10 research outputs found

    Seed production characters and germination performance of reed canary grass in Finland

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    Production of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) seed in Finland may be of interest in the near future. Seed production characters of cultivars Palaton and Venture were studied between 1995 and 1998 at Jokioinen. Effects of harvest time on seed yield, thousand seed weight and seed germination were evaluated for 'Palaton'. Seed yield varied from 2 to 432 kg ha-1, being only 100 kg ha-1 on average. In the years of highest seed yields the optimum harvest time was 15 days after complete anthesis. At that time high seed yield was associated with a low proportion of shattered seeds and high thousand seed weight and good seed germination. In an additional experiment, the effect of storage temperature and storage time on seed germination were investigated for 'Venture'. Storage temperature had no significant influence on final germination, but warmer storage significantly speeded up germination rate as recorded after 7 days of germination. After 7 days the percentage of germinated seeds was also significantly higher for seeds stored for >10 months than with seeds stored forRuokohelpi (Phalaris arundinacea L.) on osoittautunut potentiaaliseksi uudeksi viljelykasviksi kuidun, energian ja rehuntuotannossa. Suomessa ei ole kotimaisia ruokohelpilajikkeita, mutta siementuotanto ulkomaisista rehulajikkeista saattaa tulla ajankohtaiseksi ruokohelvenviljelyn yleistyessÀ. Amerikkalaisten Palaton ja Venture -rehulajikkeiden siementuotanto-ominaisuuksia tutkittiin Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksessa Jokioisilla kahdessa kokeessa vuosina 1995-1998. Siementuotantokokeessa tutkittiin korjuuajankohdan vaikutusta Palaton-lajikkeen siemensatoon, tuhannen siemenen painoon ja itÀvyyteen. Palatonin keskimÀÀrÀinen siemensato oli ainoastaan 100 kg ha-1 ja siementuotanto-ominaisuudet vaihtelivat paljon. Siemensato vaihteli vÀlillÀ 2-432 kg ha-1, tuhannen siemenen paino 0,38-1,06 ja itÀvyys 12-98 % vuoden ja korjuuajan mukaan. EnsimmÀisen ja toisen vuoden kasvustot tuottivat parhaan siemensadon (100-369 kg ha-1), ja tuolloin myös tuhannen siemenen paino ja itÀvyys olivat korkeat. Parhaina satovuosina Palatonin optimaalinen korjuuajankohta oli 15 pÀivÀÀ kukinnan pÀÀttymisestÀ. Kolmannen ja neljÀnnen vuoden kasvustoissa siemensato putosi muutamaan kymmeneen kiloon. Varastointikokeessa selvitettiin varastointilÀmpötilan (+ 20°C ja + 6°C) ja ajan (1-19 kk) vaikutusta Venture-lajikkeen siementen itÀvyyteen. ItÀneiden siementen mÀÀrÀ laskettiin 7 pÀivÀn vÀlein ja 35 pÀivÀn kuluessa itÀneiden siementen mÀÀrÀn katsottiin olevan maksimaalinen. VarastointilÀmpötila ja -aika oli vaikuttivat itÀneiden siementen mÀÀrÀÀn ainoastaan 7 pÀivÀÀ itÀmistestin aloittamisesta. LÀmpimÀssÀ varastoitujen siementen itÀvyys oli korkeampi kuin viileÀssÀ varastoitujen, ja yli 10 kuukautta varastoitujen siementen itÀvyys oli korkeampi kuin alle 10 kuukautta varastoitujen. Tutkimuksen perusteella ruokohelven siementuotanto on Suomessa mahdollista, mutta siementuotannon tekniikasta tarvitaan lisÀÀ tietoa

    Seed production characters and germination performance of reed canary grass in Finland

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    Production of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) seed in Finland may be of interest in the near future. Seed production characters of cultivars Palaton and Venture were studied between 1995 and 1998 at Jokioinen. Effects of harvest time on seed yield, thousand seed weight and seed germination were evaluated for 'Palaton'. Seed yield varied from 2 to 432 kg ha-1, being only 100 kg ha-1 on average. In the years of highest seed yields the optimum harvest time was 15 days after complete anthesis. At that time high seed yield was associated with a low proportion of shattered seeds and high thousand seed weight and good seed germination. In an additional experiment, the effect of storage temperature and storage time on seed germination were investigated for 'Venture'. Storage temperature had no significant influence on final germination, but warmer storage significantly speeded up germination rate as recorded after 7 days of germination. After 7 days the percentage of germinated seeds was also significantly higher for seeds stored for >10 months than with seeds stored fo