60 research outputs found

    Design and Development of Student Admission System in the State University of Jakarta

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    Student admission system is a must in every university, and so in the State University of Jakarta. Web applications are more widely used in the development of information systems because of the ease in distributing information to many users. By using the concept of re-used oriented, student admission system built in 2015 is developing by adding, editing, and deleting a requirement based on policy that enforce today. Moreover, adding web service as an intermediary between system and database as an extra feature in new system. The research was conducted using the Feature Driven Development (FDD) which is one of the Agile Method that does not have fixed rule in traceability model between requirement and feature, where this research went through several stages, namely needs to develop an overall model, build a feature list, plan by feature, design and build by feature. This study produces several products, there are Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and system that are built with React-Redux for its front-end and Laravel as its back-end.     Keywords: design and development, requirement, re-used oriented, feature driven development, web servic

    Corruption and Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis 1996 - 2013

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    That corruption is the bane of Nigeria’s socio-economic development is to state the obvious. Today, in Nigeria, there is a consensus among well-meaning individuals and foreign nations that corruption has inevitably become a major clog in the quest for sustainable growth and development. It is further agreed that it must be halted before it shut down the country. Since 1996, Nigeria was labeled the most corrupt nation three times: 1996, 1997, and 2000: and placed in the bottom five four more times: fifth from the bottom in 1998 and second bottom in 1999, 2001, 2002 and 2003. Thus, this study investigates the impact of corruption on economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1996 – 2013. The result of the regression analysis shows that there is a negative relationship between the dependent variable (GDP) and corruption level in Nigeria. This invariably means that as the level of corruption activities increases, economic growth decreases significantly. This findings thus made the argument against corruption relevant. Based on the findings, we therefore recommend as follows: The activities of the anti-corruption agencies in Nigeria such as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practices and Related Offences Commission (ICPC) should be strengthened; The public should be educated about the problems that corrupt practices create for the economy and the society at large, and be discouraged from participating in corrupt practices. Nigerians should put in leadership positions honest individuals who would serve as role models to minimize the negative consequences of corruption with its negative impact on the development and growth of Nigeria; corruption is made easy in Nigeria because government involvement in economic decision making is high. Therefore, privatization of government business interest especially in the oil sector should be carried out. Keywards: Corruption Economic Growth, Privatization, Transparency Nepotism, Vandalisation

    Economic Growth through the Lens of Non-Oil Export in Nigeria, 1970 – 2010

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    This study examined economic growth through the lens of non-oil export in Nigeria from 1970 to 2008. It was prompted by incessant insignificant contribution of non-oil export to economic growth of Nigeria from 1970 to 2008. The overall objective of the study is to ascertain the impact or influence of non-oil export on Gross Domestic Product by way of finding, if any, the relationship between economic growth and non-oil export through an economic lens. In order to achieve these objectives, research questions were raised and hypotheses were formulated. For these raised issues to be addressed, econometric analysis of Ordinary Least Squares regression method (multiple regression analysis) and the co-integration/error correction technique. The findings of the study include money supply is positively related to economic growth. This implies that an increase in money supply stimulates growth. This is in agreement with our expectation and economic theory. An increase in money supply spurs growth by making investment funds available at a reduced rate to investors. At a lower interest rate people borrow more that is as investment increases, production and output also raises leading to a rise in economic growth. Also, the result of our analysis indicates that non-oil export and money supply are positively related to economic growth. On the other hand credit to the private sector was found to be negatively related to economic growth. Based on the findings, it is therefore recommended that Government should increase investment in non-oil sector; because our result shows that non-oil export is positively related to economic growth but insignificant at 5 percent level. An increase in investment by both private and the government in real sector like agriculture, industry and manufacturing will help boost economic growth through employment creation, output stimulation and improvement in income level. The real sector remains the key avenue for rapid and sustained growth in an economy be it developed or developing countries. The monetary authorities should reduce lending rate to single digit may help stimulate investment and economic growth in the country. We therefore conclude that rise in these variables can stimulate growth while a fall, reduces economic growth. On the other hand credit to the private sector was found to be negatively related to economic growth. Keywords:Economic Growth, Non-oil Export Agriculture, Employment Creation, Stimulation Income Level

    An Evaluation of the Impact of Fluctuating Oil Revenue and the Performance of the Nigerian Economy: An Econometric Analysis

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    The up and down movement in  the price of crude oil in recent years  has led to increasing concern about its macroeconomic implications for the Nigerian economy as economic planning has become very uncertain given the fact that the economy is highly vulnerable to oil price fluctuations. It is with this view in mind that this paper empirically analyses the impact of fluctuating oil revenue and the performance of the Nigerian economy between 1999 to 2016 (a seventeen years period of democratic governance), using secondary data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin and World Bank Development Indicators with VAR econometric tools of analysis. After appropriate stationary and robustness checks, the study finds out that oil price shocks (proxy for oil revenue) retards economic growth as it has a negative relationship with economic growth. An interesting outcome from the VAR Block Exogeneity Test is the unidirectional causality running from Oil Revenue to Real Gross Domestic Product (economic growth) which reveals the fact that during the years under reference, proceeds from oil export were mainly responsible for the level of astronomical growth recorded in the economy.  The study concludes that oil price fluctuation paints an unstable future for the Nigerian economy because macroeconomic variables like employment, interest rate and price stability become victims. Both fiscal and monetary tools are frequently revised to keep the system afloat during price shocks. Nigeria remains a victim of these policy shocks because of overdependence on oil export earnings. A major policy recommendation is the need for policy makers to concentrate on policies that will strengthen and stabilize the macroeconomic structure of the Nigerian economy with specific focus on alternative sources of government revenue (reduction of dependence on oil proceeds) and reduction in monetization of crude oil receipts (fiscal discipline). &nbsp

    Status Keistimewaan Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA Dalam Bingkai Demokrasi Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 (Studi Kasus Pengisian Jabatan Kepala Daerah Dan Wakil Kepala Daerah)

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    Status keistimewaan Provinsi DIY dalam kurun waktu sekian lama lebih sering diinterpretasikan sebagai istimewa dalam hal wilayah yang dulunya berbentuk kerajaan, istimewa dalam pemimpin yaitu dipimpin dwi tunggal dari lingkungan Kasultanan dan Pakualaman, dan istimewa dalam sistem pemerintahannya yang hierarkis patrimonial. Apabila dikelompokkan, pemaknaan keistimewaan Provinsi DIY setidaknya terbelah menjadi 2 (dua) yakni pihak yang pro-pemilihan dan pro-penetapan. Penetapan Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono sebagai Gubernur dan Sri Paku Alam sebagai Wakil Gubernur Provinsi DIY tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip demokrasi menurut UUD 1945 karena dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945, para penyusun UUD 1945 sepakat untuk mengadaptasikan bentuk dan model demokrasi yang sesuai dengan budaya dan corak masyarakat Indonesia yakni demokrasi permusyawaratan berdasar kekeluargaan. Artinya, masyarakat DIY berhak bermufakat secara kekeluargaan mengenai mekanisme yang ingin dipraktikkan, sepanjang mekanisme tersebut dipandang demokratis, dalam arti tidak bertentangan dengan gagasan demokrasi permusyawaratan serta tidak mengabaikan hakikat keistimewaan DIY, termasuk melalui mekanisme penetapan. Dalam hal menentukan kepala daerah DIY, para pengubah UUD 1945 tidak memaknai demokrasi hanya melalui mekanisme pemilihan secara langsung oleh rakyat atau oleh DPRD, melainkan membuka mekanisme lain di luar itu sepanjang mekanisme tersebut dianggap demokratis dan mendapatkan payung hukum dari undang- undang

    Design and Development of Student Admission System in the State University of Jakarta

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    Student admission system is a must in every university, and so in the State University of Jakarta. Web applications are more widely used in the development of information systems because of the ease in distributing information to many users. By using the concept of re-used oriented, student admission system built in 2015 is developing by adding, editing, and deleting a requirement based on policy that enforce today. Moreover, adding web service as an intermediary between system and database as an extra feature in new system. The research was conducted using the Feature Driven Development (FDD) which is one of the Agile Method that does not have fixed rule in traceability model between requirement and feature, where this research went through several stages, namely needs to develop an overall model, build a feature list, plan by feature, design and build by feature. This study produces several products, there are Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and system that are built with React-Redux for its front-end and Laravel as its back-end.     Keywords: design and development, requirement, re-used oriented, feature driven development, web servic

    Accounting for Unobserved Heterogeneity in The Relationship between External Trade Benefits and Standard of Living in Eswacs; 1980 -2013

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    Cross boundary trade activities are characterized with feedback effect which is referred to as common factors in terms of global shocks, International spill-over effects, dynamic feedback effects, recession, business cycle shocks, global financial crisis and imported inflation. These effects are often transmitted from one country to another within a particular trade region, and are most time unobserved hence unaccounted for. It is in the light of this worrythat this research is aimed at accounting for unobserved heterogeneity in the relationship between external trade benefits and standard of living in the five English Speaking West African Countries (ESWACs) from 1980 to 2013. These countries include The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone). The study expressed external trade benefits as increase in export earnings (EXE), trade openness (TOP), total government expenditure (TGE) and reduction in foreign exchange rate (FER), and standard of living (SLR). Theoretically, the study relied on two trade theories, in practice the study constructs a balanced panel data structure (BPDS) and methodologically, it adopted 2nd generation panel data econometric methods in its analyses. The results of the study reveal that external trade benefits have not been able to improve the status of standard of livingand the unobserved heterogeneity in the relationship between external trade benefits and standard of living in ESWACs is accounted for about 0.8746 (approximately 87%) with the period of study, indicating high level of unobserved heterogeneity in the relationship between external trade benefits and standard of living. Based on this result, the study therefore concluded that the inherent unobserved heterogeneity in the relationship between external trade benefits and standard of living has made the impact of external trade benefits on thestandard of living to be a trivial matter. Based on the findings and conclusion, the study recommended, among others, that the governments of ESWACs should encourage and support the real sector through subsidies and investment in social and physical infrastructure and agricultural and manufacturing sectors, and pay attention to investment in human capital as this will help to improve the standard of education and health status

    High-Precision Continuous-Flow Measurement of δ 13

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