21 research outputs found

    Gender-related Differences in Surgically Treated Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    Objective:The aim of the study was to investigate gender-specific differences in the Turkish patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) undergoing radical or nephron-sparing nephrectomy and compare the results with those in other regions.Materials and Methods:Data of 76 patients, who were clinically diagnosed with RCC and underwent radical or nephron-sparing nephrectomy from January 2011 to August 2017, were retrospectively evaluated. Age and gender of the patients and the size, histological type, grade and pathological stage of the tumors were recorded. A chi-square test was used for comparing categorical variables, whereas the Student’s t-test was used for the same purpose in the continuous variables.Results:Of the 67 patients, 39 (58.2%) were male and 28 (41.8%) were female; male-to-female ratio was 3:2. The mean age of the male and female patients was 63.4±11.7 years and 59.3±14.3 years, respectively and the mean tumor size was 5.7 and 5.3 cm, respectively. There were differences in mean age, tumor size and Fuhrman grade, however, none of them reached the level of statistical significance. Twenty four of the male and 25 of the female patients had low-stage, 15 of the male and 3 of the female patients had high-stage disease. Thus, the male patients had higher stage disease than the female patients and the difference was statistically significant (p=0.011).Conclusion:Turkish women with RCC had significantly lower stage disease than Turkish men, although grade and size of the tumor did not present a statistically significant difference. The results were similar with other European studies

    Migration of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Catheter into the Inguinal Hernia Sac in a Patient with Hydrocephalus

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    Literatürde ventriküloperitoneal (VP) şant kataterinin intestinal perforasyon, inguinal herni, peritonit gibi abdominal komplikasyonlara neden olabileceği bildirilmiştir. Hidrosefali nedeniyle VP şant takılmış 2 aylık erkek hastanın klinik takibinde, şant ameliyatından otuz gün sonra sol kasığında şişlik saptandı. Yapılan abdominal ultrasonografi ve direkt grafi tetkiklerinde hastanın sol skrotumu içerisinde VP şant kateterinin distal ucunun izlenmesi üzerine hasta Çocuk Cerrahisi Bölümü tarafından değerlendirildi. Hastaya sol inguinoskrotal herni tanısı koyularak ameliyat edildi. Kateter ucu karın içerisine redükte edilerek yüksek ligasyon ile inguinal herni onarımı yapıldı. Hastanın ameliyat sonrası üç aylık takibi sonunda nüks ve/veya komplikasyon izlenmedi. Sonuç olarak VP şant takılan hastalarda inguinoskrotal komplikasyonlar akılda tutulmalıdır. VP şant ameliyatı sonrası kasık bölgesindeki şişlikler inguinal herni açısından değerlendirilmeli ve erken tanı ve tedavi için aile bilgilendirilmelidir.Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt devices can cause some abdominal complications such as intestinal perforation, inguinal hernia, peritonitis. A two-month-old male who had underwent VP shunt surgery thirty days ago was admitted for swelling in his left inguinal region. Abdominal ultrasonography and X-ray examination revealed that distal part of VP shunt catheter had migrated into the left scrotum and therefore the patient was consulted to the Pediatric Surgery Department. During operation, the shunt catheter was reimplanted into the abdomen and the inguinoscrotal hernia was repaired by using the high ligation technique. No recurrence and/ or complication was occured in the patient during his three-month follow-up. In conclusion, inguinoscrotal complications should be kept in mind for patients who have VP shunts and present with a swelling in the inguinal region. This swelling should be evaluated in terms of inguinal hernia and the family should be informed for early diagnosis and treatment

    Bir sanayi yapısının çevresel titreşim analizi

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    Due to the heavy and dynamic equipment, the vibration and resonance effects that are not encountered under static dead loading may amplify over time in industrial buildings. This might cause damage to the structural system and create human comfort problems while the structure is in service. In this study, ambient vibration testing of a building composed of reinforced concrete and steel structural systems and located at a boron processing plant in Turkey was performed. The velocities and accelerations caused by the sieve shaker system attached to the structure with springs, are evaluated under the effect of sample loading.Sanayi yapılarında ağır ve dinamik ekipmanlardan dolayı statik ve ölü yüklemelerde görülmeyecek ölçüde kesit tesirleri zaman içinde oluşabilmektedir. Bu durum yapıların hasar görmelerine ve kullanım sürecinde konfor sıkıntılarına neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de bulunan bir bor işletmesi içindeki bir betonarme ve çelik taşıyıcı sisteme sahip bir binanın çevresel titreşim analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada yapının içinde bulunan ve yapıya yaylar ile bağlantılı olan dinamik elek sisteminden dolayı yapının betonarme ve çelik kolonlarında oluşan hız/ivme bileşenleri örnek yüklemeler etkisi altında değerlendirilerek yapının risk durumu incelenmiş ve gerekli önlemelerden bahsedilmiştir

    Mandibular metastasis of rectum adenocarcinoma: case report

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    Introduction: Mandibular metastases are quite rare and they constitute less than about %1 of the mandibular malignancies. In mandibular metastatic cases, patients’ complaints generally include bony swelling with pain, tooth pain and tooth loss. Mandibular metastatic lesions mimic periodontal diseases; therefore careful examination is necessary. In differential diagnosis, osteosarcoma, which is a primary bone tumor, primary intraosseous squamous carcinoma, ameloblastoma, and temporomandibular joint diseases should be taken into consideration. Treatment modalities are surgery and chemoradiotherapy. Because of the poor prognosis, the goal of the treatment is only palliative. Case Report: A 51-year-old woman, operated due to rectal adenocarcinoma 3 years previously, was referred to our clinic with a complaint of swelling on the jaw. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging and maxillofacial computed tomography revealed a mass that extended to condyle and lead to bone destruction on the right ramus of the mandible. An incisional biopsy was performed. The histopathology was consistent with colorectal adenocarcinoma metastasis. The patient was referred to a medical oncologist. Conclusion: Differential diagnosis of mandibular lesions should be made carefully, and metastatic tumors should be kept in mind. In patients with history of lung cancer, breast cancer, colorectal carcinoma or similar tumors, oral findings such as tooth pain and tooth loss should be taken into consideration, as these may be the signs of head and neck metastases. Biopsy must be performed after radiological examination

    Considering the effect of Stapes Footplate's macroscopic vision on surgical complication rate

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    *Çayır, Serkan ( Aksaray, Yazar )Objective: To determine the effect of stapes footplates color on the intraoperative complications and outcomes of otosclerosis surgery Design: Retrospective study Setting: Ankara Numune Hospital database records between 2008 and 2011 Subjects: Eighty-six patients who underwent otosclerosis surgery between 2008 and 2011 (38 male and 48 female) were conducted to the study. Intervention: Patients were classified into three groups according to the stapes footplates macroscopic view before stapedectomy application as blue (67%), white (21%) and obliterative (12%). Main outcome measures: Among the groups, demographical variables, preoperative and postoperative air-bone gap, gain scores and intraoperative complications were investigated. Results: In the white otosclerosis group, female gender (P=.013) and bilaterality (P=.032) rates were higher than the blue otosclerosis group. The air-bone gap closure was 22 dB in white otosclerosis, 15 dB in blue otosclerosis and 16 dB in obliterative otosclerosis. The groups were evaluated in terms of the footplate complications that occur during the operation. It was estimated that 44.2% of footplate complications were seen in white otosclerosis, while this percentage was 3.4% in blue otosclerosis. No footplate complications were found in obliterative otosclerosis. Conclusion: The intraoperative macroscopic evaluation of the color changes of stapes footplate was found to be significant in terms of intraoperative complications. Related with this, to decrease intraoperative complication rate, well-experienced surgeons should evaluate the stapes footplate color before stapedectomy procedure and beginner surgeons should gain experience in cases of blue otosclerosis

    The protective effect of platelet rich plasma against cisplatin-Induced ototoxicity

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    Kuzucu, İhsan ( Aksaray, Yazar )Cisplatin, a pharmacological agent widely used for treating many cancers, may cause serious side effects including ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and peripheral neuropathy. The present study aimed to investigate whether platelet-rich plasma (PRP) protects against cisplatin ototoxicity. Eight rats (16 ears) were divided into 2 groups: control group (4 rats, 8 ears) that received intratympanic saline and study group (4 rats, 8 ears) that received intratympanic PRP. Cisplatin (10 mg/day intraperitoneally) or vehicle was administered 2 times per day to the animals. Auditory brainstem responses were recorded preoperatively and postoperatively on day 4 and at week 3. The authors compared the morphological appearances of spiral ganglion cells and the organ of Corti and the density of spiral ganglion cells between treatment groups. The number of outer hair cells in the organ of Corti significantly decreased in the control group compared with that in the PRP group. Although no statistically significant difference was observed between the groups regarding ABR thresholds on day 4 (P = 0.083, a statistically significant difference was observed between groups at week 3 (P = 0.038). Our results suggest that PRP can prevent cisplatin-induced ototoxicity

    Comparison of the relationship between body mass index and apnea hypnoea index in different age groups in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients

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    13. Uluslararası Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi’nde (5-7 Nisan 2018, Ankara) sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.Obezite tıkayıcı uyku apne sendromu (TUAS) için iyi tanımlanmış bir risk faktörüdür, ancak obezitenin TUAS gelişim riski üzerine etkileri, farklı yaş gruplarında farklı bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma ile farklı yaş gruplarında, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) ile apne hipopne indeksi (AHİ) arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması ve obezitenin TUAS ağırlığı üzerine etkilerinin yaş grupları arasındaki farkının araştırılması amaçlandı. TUAS ön tanısı ile tüm gece polisomnografisi yapılan hastaların polisomnografik kayıtları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Çalışmaya dahil edilme kriterlerini karşılayan 236 hasta, yaş aralıklarına göre 4 farklı gruba ayrıldı. Grupları sırası ile 40 yaş altı, 41-50 yaş arası, 51-60 yaş arası ve 60 yaş üstü hastalar oluşturdu. Tüm hastaların ve her bir grubun VKİ ve AHİ’leri arasındaki korelasyon araştırıldı. Altmış yaş üstü hasta grubu haricindeki tüm gruplarda VKİ ile AHİ arasında istatistiki anlamlı aynı yönlü korelasyon saptandı. Literatürle uyumlu olarak ileri yaş grubunda obezitenin TUAS şiddeti üzerine etkisi, diğer yaş gruplarına göre daha düşük olduğu sonucuna ulaşıldı.Obesity is a well-defined risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), but the effects of obesity on OSAS development risk are different in different age groups. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and apnea hypopnea index (AHI) in different age groups and to investigate the effect of obesity on OSAS severity among age groups. Polysomnographic records of patients who underwent whole night polysomnography with OSAS pre-diagnosis were retrospectively reviewed. Two hundred thirty-six patients who met the inclusion criteria were divided into 4 groups according to their age range. The groups were composed of patients under the age of 40, between the ages of 41-50, between the ages of 51-60 and over 60. Correlations between BMI and AHI of all patients and each group were investigated. There was a statistically significant correlation between BMI and AHI in all groups except patients over 60 years of age. .In accordance with the literature, the effect of obesity on OSAS severity in the elderly group was found to be lower than in the other age groups