead, looking at the coherent structure originating from significant patterns and unique relations forming the existing urban product must be considered. This paper tackles heritage contexts being sites with distinct complex conditions, these sites have been evolved over several generations with accumulative social, cultural and political transformations. Moreover, they present the city history, the community’s heritage asset that must be preserved, maintained and at the same time invested. The paper presents one of the most significant ancient cities which is the old city of Fes, Fes El-Bali, in Morocco, as a world heritage site. Fes is considered a model for an urban Islamic complicated fabric that recently undergoes careful restorations for revival. The paper introduces a morphological approach in order to achieve an integrated framework through the study of the sacred heart of the old city of Fes. The proposed framework offers the track for achieving efficiency and value for integrated developments

    Технология изготовления гибких электромагнитных экранов на основе резистивных материалов

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    The article introduces the technique for manufacturing flexible electromagnetic shields based on resistive materials (powdered charcoals and sheet foil), as well as the results of experimental justification of the use prospects of this technique in the development of new functional materials. This justification consisted of: 1) manufacturing of the experimental samples in accordance with the presented technique; 2) carrying out the measurements of the electromagnetic radiation reflection and transmission coefficient values in the frequency range of 0.7–17.0 GHz of the manufactured experimental samples. It was discovered that flexible electromagnetic shields based on the powdered charcoals manufactured in accordance with the presented technique are characterized by the electromagnetic radiation reflection coefficient values in the frequency range of 0.7–17.0 GHz, reaching –10.0 dB, when electromagnetic radiation reflection coefficient values reach –20.0 dB . Due to this fact it is possible to recommend to use them in order to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of radioelectronic equipment and to protect people from exposure to radiation, emitted by such equipment, as well as to hide ground objects from detection in the radar wavelength range. В статье представлены технология изготовления гибких электромагнитных экранов на основе резистивных материалов (порошкообразного угля и листовой фольги), а также результаты экспериментального обоснования перспектив использования этой технологии при разработке новых функциональных материалов. Это обоснование заключалось в следующем: 1) изготовление экспериментальных образцов согласно представленной технологии; 2) проведение измерений значений коэффициентов отражения и передачи электромагнитного излучения в диапазоне частот 0,7–17,0 ГГц изготовленных экспериментальных образцов. Установлено, что гибкие электромагнитные экраны на основе порошкообразных древесных углей, изготовленные согласно представленной технологии, характеризуются значениями коэффициента отражения электромагнитного излучения в диапазоне частот 0,7–17,0 ГГц, достигающими –10,0 дБ, при значениях коэффициента отражения электромагнитного излучения –20,0 дБ. В связи с этим можно рекомендовать использование таких экранов для обеспечения электромагнитной совместимости радиоэлектронных средств и защиты людей от воздействия излучения, генерируемого такими средствами, а также для скрытия наземных объектов от обнаружения в радиолокационном диапазоне длин волн.

    Developing Strategic Reports for National Co-Operative of Malaysia (Angkasa) Using Data Warehouse and Decision Tree Model

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    Managing an organization requires access to information in order to monitor activities and assess performance. Business Intelligence (BI) solutions provide organizations with timley, itegrated information that is crucial to the understanding of their business. Data Warehouse (DW) technology is one of the important strategic management approaches for decision making in an organizations. The BI combines architectures, tools, databases, analytical tools, and methodologies to enable the implementation of interactive information in generating analytical reports. Strategic reports, which influence the enduring way of the whole company, are typically used by top managers. These kinds of decisions are repeatedly complex and the outcomes unsure, because existing information is habitually incomplete. Managers at this point must normally depend on history experiences and their instincts when making strategic decisions. DW is a technology allows integrating and transforming enterprise data for strategic decision making. Furthermore, Decision Tree (DT) is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graphof decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility. The organization, which is, responsible to manage people activities need strategic decisions making. This paper will be focused how to design and develop Strategic Reports using DW and DT Model for National Co-operative Organization of Malaysia (ANGKASA) called DSRNCO, as a case study. This system has been evaluated through the system user feedback by using Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ), which measures system usability and user satisfaction

    Two-Phase Capillary Pressure-Saturation Relationship for Kerosene in Iraqi Sand

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    Quantitative descriptions of the two-phase flow in the subsurface soil require knowledge of the relative permeability-saturation-capillary pressure Kr-S-Pc relationships. The significance of the present study lies in introducing a physical model that was used to measure the capillary pressure-saturation curve for the twophase kerosene-water system in Kerbala’s sand. The experimental results are fitted with the empirical mathematical function described by (Parker et al., 1987) which is based on (Van Genuchten’s model, 1980). This function can be used to specify the residual water saturation, Sr, and Van Genuchten’s soil parameters, α and n. The best-fit curve was found by using a nonlinear least squares fitting routine using the SPSS software version 7.5. The fitting parameters Sr, α and n for the best-fit to Van Genuchten’s capillary pressuresaturation curve for kerosene-water system have the values of 7%, 0.048 cm-1 and 2.7, respectively, for Kerbala’s sand

    Considering Green Corridors in Road Networks: An Integrated Gray-Green approach for Urban Development in Cairo, Egypt.

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    Green corridors are one of the main features for sustainability, they refer to ecological qualities and are basic elements for resilient cities. Many global cities are oriented towards green construction to protect their environments from rapid urbanization and its destructive impact on nature. However, in other cities, this is extremely challenging. In Cairo, contemporary developments are directed towards constructing the ‘Gray’ road networks, whereas the ‘Green’ is nearly disappearing. This study introduces an integrated ‘Gray-Green’ approach for urban development in Cairo, where green corridors are considered to achieve a livable sustainable urban environment. First, the study discusses characteristics, benefits and challenges for green corridor construction. Then, it presents three different visions and approaches for three international projects adopting green corridor concepts within their urban development. The study then depends on a comparative analysis between the three mentioned projects and the fourth case in Cairo. This analysis explores themes, objectives, challenges and actions for each project in order to conclude a proposed action plan for Cairo. This plan is considered an adaptive process for fostering environmental, social and economic sustainability in Cairo

    Технология изготовления гибких электромагнитных экранов на основе резистивных материалов

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    The article introduces the technique for manufacturing flexible electromagnetic shields based on resis­tive materials (powdered charcoals and sheet foil), as well as the results of experimental justification of the use prospects of this technique in the development of new functional materials. This justification consisted of: 1) manu­facturing of the experimental samples in accordance with the presented technique; 2) carrying out the measu­ rements of the electromagnetic radiation reflection and transmission coefficient values in the frequency range of 0.7–17.0 GHz of the manufactured experimental samples. It was discovered that flexible electromagnetic shields based on the powdered charcoals manufactured in accordance with the presented technique are characterized by the electromagnetic radiation reflection coefficient values in the frequency range of 0.7–17.0 GHz, reaching –10.0 dB, when electromagnetic radiation reflection coefficient values reach –20.0 dB . Due to this fact it is possible to recom­mend to use them in order to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of radioelectronic equipment and to protect people from exposure to radiation, emitted by such equipment, as well as to hide ground objects from detection in the radar wavelength range

    Potato Peels and Mixed Grasses as Raw Materials for Biofuel Production

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    Biogas and fuel ethanol are renewable energy sources, can be produced from complex organic materials that are decomposed by microorganisms in the anaerobic digestion method. Potato peels (PPs) and mixed Lolium perenne and Dactylis glomerata grasses were assessed as a potential substrate for biomethanation in a batch method under mesophilic condition (35°C) and ethanol fermentation. The first approach of this work was focused on pretreatment of PPs using acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis to produce biogas and ethanol fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Safbrew S-33. These experiments proved that enzymatic hydrolysis produced 1.2 g/L of ethanol involved 115 h of fermentation and 665 ml/h of biogas after 451 h of biomethanation, this was more than the outcomes of acidic treatment. The second approach was concentrated on ability of biogas and ethanol production from mixed grasses treated with different acid concentrations that produced 0.16 g/L ethanol over 8 days of fermentation and 500 ml/h of biogas after 13 days of methanation technique. In general, the results pointed out that PPs and combined grasses can be used as potential substrates with raw materials for biogas and ethanol production

    The productivity of Maize (Zea mays L.) Water using efficacy and Consumptive use under different Irrigation systems

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    Under conditions of freshwater scarcity in Iraq, farmers are looking to adopt more effective irrigation methods compared with conventional. In 2016 and 2017, a field experiment was performed over two years to evaluate optimal irrigation method for maize Zea mays L. production using a Randomized Completely Bloke Design RCBD with five irrigation furrow treatments I0, surface drip I1, and subsurface drip with three depths of emitter 10cm I2, 20 I3, and 30cm I4 respectively. These treatments were irrigated when 50- 55% of the available water was depleted; then, a sensor system was utilized to identify the required water amount to bring the soil in the crop root area to the capacity field. The results indicated that the consumptive water use of furrow 707.91 and 689.69 mm surface drip 558.65 and 529.66 mm and subsurface drip with emitter deep at 10 cm 400.38 and 380.83 mm, 20cm 313.93 and 293.50 mm and 30cm 345.61 and 325.28 mm for 2016 and 2017 respectively. Subsurface drip irrigation increases crop yield; the greatest yield grain was optioned under the treatment subsurface drip irrigation with 20 cm emitter depth and the lowest under surface drip irrigation

    Degradation of crude oil and pure hydrocarbon fractions by some wild bacterial and fungal species

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    The use of biodegradation as a method for cleaning up soil that has been contaminated by spilt petroleum can be an effective strategy. So, this study investigated the existence of the wild microorganism in soil contaminated with oil and study their ability to degrade petroleum in vitro. Nineteen samples were collected from various locations near Taq Taq (TTOPCO) natural seeps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Morphological, cultural, biochemical tests and molecular identification were used to identify the microbial communities, in addition, spore texture and the colour of the fungal isolates were investigated on the fungal isolates. Out of the19 samples, 17 indigenous bacterial strains and 5 fungal strains were successfully isolated. From the absorption spectrophotometry, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus, Achromobacter sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa for the bacterial isolates grew well on a minimal salt medium supplemented with 1% crude oil. Results showed that these isolates mentioned above had a strong ability to degrade crude oil by reducing the colour of 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) from deep blue to colourless. However, for the fractions of hydrocarbon, the bacterial isolates failed and did not affect the colour of any of the fractions. The results for fungi showed that Aspergillus lentulus and Rhizopus arrhizus had a strong ability to degrade both crude oil and fraction F1 by reducing the colour of DCPIP. Each fungal isolates also had a great tolerance to different concentrations of crude oil when grown on solid MSM. This study showed these microorganisms have a strong ability to degrade crude oil and can be used to clean up soil and the environment

    Pedal towards Safety: The Development and Evaluation of a Risk Index for Cyclists †

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    Cyclists are at a higher risk of being involved in accidents. To this end, a safer environment for cyclists should be pursued so that they can feel safe while riding their bicycles. Focusing on safety risks that cyclists may face is the main key to preserving safe mobility, reducing accidents, and improving their level of safety during their travel. Identifying and assessing risk factors, as well as informing cyclists about them may lead to an efficient and integrated transportation system. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to introduce a risk index that can be adapted to different road areas in order to measure the degree of how risky these areas are for biking. Cyclists’ behavior and demographics were integrated into the risk index calculation. The methodology followed to obtain the risk index composed of four phases: risk factor identification, risk factor weighting, risk index formulation, and risk index validation. Nineteen risk factors are categorized into four major groups: facility features, infrastructure features, cyclist behavior, and weather and traffic conditions