15 research outputs found

    Predicting density-dependent somatic growth in Norwegian spring-spawning herring

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    Density-dependent growth, which might influence the effects of fisheries on a population, is often ignored when management strategies are evaluated, mainly due to a lack of appropriate models readily available to be implemented. To improve on this, we investigated if somatic growth in Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus) depends on cohort density using a formulation of the von Bertalanffy growth function on cohorts from 1921 to 2014 and found a significant negative correlation between estimated asymptotic length and density. This clearly indicates density-dependent effects on growth, and we propose a model that can be used to predict the size-at-age of Norwegian spring-spawning herring as a function of herring density (the abundance of two successive cohorts) in short-term predictions of catch advice, and in Management strategy evaluations, including estimation of their reference points such as FMSY.publishedVersio

    Fangstprøvelotteriet 2020 – erfaringer og resultat

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    Etter at vi startet opp med fangstprøvelotteriet i 2018 har vi sett en gradvis og betydelig forbedring i prøvetakingen fra de kommersielle pelagiske fiskeriene. Vi ser likevel et stort forbedringspotensial framover siden det per i dag kun er ca. 60% av de bestilte prøvene som faktisk kommer frem til HI og dermed kan inngå i bestandsvurderingene. Dette skyldes blant annet at ikke alle fiskerne som mottar prøvebestilling gjennomfører prøvetakingen. I tillegg tror vi at noen prøver blir glemt igjen både om bord og på mottaksanleggene som skal sende prøvene videre til HI. Det er derfor viktig å fortsette arbeidet med å informere næringsaktørene om fangstprøvelotteriet og forbedre systemet for tilbakemelding om resultatene fra prøvene. Fangstprøvelotteriet gir de viktigste grunnlagsdataene for kvoteanbefalingene for pelagisk fisk, og en forbedring av prøvetakingen vil derfor først og fremst komme fiskerinæringen til gode.Fangstprøvelotteriet 2020 – erfaringer og resultatpublishedVersio

    Fish investigations in the Barents Sea Winter 2022

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    Annual catch quotas and other regulations of the Barents Sea fisheries are set through negotiations between Norway and Russia. Assessment of the state of the stocks and quota advice are based on survey results and international landings statistics. The results from the demersal fish winter surveys in the Barents Sea are an important source of information for the annual stock assessment.Fish investigations in the Barents Sea Winter 2022publishedVersio

    Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of the Norwegian Sea Pelagic Ecosystem

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    The System for Assessment of Ecological Condition, coordinated by the Norwegian Environment Agency, is intended to form the foundation for evidence-based assessments of the ecological condition of Norwegian terrestrial and marine ecosystems not covered by the EU Water Framework Directive. The reference condition is defined as “intact ecosystems”, i.e., a condition that is largely unimpacted by modern industrial activities. An ecosystem in good ecological condition does not deviate substantially from this reference condition in structure, functions or productivity. This report describes the first operational assessment of the ecological condition of the pelagic ecosystem in the Norwegian Sea. The assessment method employed is the Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition (PAEC1) and the current assessment has considered to what extent the Norwegian Sea pelagic ecosystem deviates from the reference condition2 by evaluating change in trajectories.Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of the Norwegian Sea Pelagic EcosystempublishedVersio

    Pelagiske økosystem i De nordiske hav - grunnlagsstudie knyttet til åpningsprosess for utforskning og utvinning av havbunnsmineraler på norsk kontinentalsokkel

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    Denne rapporten er en leveranse til bestillingen «Grunnlagsstudie: Pelagisk økosystem» fra Oljedirektoratet til Havforskningsinstituttet. Studien er bestilt i forbindelse med at regjeringen har igangsatt en prosess for åpning av norsk sokkel for havbunnsmineralvirksomhet. Rapporten sammenstiller vår nåværende kunnskap om de pelagiske økosystemenes struktur og funksjon og belyser viktige kunnskapshull. Det er lagt særlig vekt på å beskrive økosystemkomponenter og prosesser som er essensielle for arbeidet med planprogram for konsekvensutredning av havbunnsmineralvirksomhet i norske havområder, og fokus vil derfor tidvis være litt annerledes enn det man vil finne i en generell beskrivelse av Norskehavet, Islandshavet og Grønlandshavet. Vi har lagt mer vekt på eksisterende kunnskapshull, og fokusert mer på utredningsområdet og på økologi og prosesser i pelagisk sone i dyphavet, enn det som kan forventes i for eksempel en lærebok om plankton-, fisk eller sjøpattedyrøkologi. Selv om formålet dermed har farget fokuset for beskrivelsene, beskriver kapitlene generell fordeling og økologi i de pelagiske systemene i Norskehavet, Islandshavet og Grønlandshavet.publishedVersio

    Highly mixed impacts of near-future climate change on stock productivity proxies in the North East Atlantic

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    Impacts of climate change on ocean productivity sustaining world fisheries are predominantly negative but vary greatly among regions. We assessed how 39 fisheries resources—ranging from data-poor to data-rich stocks—in the North East Atlantic are most likely affected under the intermediate climate emission scenario RCP4.5 towards 2050. This region is one of the most productive waters in the world but subjected to pronounced climate change, especially in the northernmost part. In this climate impact assessment, we applied a hybrid solution combining expert opinions (scorings)—supported by an extensive literature review—with mechanistic approaches, considering stocks in three different large marine ecosystems, the North, Norwegian and Barents Seas. This approach enabled calculation of the directional effect as a function of climate exposure and sensitivity attributes (life-history schedules), focusing on local stocks (conspecifics) across latitudes rather than the species in general. The resulting synopsis (50–82°N) contributes substantially to global assessments of major fisheries (FAO, The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2020), complementing related studies off northeast United States (35–45°N) (Hare et al., PLoS One, 2016, 11, e0146756) and Portugal (37–42°N) (Bueno-Pardo et al., Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, 2958). Contrary to prevailing fisheries forecasts elsewhere, we found that most assessed stocks respond positively. However, the underlying, extensive environmental clines implied that North East Atlantic stocks will develop entirely different depending upon the encountered stressors: cold-temperate stocks at the southern and Arctic stocks at the northern fringes appeared severely negatively impacted, whereas warm-temperate stocks expanding from south were found to do well along with cold-temperate stocks currently inhabiting below-optimal temperatures in the northern subregion.publishedVersio

    First results from the L3+C experiment at CERN

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    The L3+C experiment combines the high-precision spectrometer of the L3 detector at LEP, CERN, with a small air shower array. The momenta of cosmic ray induced muons can be measured from 20 to 2000 GeV/c. During the 1999 data taking period 5 billion muon events were recorded in the spectrometer. From April until mid Summer 2000 an additional 3 billion muon events have been recorded as well as 25 million air shower events. Here the first results on the muon momentum spectrum and charge ratio will be presented

    Predicting density-dependent somatic growth in Norwegian spring-spawning herring

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    Density-dependent growth, which might influence the effects of fisheries on a population, is often ignored when management strategies are evaluated, mainly due to a lack of appropriate models readily available to be implemented. To improve on this, we investigated if somatic growth in Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus) depends on cohort density using a formulation of the von Bertalanffy growth function on cohorts from 1921 to 2014 and found a significant negative correlation between estimated asymptotic length and density. This clearly indicates density-dependent effects on growth, and we propose a model that can be used to predict the size-at-age of Norwegian spring-spawning herring as a function of herring density (the abundance of two successive cohorts) in short-term predictions of catch advice, and in Management strategy evaluations, including estimation of their reference points such as FMSY

    Predicting density-dependent somatic growth in Norwegian spring-spawning herring

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    Density-dependent growth, which might influence the effects of fisheries on a population, is often ignored when management strategies are evaluated, mainly due to a lack of appropriate models readily available to be implemented. To improve on this, we investigated if somatic growth in Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus) depends on cohort density using a formulation of the von Bertalanffy growth function on cohorts from 1921 to 2014 and found a significant negative correlation between estimated asymptotic length and density. This clearly indicates density-dependent effects on growth, and we propose a model that can be used to predict the size-at-age of Norwegian spring-spawning herring as a function of herring density (the abundance of two successive cohorts) in short-term predictions of catch advice, and in Management strategy evaluations, including estimation of their reference points such as FMSY