161 research outputs found

    The layering of polar firn - investigations of the climatic impact on polar firn structure using high resolution density measurements and 3D-X-ray-microfocus-computer-tomography

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    The polar firn structure is investigated in terms of layering using high-resolution density measurements of 19 firn cores and X-ray-microfocus-computer-tomography image analysis of 6 surface firn cores. The impact of local climate conditions such as mean annual temperature and accumulation rate on the generation, structure and evolution of the layering is studied. We find at all sites a high variability in density and microstructure due to the layered character of the firn. The standard deviation of the measured physical properties is used as a proxy to parameterize the layering and to compare the degree of layering at different sites. The results indicate, that the seasonal stratigraphy in ice core records, which is assumed to be formed by a continuous deposition at the surface and yields the basis of paleo-climate studies, is not necessarily formed at the surface by depositional mechanisms, but by densification and snow metamorphism deeper down in the firn column, influenced by impurities. The layering is also displayed in the microstructure, but shows a very complex pattern as the result of the combined effect of initial layering, sintering and short-term changes in local climate conditions. Nevertheless the microstructure from very different sites and very diverse metamorphic states shows some surprisingly well defined relationships: the specific surface area of the firn samples, which can be determined by several methods, can be described bijective from the measured chord length (average intersection of the ice phase with a line). This strengthens the assumption, that optical properties of snow and firn can be described by an effective radius of spheres, showing the same specific surface area as the measured sample. For any applications where the effective ice-air-interface of the firn is important, (air-exchange, chemical interactions, interactions with optical properties, microwaves), the easy-to-measure-specific surface area is sufficient to obtain the effective radius of the firn structure. The results of this study point out, that the stratigraphy, i.e. the amplitude and the frequency of the density variability, is not a constant property of firn, which is continuously buried in the firn column with depth and time. The original surface density and its variability, the original surface grain size and its variability and incorporated impurities as well as the interaction of the frequencies of the density variability and impurity concentration variability configure the dynamic evolution of the layering of the firn with depth. The layering of polar firn shows a random generation at the surface and a very dynamic evolution with depth, which is influenced not only by the microstructure and the local climate conditions but also by impurities incorporated into the firn at the surface

    Understanding Snow Microstructure for Microwave Remote Sensing

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    Scientists from the snow and soil remote sensing communities met to build on recent developments in objective snow microstructure measurement techniques by improving the understanding of their application in remote sensing at microwave frequencies

    A Review of the Microstructural Location of Impurities in Polar Ice and Their Impacts on Deformation

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    Insoluble and soluble impurities, enclosed in polar ice sheets, have a major impact on the deformation behaviour of the ice. Macro- and Micro-scale deformation observed in ice sheets and ice cores has been retraced to chemical loads in the ice, even though the absolute concentration is negligible. And therefore the exact location of the impurities matters: Allocating impurities to specific locations inside the ice microstructure inherently determines the physical explanation of the observed interaction between chemical load and the deformational behaviour. Both, soluble and non-soluble impurities were located in grain boundaries, triple junctions or in the grain interior, using different methods, samples and theoretical approaches. While each of the observations is adding to the growing understanding of the effect of impurities in polar ice, the growing number of ambiguous results calls for a dedicated and holistic approach in assessing the findings. Thus, we here aim to give a state of the art overview of the development in microstructural impurity research over the last 20 years. We evaluate the used methods, discuss proposed deformation mechanisms and identify two main reasons for the observed ambiguity: 1) limitations and biases of measurement techniques and 2) the physical state of the analysed impurity. To overcome these obstacles we suggest possible approaches, such as the continuous analysis of impurities in deep ice cores with complementary methods, the implementation of these analyses into established in-situ ice core processing routines, a more holistic analysis of the microstructural location of impurities, and an enhanced knowledge-transfer via an open access data base

    Micro-inclusions in the EGRIP ice core identified with Raman-spectroscopy

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    Soluble and insoluble impurities play a crucial role regarding the deformability and thus the flow of polar ice. To better understand this interplay from a mechanistic point of view it is especially important to investigate the location and chemical composition of micro-inclusions (Stoll et al., 2021), which are among the most abundant impurities in polar ice. New results from a systematic analysis of micro-inclusions in Holocene ice from the East Greenland Ice Core Project (EGRIP), which has been drilled near the onset of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS), offer unique insights into the dynamics of fast flowing ice over different scales, ranging from kilometres to micrometres. Investigating the small-scale properties of eleven samples from Holocene ice, i.e. the upper 1340 m of the EGRIP ice core, we mapped the locations of several thousand micro-inclusions inside the ice. The use of cryo-Raman spectroscopy allowed us to obtain a representative overview of the mineralogy of these inclusions in the ice without the risk of contamination. We identified a variety of Raman spectra, mainly from sulphates (dominated by gypsum) and terrestrial dust, such as quartz, mica and feldspar. The observed mineralogy changes with depth and EGRIP Holocene ice can be categorised in two different depth regimes, i.e. the upper (100-900 m) and lower (900-1340 m) regimes, depending on their mineralogy. Furthermore, micro- inclusions show certain spatial patterns, such as clustering or layering, which are partly related to their mineralogy. We thus conclude that Greenlandic Holocene ice has a broader, and more variable, mineralogy than previously reported and that chemical reactions might take place within the ice sheet, possibly altering the paleo-climate record. Our approach further demonstrates the added value of systematic, combined high-resolution impurity and microstructural studies, and the importance of considering different spatial scales and is thus another step towards a more holistic understanding of impurities in ice

    Representative surface snow density on the East Antarctic Plateau

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    Surface mass balances of polar ice sheets are essential to estimate the contribution of ice sheets to sea level rise. Uncertain snow and firn densities lead to significant uncertainties in surface mass balances, especially in the interior regions of the ice sheets, such as the East Antarctic Plateau (EAP). Robust field measurements of surface snow density are sparse and challenging due to local noise. Here, we present a snow density dataset from an overland traverse in austral summer 2016/17 on the Dronning Maud Land plateau. The sampling strategy using 1 m carbon fiber tubes covered various spatial scales, as well as a high-resolution study in a trench at 79∘ S, 30∘ E. The 1 m snow density has been derived volumetrically, and vertical snow profiles have been measured using a core-scale microfocus X-ray computer tomograph. With an error of less than 2 %, our method provides higher precision than other sampling devices of smaller volume. With four spatially independent snow profiles per location, we reduce the local noise and derive a representative 1 m snow density with an error of the mean of less than 1.5 %. Assessing sampling methods used in previous studies, we find the highest horizontal variability in density in the upper 0.3 m and therefore recommend the 1 m snow density as a robust measure of surface snow density in future studies. The average 1 m snow density across the EAP is 355 kg m−3, which we identify as representative surface snow density between Kohnen Station and Dome Fuji. We cannot detect a temporal trend caused by the temperature increase over the last 2 decades. A difference of more than 10 % to the density of 320 kg m−3 suggested by a semiempirical firn model for the same region indicates the necessity for further calibration of surface snow density parameterizations. Our data provide a solid baseline for tuning the surface snow density parameterizations for regions with low accumulation and low temperatures like the EAP

    Spatial Distribution of Crusts in Antarctic and Greenland Snowpacks and Implications for Snow and Firn Studies

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    The occurrence of snowpack features has been used in the past to classify environmental regimes on the polar ice sheets. Among these features are thin crusts with high density, which contribute to firn stratigraphy and can have significant impact on firn ventilation as well as on remotely inferred properties like accumulation rate or surface mass balance. The importance of crusts in polar snowpack has been acknowledged, but nonetheless little is known about their large-scale distribution. From snow profiles measured by means of microfocus X-ray computer tomography we created a unique dataset showing the spatial distribution of crusts in snow on the East Antarctic Plateau as well as in northern Greenland including a measure for their local variability. With this method, we are able to find also weak and oblique crusts, to count their frequency of occurrence and to measure the high-resolution density. Crusts are local features with a small spatial extent in the range of tens of meters. From several profiles per sampling site we are able to show a decreasing number of crusts in surface snow along a traverse on the East Antarctic Plateau. Combining samples from Antarctica and Greenland with a wide range of annual accumulation rate, we find a positive correlation (R2 = 0.89) between the logarithmic accumulation rate and crusts per annual layer in surface snow. By counting crusts in two Antarctic firn cores, we can show the preservation of crusts with depth and discuss their temporal variability as well as the sensitivity to accumulation rate. In local applications we test the robustness of crusts as a seasonal proxy in comparison to chemical records like impurities or stable water isotopes. While in regions with high accumulation rates the occurrence of crusts shows signs of seasonality, in low accumulation areas dating of the snowpack should be done using a combination of volumetric and stratigraphic elements. Our data can bring new insights for the study of firn permeability, improving of remote sensing signals or the development of new proxies in snow and firn core research

    Understanding Snow Microstructure for Microwave Remote Sensing

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    Scientists from the snow and soil remote sensing communities met to build on recent developments in objective snow microstructure measurement techniques by improving the understanding of their application in remote sensing at microwave frequencies

    Microstructure, micro-inclusions, and mineralogy along the EGRIP (East Greenland Ice Core Project) ice core – Part 2: Implications for palaeo-mineralogy

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    Impurities in polar ice do not only allow the re- construction of past atmospheric aerosol concentrations but also influence the physical properties of the ice. However, the localisation of impurities inside the microstructure is still un- der debate and little is known about the mineralogy of solid inclusions. In particular, the general mineralogical diversity throughout an ice core and the specific distribution inside the microstructure is poorly investigated; the impact of the mineralogy on the localisation of inclusions and other pro- cesses is thus hardly known. We use dust particle concen- tration, optical microscopy, and cryo-Raman spectroscopy to systematically locate and analyse the mineralogy of micro- inclusions in situ inside 11 solid ice samples from the up- per 1340 m of the East Greenland Ice Core Project ice core. Micro-inclusions are more variable in mineralogy than pre- viously observed and are mainly composed of mineral dust (quartz, mica, and feldspar) and sulfates (mainly gypsum). Inclusions of the same composition tend to cluster, but clus- tering frequency and mineralogy changes with depth. A va- riety of sulfates dominate the upper 900 m, while gypsum is the only sulfate in deeper samples, which however contain more mineral dust, nitrates, and dolomite. The analysed part of the core can thus be divided into two depth regimes of different mineralogy, and to a lesser degree of spatial distri- bution, which could originate from different chemical reac- tions in the ice or large-scale changes in ice cover in north- east Greenland during the mid-Holocene. The complexity of impurity mineralogy on the metre scale and centimetre scale in polar ice is still underestimated, and new methodological approaches are necessary to establish a comprehensive un- derstanding of the role of impurities. Our results show that applying new methods to the mineralogy in ice cores and recognising its complexity, as well as the importance for lo- calisation studies, open new avenues for understanding the role of impurities in ice cores

    Stratigraphic noise and its potential drivers across the plateau of Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica

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    Stable water isotopologues of snow, firn and ice cores provide valuable information on past climate variations. Yet single profiles are generally not suitable for robust climate reconstructions. Stratigraphic noise, introduced by the irregular deposition, wind-driven erosion and redistribution of snow, impacts the utility of high-resolution isotope records, especially in low-Accumulation areas. However, it is currently unknown how stratigraphic noise differs across the East Antarctic Plateau and how it is affected by local environmental conditions. Here, we assess the amount and structure of stratigraphic noise at seven sites along a 120 km transect on the plateau of Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Replicated oxygen isotope records of 1 m length were used to estimate signal-To-noise ratios as a measure of stratigraphic noise at sites characterised by different accumulation rates (43-64 mm w.e. a-1), snow surface roughnesses and slope inclinations. While we found a high level of stratigraphic noise at all sites, there was also considerable variation between sites. At sastrugi-dominated sites, greater stratigraphic noise coincided with stronger surface roughnesses, steeper slopes and lower accumulation rates, probably related to increased wind speeds. These results provide a first step to modelling stratigraphic noise and might guide site selection and sampling strategies for future expeditions to improve high-resolution climate reconstructions from low-Accumulation regions

    A Snapshot on the Buildup of the Stable Water Isotopic Signal in the Upper Snowpack at EastGRIP on the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    The stable water isotopic composition in firn and ice cores provides valuable information on past climatic conditions. Because of uneven accumulation and post-depositional modifications on local spatial scales up to hundreds of meters, time series derived from adjacent cores differ significantly and do not directly reflect the temporal evolution of the precipitated snow isotopic signal. Hence, a characterization of how the isotopic profile in the snow develops is needed to reliably interpret the isotopic variability in firn and ice cores. By combining digital elevation models of the snow surface and repeated high-resolution snow sampling for stable water isotope measurements of a transect at the East Greenland Ice-core Project campsite on the Greenland Ice Sheet, we are able to visualize the buildup and post-depositional changes of the upper snowpack across one summer season. To this end, 30 cm deep snow profiles were sampled on six dates at 20 adjacent locations along a 40 m transect. Near-daily photogrammetry provided snow height information for the same transect. Our data shows that erosion and redeposition of the original snowfall lead to a complex stratification in the δ18O signature. Post-depositional processes through vapor-snow exchange affect the near surface snow with d-excess showing a decrease in surface and near-surface layers. Our data suggests that the interplay of stratigraphic noise, accumulation intermittency, and local post-depositional processes form the proxy signal in the upper snowpack.publishedVersio
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