35 research outputs found

    Impact of Albumin on Coagulation Competence and Hemorrhage During Major Surgery:A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    For patients exposed to a massive blood loss during surgery, maintained coagulation competence is important. It is less obvious whether coagulation competence influences bleeding during elective surgery where patients are exposed to infusion of a crystalloid or a colloid. This randomized controlled trial evaluates whether administration of 5% human albumin (HA) or lactated Ringer solution (LR) affects coagulation competence and in turn blood loss during cystectomy due to bladder cancer. Forty patients undergoing radical cystectomy were included to receive either 5% HA (n = 20) or LR (n = 20). Nineteen patients were analyzed in the HA group and 20 patients in the lactated Ringer group. Blinded determination of the blood loss was similar in the 2 groups of patients: 1658 (800–3300) mL with the use of HA and 1472 (700–4330) mL in the lactated Ringer group (P = 0.45). Yet, by thrombelastography (TEG) evaluated coagulation competence, albumin affected clot growth (TEG-angle 69 ± 5 vs 74° ± 3°, P < 0.01) and strength (TEG-MA: 59 ± 6 vs 67 ± 6 mm, P < 0.001) more than LR. Furthermore, by multivariate linear regression analyses reduced TEG-MA was independently associated with the blood loss (P = 0.042) while administration of albumin was related to the changes in TEG-MA (P = 0.029), aPPT (P < 0.022), and INR (P < 0.033). This randomized controlled trial demonstrates that administration of HA does not affect the blood loss as compared to infusion of LR. Also the use of HA did not affect the need for blood transfusion, the incidence of postoperative complications, or the hospital in-stay. Yet, albumin decreases coagulation competence during major surgery and the blood loss is related to TEG-MA rather than to plasma coagulation variables

    SheppHeartCABG trial-comprehensive early rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting:a protocol for a randomised clinical trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery often experience a range of symptoms. Studies indicate that non-pharmacological interventions such as exercise training and psychoeducation have a positive physiological and psychological effect in early outpatient rehabilitation. The SheppHeartCABG trial will investigate the effect of early comprehensive rehabilitation in early phase rehabilitation versus usual care. The aim of this paper is to present the protocol for the SheppHeartCABG trial. METHODS/ANALYSIS: SheppHeartCABG is an investigator-initiated randomised clinical superiority trial with blinded outcome assessment, employing 1:1 central randomisation to rehabilitation plus usual care versus usual care alone. On the basis of a sample size calculation, 326 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting will be included from two clinical sites. All patients receive usual care and patients allocated to the experimental intervention follow 4 weeks rehabilitation consisting of an exercise programme, psycho-educative consultations and a compact mindfulness programme. The primary outcome is physical function measured by the 6-min walk test. The secondary outcomes are mental health and physical activity measured by the Medical Outcome Study Short Form (SF-12), anxiety and depression measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale questionnaire, physical, emotional and global scores by the HeartQoL questionnaire, sleep measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, pain measured by the Örebro Musculoskeletal Screening Questionnaire and muscle endurance measured by the sit-to-stand test. A number of explorative analyses will also be conducted. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: SheppHeartCABG is approved by the regional ethics committee (no. H-4-2014-109) and the Danish Data Protection Agency (no. 30-1309) and is performed in accordance with good clinical practice and the Declaration of Helsinki in its latest form. Positive, neutral and negative results of the trial will be submitted to international peer-reviewed journals. Furthermore, results will be presented at national and international conferences relevant to the subject fields. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT02290262; pre-results

    Vitamin D Status and Bone and Connective Tissue Turnover in Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) during Hibernation and the Active State

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    BACKGROUND: Extended physical inactivity causes disuse osteoporosis in humans. In contrast, brown bears (Ursus arctos) are highly immobilised for half of the year during hibernation without signs of bone loss and therefore may serve as a model for prevention of osteoporosis. AIM: To study 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25OHD) levels and bone turnover markers in brown bears during the hibernating state in winter and during the active state in summer. We measured vitamin D subtypes (D₂ and D₃), calcitropic hormones (parathyroid hormone [PTH], 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D [1,25(OH)₂D]) and bone turnover parameters (osteocalcin, ICTP, CTX-I), PTH, serum calcium and PIIINP. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We drew blood from seven immobilised wild brown bears during hibernation in February and in the same bears while active in June. RESULTS: Serum 25-hydroxy-cholecalciferol (25OHD₃) was significantly higher in the summer than in the winter (22.8±4.6 vs. 8.8±2.1 nmol/l, two tailed p-2p = 0.02), whereas 25-hydroxy-ergocalciferol (25OHD₂) was higher in winter (54.2±8.3 vs. 18.7±1.7 nmol/l, 2p<0.01). Total serum calcium and PTH levels did not differ between winter and summer. Activated 1,25(OH)₂D demonstrated a statistically insignificant trend towards higher summer levels. Osteocalcin levels were higher in summer than winter, whereas other markers of bone turnover (ICTP and CTX-I) were unchanged. Serum PIIINP, which is a marker of connective tissue and to some degree muscle turnover, was significantly higher during summer than during winter. CONCLUSIONS: Dramatic changes were documented in the vitamin D₃/D₂ ratio and in markers of bone and connective tissue turnover in brown bears between hibernation and the active state. Because hibernating brown bears do not develop disuse osteoporosis, despite extensive physical inactivity we suggest that they may serve as a model for the prevention of this disease

    Hvordan kan planlægningen af et problemorienteret kursusforløb understøtte et sammenhængende læringsforløb?

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    Hjertecentrets (Rigshospitalet) 1-årige uddannelses- og træningsforløb er et projektorienteret kursusforløb for sygeplejersker, sodewm har til formål at forbedre den faglige ydelse til patienterne, samtidig med at sygeplejersken opnår nye kompetencer (Kursusbeskrivelse appendix A). Kursisterne kommer fra forskellige afsnit og har varierende klinisk erfaring. Kursisterne vejledes af klinisk sygeplejespecialist fra eget afsnit under udarbejdelse af projektbeskrivelse og gennemførelse af projektet. Flere gange under forløbet præsenterer kursisterne status for projektet, for en vejleder og medkursister, i forud aftalte grupper (2 - 3) med 4-6 kursister. Parallelt hermed er der kursusdage gennem hele kursusforløbet, hvor der undervises i teorierog metoder indenfor sygeplejefaget. Projektbeskrivelse og gennemførelse af projektet bliver tidligt i forløbet det altdominerende fokus hos kursisterne.&nbsp

    Transformation of admission interview to documentation for nursing practice.

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    The admission interview is usually the first structured meeting between patient and nurse. The interview serves as the basis for personalised nursing and care planning and is the starting point for the clinic’s documentation of the patient and his course of treatment. In this way, admission interviews constitute a basis for reporting by each nurse on the patient to nursing colleagues. This study examined how, by means of the admission interview,nurses constructed written documentation of the patient and his course of treatment for use by fellow nurses. A qualitative case study inspired by Ricoeur was conducted and consisted of five taped admission nterviews,along with the written patient documentation subsequently worked out by the nurse. The findings were presented in four constructed themes: Admission interviews are the nurse’s room rather than the patient’s; Information on a surgical object; The insignificant but necessary contact; and Abnormalities must be medicated. It is shown how the nurse’s documentation was based on the admission interview, the medical record details on the patient (facts that are essential to know in relation to disease and treatment), as well as the nurse’s preconception of how to live a good life, with or without disease. Often, the patient tended to become an object in the nurse’s report. It is concluded that in practice, the applied documentation system, VIPS, comes to act as the framework for what is important to the nurse to document rather than tool that enables her to document what is important to the individual patient and his special circumstances and encounter with the health system

    Plasma pro-atrial natriuretic peptide to indicate fluid balance during cystectomy:a prospective observational study

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    OBJECTIVES: During surgery the volume of administered fluid is debated. Pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (proANP) is released by atrial distension, and we evaluated the relationship between changes in proANP associated with perioperative fluid balance. DESIGN: Prospective observational study. SETTING: One university/tertiary centre. PARTICIPANTS: The study included patients who underwent radical cystectomy. Plasma for determination of proANP was obtained before surgery, after resection of the bladder, and at the end of surgery for 20 robotic-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) and 20 open radical cystectomy (ORC) procedures. RESULTS: The blood loss was 1871 (95% CI 1267 to 2475) vs 589 mL (378 to 801) in the ORC and RARC groups (p=0.001), respectively, and fluid balance was positive by 1518 mL (1215 to 1821) during ORC, and by 1858 mL (1461 to 2255) during RARC (p=0.163). Yet, at the end of ORC, plasma proANP was reduced by 23% (14% to 32%, p=0.001), while plasma proANP did not change significantly during RARC. Thus, plasma proANP was associated both with the perioperative blood loss (r= −0.475 (0.632 to −0.101), p=0.002), and with fluid balance (r=0.561 (0.302 to 0.740), p=0.001), indicating that a stable plasma proANP required a fluid surplus by 2.4 L (2.0 to 2.7). CONCLUSIONS: There was a correlation between intraoperative haemorrhage and a decrease in plasma proANP and, taking plasma proANP to indicate filling of the heart, about 2.5 L surplus volume of lactated Ringer's solution appears to maintain cardiac preload during cystectomy. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: EudraCT (2012-005040-20), Results

    Metabolism of 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D in Human Macrophages Is Highly Dependent on Macrophage Polarization

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    Macrophages synthesize active vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D) and express the vitamin D receptor in the nucleus; however, vitamin D metabolism in relation to macrophage polarization and function is not well understood. We studied monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) from human buffy coats polarized into M0, M1 (LPS + IFNγ), M2a (IL4 + IL13) and M2c (IL10) macrophage subtypes stimulated with 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (1000 and 10,000 nanomolar). We measured vitamin D metabolites (25-hydroxy-vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D, 24,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D and 3-epi-25-hydroxy-vitamin D) in cell media with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-mass spectrometry. The mRNA expression (CYP27B1, CYP24A1 and CYP24A1-SV) was measured with qPCR. We found that reparative MDMs (M2a) had significantly more 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D compared to the other MDMs (M0, M1 and M2c). All MDMs were able to produce 3-epi-25-hydroxy-vitamin D, but this pathway was almost completely attenuated in inflammatory M1 MDMs. All MDM subtypes degraded vitamin D through the 24-hydroxylase pathway, although M1 MDMs mainly expressed an inactive splice variant of CYP24A1, coding the degrading enzyme. In conclusion, this study shows that vitamin D metabolism is highly dependent on macrophage polarization and that the C3-epimerase pathway for vitamin D is active in macrophages