12 research outputs found

    Examination of the process parameters in alkaline dyeing of polyester and investigation of the economical and ecological advantages of the process

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    Poliester lifleri geniş ve farklı uygulama alanlarında kullanılmaktadırlar ve poliester kumaş ve ipliklerin boyanması için teknik iyileştirmeler sürekli yapılmaktadır. Poliesterin terbiyesi esnasında ön terbiye işlemleri alkali bir banyoda yapılmakta, daha sonra asidik bir banyoda boyama yapılmakta ve yine alkali bir banyoda ard işlemler yapılmaktadır. Poliesteri alkali ortamda boyamak mümkün olsaydı, toplam proses daha basit hale getirilebilir ve boyanmış materyalin kalitesi ve tekrarlanabilirliği daha iyi gerçekleştirilebilirdi. Bunlara ilaveten asidik boyamalardan sonra karşılaşılabilen oligomer kaynaklı problemler de en aza indirilebilir ve poliester/pamuk karışımlarının tek banyoda boyanmasında avantajlar sağlanabilirdi. Bu çalışmada alkali boyama için önerilen proseslerin ve kimyasal maddelerin genel bir değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Farklı üreticilerden temin edilen bir çok boyarmadde ve yardımcı kimyasal karşılaştırılmış ve alkali boyama prosesinin renk verimine, kumaş haslık özelliklerine, kumaş mekanik özelliklerine ve yüzey oligomeri miktarına etkileri deneysel olarak incelenmiş ve proseslerin çevresel etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca alkali ortamda poliester/pamuk kanşımlanmn tek banyoda boyanabilMMerinin tayini amacıyla farklı reaktif ve dispers boyarmaddelerin alkali tek banyo boyama prosesine uygunlukları karşılaştırılmış ve uygunluğu belirlenen boyarmaddelerle iki adım ve tek adım boyamalar yapılarak renk verimleri, haslıklar ve çevresel etkileri açısından karşılaştırma yapılmıştır.Polyester fibers are used for a wide range of different applications, and technical improvements for the dyeing of polyester fabric and yarn are constantly being made. Whillst they are being processed, polyester fibres and fabrics are treated in an alkaline medium at the pretereatment process, in an acid medium at the dyeing process and again in an alkaline medium at aftertreatment. If it was possible to dye polyester in an alkaline medium, total processing would be simplified and reproducibility and quality of dyed materials could be improved. In addition, the problems that are caused by the presence of polyester oligomer in acid dyeing could be minimised and advantages could be met in one-step dyeing of polyester/cotton blends. A general evaluation of alkaline dyeing processes and chemicals have been made in this study. Several dyes and auxiliaries of different manufacturers were compared and the effect of alkaline process on the color yield, fastness properties, mechanical properties and surface trimer content of polyester fabric as well as the environmental impacts of these processes has been experimentally examined. Also the possibilities of dyeing polyester/cellulose blends in one alkaline bath was investigated by examining the appropriateness of various disperse and reactive dyestuffs to the alkaline- one-step process. Blend dyeing trials in two-step and one-step have been performed by the selected approprşate dyestuffs and color yield, fastness and environmental impact of the processes have been compared.M. DohmenDyStarEksoySetaşClairantToran KimyaOrganik KimyaAlfa KimyaCognis Firmas

    Investigation of the rinsing processes after dyeing according to the clean process approach in textile pretreatment

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    Reaktif boyarmaddeler bulunuşundan itibaren giderek artan bir uygulama alanı bulmuşlardır. Özellikle selülozik malzemelerin boyanmasında son derece geniş bir kullanıma sahiptir. Reaktif boyarmaddelerle çalışma sırasında karşılaşılan en önemli sorunlardan birisi; boyarmaddelerin hidroliz olması nedeniyle yaş haslıklarda yaşanan problemlerdir. Bu sorunun önüne geçmek için iyi bir ard işlem (yıkama) gereklidir. Bu çalışmada; reaktif boyarmaddeler ve reaktif boyama metotlarından kısaca bahsedilmiş, ard işlem olarak yapılan geleneksel yıkama proseslerinin reçeteleri verilmiş ve su ve kimyasal tüketiminden tasarruf sağlayan yeni bir yıkama reçetesinin haslıklara etkisi deneysel olarak incelenmiştir.Reactive dyestuffs have increasingly been used especially in dyeing of cotton since their invention. The most important disadvantage of reactive dyestuffs is the forming of hydrolisate which causes low wet fastness properties. Detailed washing processes are carried out after dyeing in order to improve wet fastness properties. In this study, a general information is given about rective dyestuffs and reactive dyeing. The conventional washing-off recipes are given and a new recipe which leads to a reduction in water and chemical consumption is described and its effects on wet fastness properties are investigated by an experimental method

    Decolorisation of disperse dark blue 148 with ozone

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    17th World Textile Conference of the Association-of-Universities-for-Textiles (AUTEX) - Shaping the Future of Textiles --MAY 29-31, 2017 -- GREECEWOS: 000417214900098The aim of this study is decolorisation of CI Disperse Dark Blue 148 dye by ozone treatment which is one of the most attractive alternatives for solving the problem of color in textile dyeing effluents. A venturi injection system added dyeing chamber for getting ozone from the ozone generator. And additive (acetic acid and dispersing agent) put in the dyeing. After the coloration, the experimental color, chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, temperature (degrees C) and conductivity (mu S/cm) were measured. The results encourage the use of the system for decolorisation trials as well as dyebath effluent recycling.Assoc Univ Textile


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    Pamuklu tekstil mamullerinin ön terbiyesi esnasında tüketilen enerji ve su miktarının azaltılması ile atık su yükünün çevreye zarar vermeyecek standartlarda olması enzim kullanımının her adımda sağlanması ile mümkün olacaktır. Pamuklu tekstil mamullerinin enzimatik ağartması üzerine yapılan bu çalışmada enzimatik ağartmanın su ve enerji kullanımının yüksek olduğu hidrojen peroksit ağartmasının yerine uygulanıp uygulanamayacağı incelenmiştir. Saf lakkaz enziminin tek başına kullanılmasıyla yapılan denemeler sonucunda kumaşın 49 stensby derecesi olan başlama beyazlık derecesinde bir artış oluşmamış, beyazlık en fazla 51 stensby derecesine çıkartılabilmiştir. Saf enzim ve iki farklı mediatör sistem ile yapılan çalışmalarda da beyazlık artırılamamıştır. Beyazlık derecesini artırmak için çözeltiye 1000 ml/min gaz akışında oksijen ve yine 1000 ml/min gaz akışında ve 32 mg/min konsantrasyonunda ozon beslemesi yapılmıştır. Oksijen beslemesinin fazla bir etkisi olmamış ve beyazlık dereceleri 51 stensby derecesi seviyesinde çıkmıştır, ancak ozon beslemesi durumunda beyazlıklar yalnızca enzim içeren banyolarda 68, enzimle birlikte mediatör içeren banyolarda 70 stensby derecesine kadar yükselmiştir


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    Enzymes should be used in every step of pretreatment of cotton textiles in order to minimize energy and water consumption while keeping the effluent control within the tolerable standards. It has been investigated whether enzymatic bleaching of cotton textiles could be replaced with hydrogen peroxide bleaching, which is a water and energy consuming step. In this study, fungal laccase, laccase moderator systems and also oxygen and ozone feed to these systems have been experimented. The initial whiteness of the desizied fabric before bleaching was 49 stensby degree. This value did not increase over 51 stensby degree by use of enzyme and also enzyme moderator systems. Oxygen and ozone feeding at a gas flow rate of 1000 ml/min and ozone concentration of 32 mg/min have been conducted in order to increase whiteness. Oxygen feed did not have a considerable effect and whiteness degrees raised up to only 51 stensby degree, however, ozone feed enhanced to raise the whiteness of the fabric upto 68 stensby degree by enzyme alone and 70 stensby degree by enzyme moderator systems

    A New Sight of Ozone Usage in Textile: Improving Flame Retardant Properties

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    Ozone, widely recognized as an environmentally friendly gas, is extensively used in various textile industry applications. These include pre-treatment processes like bleaching and desizing, as well as creating pattern and vintage effects, wastewater clarification, and surface modification. This study focuses on ozone as a novel solution to a specific challenge: addressing the reduction in flame retardancy properties experienced by flame-retardant (FR) polyester fabrics during post-treatment processes in the production line. Experimentation involved subjecting the fabrics to ozonation and exploring different combinations of ozone flow rates and treatment durations. Mechanical and functional properties of the fabrics were examined, with flammability tested according to International Maritime Organization (IMO) standards. Notably, treatment with a 5 L/min ozone flow rate, a 7.01 g/h ozone concentration ratio, and a duration of 10 min showed significant improvements in IMO values, ensuring compliance with required standards. Furthermore, treated samples underwent comprehensive tests for fastness and strength, yielding results within acceptable ranges. Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) measurements were conducted to evaluate the impact of ozonation. FT-IR results indicated that the presence of C-H groups associated with dyestuff contributed to decreased flame retardancy in the original fabric post-dyeing. However, these groups were effectively eliminated through ozonation, thereby enhancing the fabric’s flame retardancy

    The effects of ozone treatment on polylactic acid (PLA) fibers

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    In this study, the effects of ozone treatment on the physical properties of Polylactic Acid (PLA) Fibers have been studied. Knitted PLA fabrics were ozonated up to 60 min treatment time at room temperature in order to determine the effects on its strength, whiteness and absorbency properties. Results indicated increase of whiteness values despite the strength loss at prolonged treatment times