2,049 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Field Pollution Level Measurement for Mobile Phone Networks at Cihan University-Erbil

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    The health effects by impact of radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) have become of increasing concern. We conducted a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) study and measurements of wireless and mobile phone networks to evaluate the hazard of RF radiation limit. Our measurements have been carried out at different locations on the campus of Cihan University – Erbil. The RF strength level measurement of a base station on site was done by using spectrum analyzer with a dipole antenna and Electro Magnetic Field detector (EMF) application in the handsets for mobile networks, then comparing our measurements with the international slandered SAR’s levels. &nbsp

    Karakterisasi Plasma Nutfah Ubi Jalar Berdaging Umbi Predominan Ungu

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    Ubi jalar merupakan bahan pangan sumber energi dalam bentuk gula dan karbohidrat. Umbi ini mengandung vitamin dan mineral yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh, seperti kalsium, zat besi, vitamin A maupun C. Upaya penganekaragaman pemanfaatan ubi jalar sebagai pangan fungsional perlu mempertimbangkan hubungan antara ukuran umbi dengan kadar nutrisi, khususnya pemanfaatan kandungan antosianin bagi kesehatan. Data karakteristik bobot bahan kering dan bentuk umbi plasma nutfah ubi jalar diperoleh dari katalog plasma nutfah tanaman pangan dan dari pertanaman koleksi ubi jalar di Cibadak. Sebanyak 10 aksesi ubi jalar berdaging umbi warna predominan ungu atau warna sekunder daging umbi ungu dipilih untuk dianalisis kadar antosianinnya dengan menggunakan spektrometer. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi karateristik beberapa plasma nutfah ubi jalar berdaging umbi warna ungu koleksi Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara bobot kering dengan bentuk umbi dan besarnya kandungan antosianin. Semakin pekat warna ungu daging umbi semakin tinggi kadar antosianinnya. Beberapa aksesi lokal mempunyai kandungan antosianin yang tinggi, yaitu antara 508,45-645,37 ppm


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    This work proposes a hypothesis that could stand as a basis for empirical investigation of translation process without losing sight of translation product. The proposed hypothesis can provide guidelines to investigate three possible concerns: First, the developmental nature of translators’ transitional constructions before settling on a “final” version. Second, the role of the non-native language in translating. Third, the type of language that is deployed in a translation.Cet article propose une hypothèse qui pourrait jeter les bases pour la recherche empirique du processus de traduction sans perdre de vue le produit de la traduction. L’hypothèse avancée fournit des principes pour trois enjeux possibles : d’abord, la nature développementale des constructions transitionnelles avant d’établir une version « finale », en deuxième lieu, le rôle de la langue étrangère dans la traduction, et enfin, le type de langue

    Bayesian Estimation of Erlang Distribution under Different Generalized Truncated Distributions as Priors

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    Various generalized truncated distributions are considered as independent informative priors for estimating shape and scale parameters of the Erlang distribution. In addition, various special cases are also discussed


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    Psidium guajava is an important food crop and medicinal plant available in tropical and subtropical countries. P. guajava (Guava), belonging to the family of Myrtaceae. P. guajava Linn. (Guava) is used not only as food but also as folk medicine in subtropical areas around the world because of its pharmacologic activities. It contains important phytoconstituents such as tannins, triterpenes, flavonoid, quercetin, pentacyclic triterpenoid, guajanoic acid, saponins, carotenoids, lectins, leucocyanidin, ellagic acid, amritoside, beta-sitosterol, uvaol, oleanolic acid, and ursolic acid. Conventionally, guava is used for the treatment of various ailments such as antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-allergy, antimicrobial, antigenotoxic, antiplasmodial, cytotoxic, antispasmodic, cardioactive, anti-cough, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antinociceptive activities, supporting its traditional uses

    Advantaging Aggressors: Justice & Deterrence in International Law

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    Current international law imposes limitations on the use of force to defend against unlawful aggression that improperly advantage unlawful aggressors and disadvantage their victims. The Article gives examples of such rules, governing a variety of situations, showing how clearly unjust they can be. No domestic criminal law system would tolerate their use. There are good practical reasons why international law should care that its rules are perceived as unjust. Given the lack of an effective international law enforcement mechanism, compliance depends to a large degree upon the moral authority with which international law speaks. Compliance is less likely when its rules are perceived as obviously unjust. This common sense perspective is supported by social science research showing the importance of law\u27s moral credibility in gaining assistance and compliance, in reducing resistance and subversion, and in helping to shape shared norms. The current practice of victim states ignoring legal limitations, with studied indifference to such violations by the international community, only legitimizes and habituates law-breaking, further undermining international law\u27s moral credibility. Interpretations of international law can be constructed that would narrow the gap between the legal rules and moral intuitions regarding the use of defensive force. Such revisionist interpretations may be a useful temporary measure, but are not a solution, because the gap between law and justice can be narrowed but not closed by reinterpretation alone. Ultimately, reform is required of international law\u27s foundational texts. International law limitations on responses to aggression are also improper for reasons beyond their conflict with principles of justice instantiated in domestic criminal law. International law and domestic criminal law are importantly different. Most fundamentally, international law lacks an effective law enforcement system. In order to effectively control unlawful aggression, international law needs to have fewer limitations on responses to aggression than criminal law, not more limitations. A series of examples of such improper limitations are discussed. Each has the unfortunate effect of promoting aggression and instability by undermining effective deterrence. Again, there exist possible reinterpretations of international law that could avoid some of the improper limitations but, ultimately, a reform of international law\u27s foundational texts is required. One important opportunity for reforming international law is currently being squandered. The Assembly of State Parties to the International Criminal Court has recently approved a resolution defining the international crime of aggression. However, rather than confront international law\u27s existing problems, the drafters compounded them by imposing individual criminal liability on leaders of victim states who authorize defensive force in violation of flawed current law. Fortunately, the resolution will not go into effect until 2017 at the earliest. There is still time to change course

    Reliability Estimates of Generalized Poisson Distribution and Generalized Geometric Series Distribution

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    Discrete distributions have played an important role in the reliability theory. In order to obtain Bayes estimators, researchers have adopted various conventional techniques. Generalizing the results of Maiti (1995), Chaturvadi and Tomer (2002) dealt with the problem of estimating P{X1, X2, …, Xk ≤ Y}, where random variables X and Y were assumed to follow a negative binomial distribution. Agit et al. obtained Bayesian estimates of the reliability functions and P{X1, X2, …, Xk ≤ Y} considering X and Y following binomial and Poisson distributions. The reliability function of the generalized Poisson and generalized geometric distribution is investigated. The expression for P{X1, X2, …, Xk ≤ Y} was obtained with X’s and Y following a Poisson distribution and some particular cases are shown

    Advantaging Aggressors: Justice & Deterrence in International Law

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    Current international law imposes limitations on the use of force to defend against unlawful aggression that improperly advantage unlawful aggressors and disadvantage their victims. The Article gives examples of such rules, governing a variety of situations, showing how clearly unjust they can be. No domestic criminal law system would tolerate their use. There are good practical reasons why international law should care that its rules are perceived as unjust. Given the lack of an effective international law enforcement mechanism, compliance depends to a large degree upon the moral authority with which international law speaks. Compliance is less likely when its rules are perceived as obviously unjust. This common sense perspective is supported by social science research showing the importance of law\u27s moral credibility in gaining assistance and compliance, in reducing resistance and subversion, and in helping to shape shared norms. The current practice of victim states ignoring legal limitations, with studied indifference to such violations by the international community, only legitimizes and habituates law-breaking, further undermining international law\u27s moral credibility. Interpretations of international law can be constructed that would narrow the gap between the legal rules and moral intuitions regarding the use of defensive force. Such revisionist interpretations may be a useful temporary measure, but are not a solution, because the gap between law and justice can be narrowed but not closed by reinterpretation alone. Ultimately, reform is required of international law\u27s foundational texts. International law limitations on responses to aggression are also improper for reasons beyond their conflict with principles of justice instantiated in domestic criminal law. International law and domestic criminal law are importantly different. Most fundamentally, international law lacks an effective law enforcement system. In order to effectively control unlawful aggression, international law needs to have fewer limitations on responses to aggression than criminal law, not more limitations. A series of examples of such improper limitations are discussed. Each has the unfortunate effect of promoting aggression and instability by undermining effective deterrence. Again, there exist possible reinterpretations of international law that could avoid some of the improper limitations but, ultimately, a reform of international law\u27s foundational texts is required. One important opportunity for reforming international law is currently being squandered. The Assembly of State Parties to the International Criminal Court has recently approved a resolution defining the international crime of aggression. However, rather than confront international law\u27s existing problems, the drafters compounded them by imposing individual criminal liability on leaders of victim states who authorize defensive force in violation of flawed current law. Fortunately, the resolution will not go into effect until 2017 at the earliest. There is still time to change course
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