294 research outputs found

    Meson-meson correlations in baryon-baryon and antibaryon-baryon interactions

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    Recent work of the J\"ulich group about the role of meson-meson correlations in baryon-baryon and antibaryon-baryon interactions is reviewed.Comment: Lecture given at the Erice School 1995, TEX, 10 pages, 15 figure

    Cd-vacancy and Cd-interstitial complexes in Si and Ge

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    The electrical field gradient (EFG), measured e.g. in perturbed angular correlation (PAC) experiments, gives particularly useful information about the interaction of probe atoms like 111In / 111Cd with other defects. The interpretation of the EFG is, however, a difficult task. This paper aims at understanding the interaction of Cd impurities with vacancies and interstitials in Si and Ge, which represents a controversial issue. We apply two complementary ab initio methods in the framework of density functional theory (DFT), (i) the all electron Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) Greenfunction method and (ii) the Pseudopotential-Plane-Wave (PPW) method, to search for the correct local geometry. Surprisingly we find that both in Si and Ge the substitutional Cd-vacancy complex is unstable and relaxes to a split-vacancy complex with the Cd on the bond-center site. This complex has a very small EFG, allowing a unique assignment of the small measured EFGs of 54MHz in Ge and 28MHz in Si. Also, for the Cd-selfinterstitial complex we obtain a highly symmetrical split configuration with large EFGs, being in reasonable agreement with experiments

    Proton Sea Quark Flavour Asymmetry and Roper Resonance

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    We study the proton and the Roper resonance together with the meson cloud model, by constructing a Hamiltonian matrix and solving the eigenvalue equation. The proton sea quark flavour asymmetry and some properties of the Roper resonance are thus reproduced in one scheme

    Consistent analysis of the reaction γppη\gamma p \to p \eta^\prime and ppppηpp \to pp\eta^\prime

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    The production of η\eta' mesons in the reactions γppη\gamma p\to p\eta' and ppppηpp\to pp\eta' is described consistently within a relativistic meson exchange model of hadronic interactions. The photoproduction can be described quite well over the entire energy range of available data by considering an S11S_{11} and a P11P_{11} resonance, in addition to the tt-channel mesonic current. The observed angular distribution is due to the interference between the tt-channel and the nucleon resonance ss- and uu-channel contributions. Our analysis yields positions close to 1650 MeV and 1870 MeV for the S11S_{11} and P11P_{11} resonances, respectively. We argue that, at present, identifying these states with the known S11(1650)S_{11}(1650) resonance and the missing P11P_{11} resonance predicted at 1880 MeV, respectively, would be premature. It is found that the nucleonic current is relatively small and that the NNηNN\eta^\prime coupling constant cannot be much larger than gNNη=3g_{NN\eta^\prime}=3. As for the ppppηp p \to p p \eta^\prime reaction, different current contributions are constrained by a combined analysis of this and the photoproduction reaction. Difficulties to simultaneously account for the 47-MeV and 144-MeV angular distributions measured by the COSY-11 and DISTO collaborations, respectively, are addressed.Comment: minor revision, scheduled to a appear in Phys. Rev. C 69 (May 2004), revtex, 17 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Slow viscoelastic relaxation and aging in aqueous foam

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    Like emulsions, pastes and many other forms of soft condensed matter, aqueous foams present slow mechanical relaxations when subjected to a stress too small to induce any plastic flow. To identify the physical origin of this viscoelastic behaviour, we have simulated how dry disordered coarsening 2D foams respond to a small applied stress. We show that the mechanism of long time relaxation is driven by coarsening induced rearrangements of small bubble clusters. These findings are in full agreement with a scaling law previously derived from experimental creep data for 3D foams. Moreover, we find that the temporal statistics of coarsening induced bubble rearrangements are described by a Poisson process.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    The Role of Δ(1232)\Delta(1232) in Two-pion Exchange Three-nucleon Potential

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    In this paper we have studied the two-pion exchange three-nucleon potential (2πE3NP)(2\pi E-3NP) using an approximate SU(2)×SU(2)SU(2) \times SU(2) chiral symmetry of the strong interaction. The off-shell pion-nucleon scattering amplitudes obtained from the Weinberg Lagangian are supplemented with contributions from the well-known σ\sigma-term and the Δ(1232)\Delta(1232) exchange. It is the role of the Δ\Delta-resonance in 2πE3NP2\pi E-3NP, which we have investigated in detail in the framework of the Lagrangian field theory. The Δ\Delta-contribution is quite appreciable and, more significantly, it is dependent on a parameter Z which is arbitrary but has the empirical bounds Z1/2|Z| \leq 1/2. We find that the Δ\Delta-contribution to the important parameters of the 2πE3NP2\pi E-3NP depends on the choice of a value for Z, although the correction to the binding energy of triton is not expected to be very sensitive to the variation of Z within its bounds.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Vacancy complexes with oversized impurities in Si and Ge

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    In this paper we examine the electronic and geometrical structure of impurity-vacancy complexes in Si and Ge. Already Watkins suggested that in Si the pairing of Sn with the vacancy produces a complex with the Sn-atom at the bond center and the vacancy split into two half vacancies on the neighboring sites. Within the framework of density-functional theory we use two complementary ab initio methods, the pseudopotential plane wave (PPW) method and the all-electron Kohn-Korringa-Rostoker (KKR) method, to investigate the structure of vacancy complexes with 11 different sp-impurities. For the case of Sn in Si, we confirm the split configuration and obtain good agreement with EPR data of Watkins. In general we find that all impurities of the 5sp and 6sp series in Si and Ge prefer the split-vacancy configuration, with an energy gain of 0.5 to 1 eV compared to the substitutional complex. On the other hand, impurities of the 3sp and 4sp series form a (slightly distorted) substitutional complex. Al impurities show an exception from this rule, forming a split complex in Si and a strongly distorted substitutional complex in Ge. We find a strong correlation of these data with the size of the isolated impurities, being defined via the lattice relaxations of the nearest neighbors.Comment: 8 pages, 4 bw figure

    Covariant Quark Model for the Baryons

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    A family of simply solvable covariant quark models for the baryons is presented. With optimal parameter choices the models reproduce the empirical spectra of the baryons in all flavor sectors to an accuracy of a few percent. Complete spectra are obtained for all states of the strange, charm and beauty hyperons with L2L \leq 2. The magnetic moments and axial coupling constants of the ground state baryons correspond to those of conventional quark models. We construct current-density operators that are consistent with empirical nucleon form factors at low and medium energies.Comment: 32pages, LateX, 3 figures(postscript

    ppppωpp\to pp\omega reaction near threshold

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    We analyze the total cross section data for ppppωpp \to pp\omega near threshold measured recently at SATURNE. Using an effective range approximation for the on-shell pppp S-wave final state interaction we extract from these data the modulus Ω=0.53|\Omega| = 0.53 fm4^4 of the threshold transition amplitude Ω\Omega. We present a calculation of various (tree-level) meson exchange diagrams contributing to Ω\Omega. It is essential that ω\omega-emission from the anomalous ωρπ\omega\rho\pi-vertex interferes destructively with ω\omega-emission from the proton lines. The contribution of scalar σ\sigma-meson exchange to Ω\Omega turns out to be negligibly small. Without introducing off-shell meson-nucleon form factors the experimental value Ω=0.53|\Omega|=0.53 fm4^4 can be reproduced with an ωN\omega N-coupling constant of gωN=10.7g_{\omega N}=10.7. The results of the present approach agree qualitatively with the J\"ulich model. We also perform a combined analysis of the reactions ppppπ0,pnπ+,ppη,ppωpp\to pp\pi^0, pn\pi^+, pp\eta, pp\omega and pnpnηpn\to pn\eta near threshold.Comment: Latex-file 6 pages, 2 Figure

    Present status of the nonstrange and other flavor partners of the exotic Theta+ baryon

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    Given the existing empirical information about the exotic Theta+ baryon, we analyze possible properties of its SU(3)F-partners, paying special attention to the nonstrange member of the antidecuplet N*. The modified piN partial-wave analysis presents two candidate masses, 1680 MeV and 1730 MeV. In both cases, the N* should be rather narrow and highly inelastic. Our results suggest several directions for experimental studies that may clarify properties of the antidecuplet baryons, and structure of their mixing with other baryons. Recent experimental evidence from the GRAAL and STAR Collaborations could be interpreted as observations of a candidate for the Theta+ nonstrange partner.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, talk given at the Topical Group on Hadron Physics (Fermilab, Oct. 24-26, 2004