72 research outputs found

    Identification of antenatal depression in obstetric care

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    Purpose: Detection rates of depression in obstetric care are generally low, and many women remain undiagnosed and do not receive adequate support. In many obstetric settings, screening tools for depression are not applied routinely and there is a great need to sensitize health care professionals for the patient at risk for enhanced levels of depression. The present study aimed at identifying commonly assessed patient characteristics that are associated with antenatal depression. Methods: One hundred and thirty seven women were screened using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) at the beginning of the second trimester at the outpatient department of a Tertiary University Hospital. Women were identified as at high risk for depression if scores were above a cut-off score of twelve. Obstetric history and outcome were extracted from patient files after delivery. Results: Twenty one percent of the sample screened as depression positive. Logistic regression with backwards elimination showed that the triad of nausea during pregnancy, reports of (premature) contractions and consumption of analgesics during pregnancy significantly predicted high depression scores with a positive predictive value of 84.3%. The relative risk for a depressed pregnant woman to regularly take analgesics during pregnancy was fourfold higher than for non-depressed women. Conclusions: If depression screening is not part of routine prenatal care, systematic assessment of depression should be targeted for patients presenting with the markers identified in this stud

    Determination of fetal chromosome aberrations from fetal DNA in maternal blood: has the challenge finally been met?

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    The analysis of cell-free fetal nucleic acids in maternal blood for prenatal diagnosis has been transformed by several recent profound technology developments. The most noteworthy of these are ‘digital PCR' and ‘next-generation sequencing' (NGS), which might finally deliver the long-sought goal of noninvasive detection of fetal aneuploidy. Recent data, however, indicate that NGS might even be able to offer a much more detailed appraisal of the fetal genome, including paternal and maternal inheritance of point mutations for mendelian disorders such as ÎČ-thalassaemia. Although these developments are very exciting, in their current form they are still too complex and costly, and will need to be simplified considerably for their optimal translation to the clinic. In this regard, targeted NGS does appear to be a step in the right direction, although this should be seen in the context of ongoing progress with the isolation of fetal cells and with proteomic screening marker

    Role of omega 3-fatty acids and multivitamins in gestation

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    There is a rising interest in a balanced and varied women's diet not only preconceptionally but also during pregnancy and in the breastfeeding period in order to reduce fetal, neonatal, and maternal risks. A decreased intake of omega 3-fatty acids (FA) or deficiencies of micronutrients are a global health problem, not only in developing countries, where micronutrient-rich food and fortified aliments are often not available, and also in the industrialized world. In contrast to data about the daily periconceptionally intake of folate acid that has been shown to reduce substantially the occurrence and recurrence of neural tube defects (NTD), the benefit of other micronutrients is less determinant. Deficiencies of omega 3-FA may be a contributing factor for severe complications in pregnancy and postpartum. A meta-analysis for the role of omega 3-FA in preeclampsia and maternal postpartum depression is less consistent, some meta-view's results differ substantially or are even contradictory to large observational studies. Further well-designed studies are warranted. A personal interview and counseling concerning the daily diet should be integrated in the preconceptional and in the antenatal care and an individual supplementation should be offered, if indicate

    Water birth, more than a trendy alternative: a prospective, observational study

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    Objective: To prospectively assess the effect of water birth on maternal and fetal outcomes in a selected low-risk collective of a tertiary obstetrical unit. Method: In this prospective observational study, 513 patients of a low-risk collective, who requested a water birth, were studied during the years 1998-2002. Primary outcome measurements included the maternal and fetal parameters. Secondary outcome measurements comprised data on the incidence of water births in an interested, low-risk population in an academic hospital. Result: All groups were similar in terms of demographic and obstetric data. Significant differences were observed in maternal outcome parameters, which included the use of analgesia/anesthesia during labor, the duration of first and second stages of labor, perineal tears and episiotomy rate. No differences were seen in all observed fetal outcome parameters including APGAR scores, arterial and venous pH, admission rate to neonatal intensive care unit and infection rate. Conclusion: Water birth is a valuable and promising alternative to traditional delivery methods. The maternal and fetal outcomes were similar to traditional land births. However, currently there still exist some deficits in the scientific evaluation of its safety. Therefore, the selection of a low-risk collective is essential to minimize the risks with the addition of strictly maintained guidelines and continuous intrapartum observation and fetal monitoring. Based on our results and the literature, water births are justifiable when certain criteria are met and risk factors are exclude

    Labor induction in preeclampsia: Is misoprostol more effective than dinoprostone?

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    Objective: To compare the efficacy of vaginal misoprostol versus dinoprostone for induction of labor (IOL) in patients with preeclampsia according to the WHO criteria. Study design: Ninety-eight patients were retrospectively analyzed. A total of 47 patients received 3mg dinoprostone suppositories every 6h (max. 6mg/24h) whereas 51 patients in the misoprostol group received either 50ÎŒg misoprostol vaginally every 12h, or 25ÎŒg every 6h (max. 100ÎŒg/24h). Primary outcomes were vaginal delivery within 24 and 48h, respectively. Results: The probability of delivering within 48h was more than three-fold higher in the misoprostol than in the dinoprostone group: odds ratio (OR)=3.48; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.24, 10.30, whereas no significant difference was observed within 24h (P=0.34). No correlation was seen between a ripe cervix prior to IOL and delivery within 24/48h (P=0.33 and P=1.0, respectively). More cesarean sections were performed in the dinoprostone group due to failed IOL (P=0.0009). No significant differences in adverse maternal outcome were observed between both study groups, whereas more neonates (12 vs. 6) of the dinoprostone group were admitted to the NICU (P=0.068). Conclusion: This study suggests that misoprostol may have some advantages compared to dinoprostone, including improved efficacy and lower cost of the drug, even in cases of preeclampsi

    Placental α-microglobulin-1 to detect uncertain rupture of membranes in a European cohort of pregnancies

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    Purpose: We evaluated the performance of the placental alpha-microglobulin-1 immunoassay (AmniSureÂź, AT) in cervicovaginal secretions in patients with uncertain rupture of membranes (ROM) and investigated the influence of the examiners experience. Methods: This prospective cohort study was performed in pregnant women (17-42weeks of gestation) with signs of possible ROM. Evaluation included clinical assessment, examination for cervical leakage, Nitrazine test and measurement of the amniotic fluid index by ultrasound and AT. ROM occurrence was based on review of the medical records after delivery. Results: 199 women were included. AT had a sensitivity of 94.4%; specificity of 98.6%; positive predictive value, 96.2%; negative predictive value, 98.0%. Clinical assessment showed a sensitivity of 72.2%; specificity of 97.8%; positive predictive value, 92.9%; negative predictive value, 90.6%. AT was more sensitive for diagnosing ROM (p=0.00596) compared to clinical assessment, independent of the examiners experience. Furthermore, the sole use of AT reduced costs by 58.4% compared to clinical assessment. Conclusions: AT was more sensitive compared to clinical assessment, independent of the examiners experience and gestational age. Our data extend its use in patients with uncertain ROM. Moreover, AT seems to be a cost-effective approach in the assessment of these patient

    Controversies in hybrid banking: attitudes of Swiss public umbilical cord blood donors toward private and public banking

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    Purpose: Umbilical cord blood (UCB) stored in public inventories has become an alternative stem cell source for allogeneic stem cell transplantation. The potential use of autologous UCB from private banks is a matter of debate. In the face of the limited resources of public inventories, a discussion on "hybrid” public and private UCB banking has evolved. We aimed to explore the attitudes of the donating parents toward public and private UCB banking. Study design and methods: A standardized, anonymous questionnaire was sent to the most recent 621 public UCB donors including items regarding satisfaction with recruitment process, the need for a second consent before release of the UCB unit for stem cell transplantation, and the donors' views on public and private UCB banking. Furthermore, we asked about their views on UCB research. Results: Of the questionnaires, 48% were returned, and 16% were lost due to mail contact. Of our donors, 95% would donate to the public bank again. As much as 35% of them were convinced that public banking was useful. Whereas 27% had never heard about private UCB banking, 34% discussed both options. Nearly 70% of donors opted for public banking due to altruism and the high costs of private banking. Of our public UCB donors, 81% stated that they did not need a re-consent before UCB release for stem cell transplantation. In case of sample rejection, 53.5% wanted to know details about the particular research project. A total of 9% would not consent. Conclusions: Almost all donors would choose public banking again due to altruism and the high costs of private banking. Shortly after donation, mail contact with former UCB donors was difficult. This might be a relevant issue in any sequential hybrid bankin

    Crying babies, tired mothers - challenges of the postnatal hospital stay: an interpretive phenomenological study

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: According to an old Swiss proverb, 'a new mother lazing in childbed is a blessing to her family'. Today mothers rarely enjoy restful days after birth, but enter directly into the challenge of combining baby- and self-care. They often face a combination of infant crying and personal tiredness. Yet, routine postnatal care often lacks effective strategies to alleviate these challenges which can adversely affect family health. We explored how new mothers experience and handle postnatal infant crying and their own tiredness in the context of changing hospital care practices in Switzerland. METHODS: Purposeful sampling was used to enroll 15 mothers of diverse parity and educational backgrounds, all of who had given birth to a full term healthy neonate. Using interpretive phenomenology, we analyzed interview and participant observation data collected during the postnatal hospital stay and at 6 and 12 weeks post birth. This paper reports on the postnatal hospital experience. RESULTS: Women's personal beliefs about beneficial childcare practices shaped how they cared for their newborn's and their own needs during the early postnatal period in the hospital. These beliefs ranged from an infant-centered approach focused on the infant's development of a basic sense of trust to an approach that balanced the infants' demands with the mother's personal needs. Getting adequate rest was particularly difficult for mothers striving to provide infant-centered care for an unsettled neonate. These mothers suffered from sleep deprivation and severe tiredness unless they were able to leave the baby with health professionals for several hours during the night. CONCLUSION: New mothers often need permission to attend to their own needs, as well as practical support with childcare to recover from birth especially when neonates are fussy. To strengthen family health from the earliest stage, postnatal care should establish conditions which enable new mothers to balanc the care of their infant with their own need

    Erratum to: Modulation of neutrophil NETosis: interplay between infectious agents and underlying host physiology

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    The ability of neutrophils and other leucocyte members of the innate immune system to expel their DNA into the extracellular environment in a controlled manner in order to trap and kill pathogenic microorganisms lead to a paradigm shift in our understanding of host microbe interactions. Surprisingly, the neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) cast by neutrophils is very wide and extends to the entrapment of viruses as well as multicellular eukaryotic parasites. Not unexpectedly, it has emerged that pathogenic microorganisms can employ a wide array of strategies to avoid ensnarement, including expression of DNAse enzymes that destroy the lattice backbone of NETs. Alternatively, they may use molecular mimicry to avoid detection or trigger events leading to the expression of immune modulatory cytokines such as IL-10, which dampen the NETotic response of neutrophils. In addition, the host microenvironment may contribute to the innate immune response by the production of lectin-like molecules that bind to bacteria and promote their entrapment on NETs. An example of this is the production of surfactant protein D by the lung epithelium. In addition, pregnancy provides a different challenge, as the mother needs to mount an effective response against pathogens, without harming her unborn child. An examination of these decoy and host response mechanisms may open the path for new therapies to treat pathologies mediated by overt NETosi

    Pregnant women's perception of cesarean section on demand

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    Aims: To assess pregnant women's awareness of and attitudes towards cesarean section (CS) on demand, as well as to identify specific target groups by focusing on differences dependant on the participants' background, parity and intended mode of delivery. Methods: The study was conducted at two centers during three months. German-speaking pregnant women were invited to answer an anonymous, structured questionnaire. We compared urban vs. rural, nulliparous vs. parous and women opting for a CS vs. denying this wish, with regard to awareness and attitudes towards CS on demand. Results: Ninety-two percent of the 201 participants were aware of the possibility to deliver by CS on demand. Their sources of information were mostly print media reports, television, or friends. Pain avoidance and missing the birth experience were the main reasons for and against CS on demand, respectively. For women opting for CS on demand, traumatically-experienced previous birth and the child's well-being were other important reasons for a CS. Conclusions: Because negative birth experience appears to be decisive for pregnant women's attitude towards CS on demand and their perception of CS seems to be partly based on misconceptions, antenatal counseling should focus on these aspect
