43 research outputs found

    Customer attractiveness, supplier satisfaction and preferred customer status: a review and a cycle model

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    In this paper, we introduce the concept of preferred customer status, i.e. a buyer is awarded preferential treatment of its important suppliers compared to their other customers. As there is a lack of knowledge of what motivates suppliers to serve selected buyers better than others, our research focuses on the suppliers’ evaluation of customers and how it can be influenced by buyers. Based on social exchange theory, we provide a conceptual model which proposes customer attractiveness, supplier satisfaction and knowledge of alternative customers as factors influencing suppliers to award preferred customer status. Subsequently, a literature review is provided to give an overview of the drivers of customer attractiveness, supplier satisfaction and preferred customer status already analysed in current literature. We conclude by providing a preliminary conceptual framework and suggesting future research directions in this field. This article proposes new insights into supplier relationship management and offers a state-of-the-art analysis as well as a theoretical base to this new research field

    A Carbon Nanofilament-Bead Necklace

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    Carbon nanofilaments with carbon beads grown on their surfaces were successfully synthesized reproducibly by a floating catalyst CVD method. The nanofilaments hosting the pearl-like structures typically show an average diameter of about 60 nm, which mostly consists of low-ordered graphite layers. The beads with diameter range 150−450 nm are composed of hundreds of crumpled and random graphite layers. The mechanism for the formation of these beaded nanofilaments is ascribed to two nucleation processes of the pyrolytic carbon deposition, arising from a temperature gradient between different parts of the reaction chamber. Furthermore, the Raman scattering properties of the beaded nanofilaments have been measured, as well as their confocal Raman G-line images. The Raman spectra reveal that that the trunks of the nanofilaments have better graphitic properties than the beads, which is consistent with the HRTEM analysis. The beaded nanofilaments are expected to have high potential applications in composites, which should exhibit both particle- and fiber-reinforcing functions for the host matrixes

    Mathematical modelling of cytokines, MMPs and fibronectin fragments in osteoarthritic cartilage

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease which causes pain and stiffness in joints. OA progresses through excessive degradation of joint cartilage, eventually leading to significant joint degeneration and loss of function. Cytokines, a group of cell signalling proteins, present in raised concentrations in OA joints, can be classified into pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory groups. They mediate cartilage degradation through several mechanisms, primarily the up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a group of collagen-degrading enzymes. In this paper we show that the interactions of cytokines within cartilage have a crucial role to play in OA progression and treatment. We develop a four-variable ordinary differential equation model for the interactions between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, MMPs and fibronectin fragments (Fn-fs), a by-product of cartilage degradation and upregulator of cytokines. We show that the model has four classes of dynamic behaviour: homoeostasis, bistable inflammation, tristable inflammation and persistent inflammation. We show that positive and negative feedbacks controlling cytokine production rates can determine either a pre-disposition to OA or initiation of OA. Further, we show that manipulation of cytokine, MMP and Fn-fs levels can be used to treat OA, but we suggest that multiple treatment targets may be essential to halt or slow disease progression

    Occult Pathologic Findings in Reduction Mammaplasty in 5781 Patients—An International Multicenter Study

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    Breast cancer is among the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the world, affecting one in eight women in their lifetimes. The disease places a substantial burden on healthcare systems in developed countries and often requires surgical correction. In spite of this, much of the breast cancer pathophysiology remains unknown, allowing for the cancer to develop to later stages prior to detection. Many women undergo reduction mammaplasties (RM) to adjust breast size, with over 500,000 operations being performed annually. Tissue samples from such procedures have drawn interest recently, with studies attempting to garner a better understanding of breast cancer's development. A number of samples have revealed nascent cancer developments that were previously undetected and unexpected. Investigating these so-called "occult" findings of cancer in otherwise healthy patients may provide further insight regarding risk factors and countermeasures. Here, we detail occult findings of cancer in reduction mammaplasty samples provided from a cohort of over 5000 patients from 16 different institutions in Europe. Although the majority of our resected breast tissue specimens were benign, our findings indicate that there is a continued need for histopathological examination. As a result, our study suggests that preoperative imaging should be routinely performed in patients scheduled for RM, especially those with risk factors of breast cancer, to identify and enable a primary oncologic approach