16 research outputs found

    Increased Number of Cerebellar Granule Cells and Astrocytes in the Internal Granule Layer in Sheep Following Prenatal Intra-amniotic Injection of Lipopolysaccharide

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    Chorioamnionitis is an important problem in perinatology today, leading to brain injury and neurological handicaps. However, there are almost no data available regarding chorioamnionitis and a specific damage of the cerebellum. Therefore, this study aimed at determining if chorioamnionitis causes cerebellar morphological alterations. Chorioamnionitis was induced in sheep by the intra-amniotic injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at a gestational age (GA) of 110 days. At a GA of 140 days, we assessed the mean total and layer-specific volume and the mean total granule cell (GCs) and Purkinje cell (PC) number in the cerebelli of LPS-exposed and control animals using high-precision design-based stereology. Astrogliosis was assessed in the gray and white matter (WM) using a glial fibrillary acidic protein staining combined with gray value image analysis. The present study showed an unchanged volume of the total cerebellum as well as the molecular layer, outer and inner granular cell layers (OGL and IGL, respectively), and WM. Interestingly, compared with controls, the LPS-exposed brains showed a statistically significant increase (+20.4%) in the mean total number of GCs, whereas the number of PCs did not show any difference between the two groups. In addition, LPS-exposed animals showed signs of astrogliosis specifically affecting the IGL. Intra-amniotic injection of LPS causes morphological changes in the cerebellum of fetal sheep still detectable at full-term birth. In this study, changes were restricted to the inner granule layer. These cerebellar changes might correspond to some of the motor or non-motor deficits seen in neonates from compromised pregnancies

    Les généraux, le régime national-socialiste et la guerre à l’Est

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    De la disparition et de la réapparition des bourreaux À la fin de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, les nazis, c’étaient toujours les autres, et la plupart d’entre ces autres étaient morts ou avaient disparu. « Dans les premiers jours [de l’Occupation], on ne trouvait pas le moindre nazi en Allemagne », notaient, sarcastiques, les Services secrets américains. Et même parmi les anciens généraux de la Wehrmacht, il semblait bien qu’il n’y avait pour ainsi dire plus aucun. Les boucs émissaires en che..

    Terrorismusbekämpfung in Westeuropa. Demokratie und Sicherheit in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren

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    Researchers in contemporary history have only recently turned their attention to government activities to combat ´old` terrorism and its socio-cultural implications. This compendium takes a much-needed next step by comparing the history of confrontation between democracy and terrorism and examining different anti-terrorism policies in the context of international relations


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    Das Auswärtige Amt in der NS-Diktatur

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    This volume reviews research conducted surrounding the German Foreign Office and its past. What do we actually know about the function of the Foreign Office during the Nazi era, what gaps exist in the research, what is settled and what is under dispute? The authors seek to add additional context to the debate by discussing developments in research and changing views of historiography

    German Yearbook of Contemporary History. Volume 3, Hitler - New Research

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    This volume presents the latest in German research on Hitler ased on selected articles translated from the leading contemporary history journal Vierteljahrshefte fĂĽr Zeitgeschichte. Additionally, it includes new commentaries by renowned experts from the English-speaking world on theories concerning Hitler's personality and authenticity, the sources of his radical racism, and the relationship between the dictator and German society

    Der Kriegseintritt Italiens im Mai 1915

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    Am 23. Mai 1915 erklärte das Königreich Italien seinem Verbündeten und Erzfein