116 research outputs found

    Atomic volume, atomic distances and chemical bonding in solid metallic elements

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    Relationships between bond lengths and bond numbers and also between atomic volumes and valencies are derived and parameters for their calculation are given for the s-block, p-block, and d-block metals. From the atomic volumes under pressure, the valencies of three solid lanthanoids have been confirmed or redetermined: La 3; Ce 2. 3. and 4; Yb 2 and 3

    Atomic volume, packing density and chemical bonding in solid iodine under pressure

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    The volume changes of solid iodine under pressure are discussed with respect to the packing density of the atoms and to valence. The packing density of solid iodine which is 0.805 under ambient pressure increases to 0.976 in monoatomic iodine-II, 0.993 in iodine-III, and 1 in fcc iodine-IV. Simultaneously, the valence increases from 1 in the free molecule to 1.78 in the crystal structure under ambient pressure, 2.72 – 2.81 in iodine-II, 2.86 – 2.96 in iodine-III, and 3 in fcc iodine-IV. The valence then remains constant up to about 180 GPa and rises moderately to 3.15 at the highest investigated pressure of 276 GPa. Parameters for calculating bond numbers, valences and atomic volumes of densely packed halogens, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are given

    Chemische Bindung in festen Elementen : Bindungslänge und Bindungsgrad

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    Metalle, die mit kubisch innenzentrierter Struktur oder in dichtesten Kugelpackungen kristallisieren, wandeln sich in guter Näherung ohne Volumenänderung ineinander um. Dieser bereits von Pearson 1972 beschriebene Sachverhalt wird hier als Volumenregel formuliert. Elemente in den genannten Strukturen haben die gleiche Dichte. Mit der für die Abhängigkeit des Bindungsgrades s vom Atomabstand r von Pauling 1947 angegebenen Funktion s(r) = exp((R1 - r)/b) wird aus den Kristallstrukturen der festen Elemente das Atomvolumen berechnet, das das jeweilige Element bei gleicher Bindungswertigkeit in einer dieser Strukturen hat. Dabei werden Strukturen mit höherer Dichte als die kubisch innenzentrierte Struktur oder die dichtesten Kugelpackungen nicht gefunden. Diese und einige weitere Strukturen gleicher Dichte (+- 1%) werden hier als dichte Strukturen bezeichnet. Außer den Edelgasen sind alle Elemente, die mit dichten Strukturen kristallisieren, Metalle, doch haben eine Reihe von Metallen (Mangan, Zink, Cadmium, Quecksilber, Gallium und Zinn) nichtdichte Strukturen. Für diese und für die nichtmetallischen Elemente wird das Atomvolumen ihrer dichten Formen berechnet, d.h. das Volumen, das sie unter Normalbedingungen im dichten (metallischen) Zustand einehmen würden. Ist für ein Element der Bindungsgrad für eine Bindungslänge bekannt, so kann aus diesem das Atomvolumen im dichten Zustand abgeschätzt werden. Aus verschiedenen Strukturen von Nichtmetallen (Phosphor und Schwefel etc.) berechnet sich jeweils in guter Näherung das gleiche Atomvolumen für den dichten Zustand VD. Dies bestätigt die Gültigkeit der Pauling-Funktion. Eine weitere Bestätigung liegt darin, dass für Mangan, Kupfer und Technetium in verschiedenen Strukturen quantenmechanisch berechnete Volumenverhältnisse nach den hier abgeleiteten Beziehungen ebenfalls erhalten werden. Der dichte Zustand der Elemente erscheint hier als ein von der Kristallstruktur unabhängiger Grenzzustand der kondensierten Materie. Bei bekannter Bindungswertigkeit eines Elements können die Parameter R1 und b der Paulingfunktion (Bindungsgrad-Parameter) und damit die Abstandsabhängigkeit des Bindungsgrades berechnet werden. Dies wird für alle s-, p- und d-Elemente durchgeführt. Dabei ergeben sich für die Länge der Einfachbindung R1 Werte, die zum Teil erheblich von den Literaturdaten abweichen. Der Parameter b ist im Gegensatz zu den Literaturangaben nicht konstant, sondern der dritten Wurzel aus VD proportional. Aufgrund derBindungsgrad-Parameter kann derBeitrag vonMetall-Metall-Bindungen zur Wertigkeit in Verbindungen bestimmt werden. Die Volumenverhältnisse von intermetallischen Phasen sowie Hochdruckformen der Elemente werden aufgrund der hier abgeleiteten Beziehungen diskutiert

    Forming sheets of metal and fibre-reinforced plastics to hybrid parts in one deep drawing process

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    Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of its mechanical, chemical and physical properties. Metallic materials are comparatively ductile and easy to process. Fibre reinforced plastics are very stiff and endure high tensile stresses based on their weight. By intelligent combination of these materials into one overall-part light but strong components may be established. However, the conventional production of a separate fibre reinforced plastic (FRP)-component and a metal component and a subsequent joining is time- And labour-intensive and therefore not economical in mass-production. Thus in this paper a new fabrication technology is presented.German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF)European Research Association for Sheet Metal Working (EFB)Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi

    Pose Normalization of Indoor Mapping Datasets Partially Compliant with the Manhattan World Assumption

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    In this paper, we present a novel pose normalization method for indoor mapping point clouds and triangle meshes that is robust against large fractions of the indoor mapping geometries deviating from an ideal Manhattan World structure. In the case of building structures that contain multiple Manhattan World systems, the dominant Manhattan World structure supported by the largest fraction of geometries is determined and used for alignment. In a first step, a vertical alignment orienting a chosen axis to be orthogonal to horizontal floor and ceiling surfaces is conducted. Subsequently, a rotation around the resulting vertical axis is determined that aligns the dataset horizontally with the coordinate axes. The proposed method is evaluated quantitatively against several publicly available indoor mapping datasets. Our implementation of the proposed procedure along with code for reproducing the evaluation will be made available to the public upon acceptance for publication

    Efficient 3D Mapping and Modelling of Indoor Scenes with the Microsoft HoloLens: A Survey

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    The Microsoft HoloLens is a head-worn mobile augmented reality device. It allows a real-time 3D mapping of its direct environment and a self-localisation within the acquired 3D data. Both aspects are essential for robustly augmenting the local environment around the user with virtual contents and for the robust interaction of the user with virtual objects. Although not primarily designed as an indoor mapping device, the Microsoft HoloLens has a high potential for an efficient and comfortable mapping of both room-scale and building-scale indoor environments. In this paper, we provide a survey on the capabilities of the Microsoft HoloLens (Version 1) for the efficient 3D mapping and modelling of indoor scenes. More specifically, we focus on its capabilities regarding the localisation (in terms of pose estimation) within indoor environments and the spatial mapping of indoor environments. While the Microsoft HoloLens can certainly not compete in providing highly accurate 3D data like laser scanners, we demonstrate that the acquired data provides sufficient accuracy for a subsequent standard rule-based reconstruction of a semantically enriched and topologically correct model of an indoor scene from the acquired data. Furthermore, we provide a discussion with respect to the robustness of standard handcrafted geometric features extracted from data acquired with the Microsoft HoloLens and typically used for a subsequent learning-based semantic segmentation

    Forming-induced Gloss Reduction of Coil Coated Sheets for White Goods

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    In the household appliance industry piecework coating of body components has been successively substituted by usage of coil-coated sheets. For components with low strains or components not visible for the customer and therefore with no requirements concerning the visual impression these organic-coated materials bear a proper possibility for cost savings. But besides that, for high quality household appliances there are high visual requirements on the front panels. Already the gloss reduction of the coating layer due to higher strains restricts the application for front panels in most cases. From an economic point of view the application of coil-coated sheets even for these components is highly demanded. For an acceptable substitution the resulting paintwork properties after the forming process should be able to forecast within numerical simulations. Therefore the forming-induced gloss reduction of the respective coated material has to be determined in a proper manner. This paper deals with analyses concerning the forming-induced and strain-state-depending gloss reduction of a coil-coated material commercially used for white goods components. The investigations include measurements of strains and gloss by using an in situ approach. For that purpose, material specimens are formed using a modified experimental setup referring to the Marciniak-Test (ISO 12004-2). A fundamental advantage of the in situ measurements is a minor demand of experiments together with a high resolution of the measured variables. In conclusion, based on the experimental results a conceivable forming limit criterion is defined and integrated in an exemplarily simulation model. The front panel of a front-loading washing machine is used as a practice-oriented application example. Using of the pursued approach improper gloss reductions on the formed panel can be predicted within forming simulation.European Research Association for Sheet Metal Working (EFB)German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF)Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi

    Restaurierung des »Grünroten Zimmers« bzw. »Ankleidezimmers des Herrn« im Barockschloss Rammenau: Abnahme einer Überfassung mittels Lasertechnologie

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    Bis Ende 2010 wurde das Herren-Ankleidezimmer im Rammenauer Schloss grundlegend restauriert. Die Restauratoren beschreiben sowohl die erste Farbfassung des Raumes, als auch den Zustand vor 2009 und die Methoden ihres Restaurierungsverfahrens

    Resistance Heating by Means of Direct Current for Resource-Saving CO2-Neutral Hot Stamping

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    Hot stamping is a well-established and frequently used manufacturing process in automotive body construction. The number of components manufactured in this way is continuously increasing. Hot stamping is used to produce components with a completely martensitic structure, resulting in high strength and hardness. These components are mainly used in safety-relevant areas of the passenger cell, such as the A-pillar, B-pillar, tunnel and sill. For hot-stamping processes, it is necessary to austenitize the blanks. Heating the sheet metal up to 930 °C in a furnace is very energy-intensive. In large-scale industrial applications, the sheets are generally heated in gas-fired roller hearth furnaces up to 60 m long. Apart from the poor energy balance and the high CO2 emissions of such furnaces, they are associated with high investment and maintenance costs, large space requirements and a long heating time. Rapid heating by means of the Joule effect and direct current instead of alternating current offer an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly alternative for sheet metal heating. Therefore, this technology can make a major contribution to environmental protection and resource saving. Within the scope of this work, parts were rapid-heated and subsequently hot-stamped by means of a novel heating system based on direct current with energy savings of up to 80 %. Using electricity guarantees a good CO2 balance. In addition, resistance heating with a new type of DC-heating system and an adapted process chain is compared with conventional furnace heating. In thermographic images and microstructural examinations of the hot-stamped parts, it can be demonstrated that this direct-current technique is well suited for achieving homogeneous hardness and strength in the whole sheet metal. Thus, this new heating system can enhance the efficiency of the hot-stamping technology
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