23 research outputs found

    Behavior of human gastrocnemius muscle fascicles during ramped submaximal isometric contractions.

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    Precise estimates of muscle architecture are necessary to understand and model muscle mechanics. The primary aim of this study was to estimate continuous changes in fascicle length and pennation angle in human gastrocnemius muscles during ramped plantar flexor contractions at two ankle angles. The secondary aim was to determine whether these changes differ between proximal and distal fascicles. Fifteen healthy subjects performed ramped contractions (0-25% MVC) as ultrasound images were recorded from the medial (MG, eight sites) and lateral (LG, six sites) gastrocnemius muscle with the ankle at 90° and 120° (larger angles correspond to shorter muscle lengths). In all subjects, fascicles progressively shortened with increasing torque. MG fascicles shortened 5.8 mm (11.1%) at 90° and 4.5 mm (12.1%) at 120°, whereas LG muscle fascicles shortened 5.1 mm (8.8%) at both ankle angles. MG pennation angle increased 1.4° at 90° and 4.9° at 120°, and LG pennation angle decreased 0.3° at 90° and increased 2.6° at 120°. Muscle architecture changes were similar in proximal and distal fascicles at both ankle angles. This is the first study to describe continuous changes in fascicle length and pennation angle in the human gastrocnemius muscle during ramped isometric contractions. Very similar changes occurred in proximal and distal muscle regions. These findings are relevant to studies modeling active muscle mechanics

    Encouraging responsible reporting practices in the Instructions to Authors of neuroscience and physiology journals: There is room to improve

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    Journals can substantially influence the quality of research reports by including responsible reporting practices in their Instructions to Authors. We assessed the extent to which 100 journals in neuroscience and physiology required authors to report methods and results in a rigorous and transparent way. For each journal, Instructions to Authors and any referenced reporting guideline or checklist were downloaded from journal websites. Twenty-two questions were developed to assess how journal Instructions to Authors address fundamental aspects of rigor and transparency in five key reporting areas. Journal Instructions to Authors and all referenced external guidelines and checklists were audited against these 22 questions. Of the full sample of 100 Instructions to Authors, 34 did not reference any external reporting guideline or checklist. Reporting whether clinical trial protocols were pre-registered was required by 49 journals and encouraged by 7 others. Making data publicly available was encouraged by 64 journals; making (processing or statistical) code publicly available was encouraged by *30 of the journals. Other responsible reporting practices were mentioned by less than 20 of the journals. Journals can improve the quality of research reports by mandating, or at least encouraging, the responsible reporting practices highlighted here

    Response to "Quantifying the health impacts of ambient air pollutants: methodological errors must be avoided".

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    We thank Morfeld and Erren for their interest in our recent publication on “Quantifying the health impacts of ambient air pollutants: recommendations of a WHO/Europe project” (HĂ©roux et al. 2015). Morfeld and Erren claim that there are potential problems with the statistical approach used in our paper to measure the impact on mortality from air pollution. In fact, they state that “Greenland showed that a calculation based on RR estimates, as performed in the EU research project, does estimate excess cases numbers—but it does not estimate the number of premature cases or etiological cases” (Greenland 1999).Peer reviewe

    Response to: Premature deaths attributed to ambient air pollutants: let us interpret the Robins-Greenland theorem correctly.

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    We thank Morfeld and Erren for their continued interest in the WHO Health risks of air pollution in Europe (HRAPIE) report (WHO Regional Office for Europe 2013). The key point of contention seems to be the interpretation of the numbers of ‘premature deaths’ associated with air pollution (or any other) exposure. In the IJPH article that is at the basis of the two letters written by Morfeld and Erren (Heroux et al. 2015), the limitations of calculating and using numbers of ‘premature deaths’ were perhaps not sufficiently explained. We elaborated on this in our first response (Heroux et al. 2016), arguing that the criticized calculation of ‘premature deaths’ produces a reasonable albeit ambiguous estimate, for which reason calculation of years of life lost is a more preferable approach. We would like to point out that the HRAPIE report really is about identification of concentration–response functions to be further used in health impact assessments, and therefore did not pretend to provide a discussion of estimating etiologic fractions. Morfeld and Erren single out the one numerical example of an impact assessment given in our paper, and that example was not a result from the HRAPIE work itself but a quote from a report from the European Commission (2013). We never intended to give the impression that these numbers refer to individually identifiable, attributable deaths, however.Peer reviewe

    Is this my finger? Proprioceptive illusions of body ownership and representation

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    Abstract Body 'ownership' defines which things belong to us and can be manipulated by signals from cutaneous or muscle receptors. Whether signals from muscle proprioceptors on their own influence perceived ownership is unknown. We used finger-joint movement to induce illusory ownership of an artificial finger without vision. We coupled the subject's index finger to an artificial finger 12 cm above it. The experimenter held the subject's other index finger and thumb on the artificial finger and passively moved them congruently or incongruently for 3 min with the index finger and the grasping index finger and thumb intact or anaesthetised. When intact, congruent movement (19 subjects) reduced perceived vertical distance between index fingers to 1.0 (0.0, 2.0) cm [median (IQR)] from 3.0 (3.0, 4.0) cm with incongruent movement (P < 0.01). Simply grasping the artificial finger reduced perceived spacing between the grasping and test index fingers from 6.0 (5.0, 9.0) cm to 3.0 (3.0, 6.0) cm (P < 0.01), a new grasp illusion. Digital anaesthesia eliminated this grasp effect, after which congruent movement still reduced the perceived spacing between the index fingers to 1.0 (0.0, 2.75) cm compared to 4.0 (3.25, 6.0) cm with incongruent movement (P < 0.001). Subjects more strongly agreed that they were holding their own finger after congruent but not incongruent movement (P < 0.01). We propose that the brain generates possible scenarios and tests them against available sensory information. This process can function without vision or motor commands, and with only one channel of somatic information. © 2013 The Physiological Society

    Coopetition and Business Model Change: a case-based framework of coopetition-driven effects

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    The mechanisms by which skeletal muscles lengthen and shorten are potentially complex. When the relaxed human gastrocnemius muscle is at its shortest in vivo lengths it falls slack (i.e. it does not exert any passive tension). It has been hypothesised that when the muscle is passively lengthened, slack is progressively taken up, first in some muscle fascicles then in others. Two-dimensional imaging methods suggest that, once the slack is taken up, changes in muscle length are mediated primarily by changes in the lengths of the tendinous components of the muscle. The aims of this study were to test the hypothesis that there is progressive engagement of relaxed muscle fascicles, and to quantify changes in the length and three-dimensional orientation of muscle fascicles and tendinous structures during passive changes in muscle length. Ultrasound imaging was used to determine the location, in an ultrasound image plane, of the proximal and distal ends of muscle fascicles at 14 sites in the human gastrocnemius muscle as the ankle was rotated passively through its full range. A three-dimensional motion analysis system recorded the location and orientation of the ultrasound image plane and the leg. These data were used to generate dynamic three-dimensional reconstructions of the architecture of the muscle fascicles and aponeuroses. There was considerable variability in the measured muscle lengths at which the slack was taken up in individual muscle fascicles. However, that variability was not much greater than the error associated with the measurement procedure. An analysis of these data which took into account the possible correlations between errors showed that, contrary to our earlier hypothesis, muscle fascicles are not progressively engaged during passive lengthening of the human gastrocnemius. Instead, the slack is taken up nearly simultaneously in all muscle fascicles. Once the muscle is lengthened sufficiently to take up the slack, about half of the subsequent increase in muscle length is due to elongation of the tendinous structures and half is due to elongation of muscle fascicles, at least over the range of muscle-tendon lengths that was investigated (up to ∌60 or 70% of the range of in vivo lengths). Changes in the alignment of muscle fascicles and flattening of aponeuroses contribute little to the total change in muscle length

    History-dependence of muscle slack length in humans: effects of contraction intensity, stretch amplitude, and time

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    The slack length of a relaxed human skeletal muscle is not fixed; it can be modified by contraction and stretch. Contraction of the human vastus lateralis muscle at short lengths reduces the muscle’s slack length. Even very weak contractions are sufficient to induce this effect. The effect persists for at least 5 min but can be reduced or abolished with a large-amplitude passive stretch. </jats:p

    History-dependence of muscle slack length following contraction and stretch in the human vastus lateralis

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    © 2018 The Authors. The Journal of Physiology © 2018 The Physiological Society Key points: In reduced muscle preparations, the slack length and passive stiffness of muscle fibres have been shown to be influenced by previous muscle contraction or stretch. In human muscles, such behaviours have been inferred from measures of muscle force, joint stiffness and reflex magnitudes and latencies. Using ultrasound imaging, we directly observed that isometric contraction of the vastus lateralis muscle at short lengths reduces the slack lengths of the muscle–tendon unit and muscle fascicles. The effect is apparent 60 s after the contraction. These observations imply that muscle contraction at short lengths causes the formation of bonds which reduce the effective length of structures that generate passive tension in muscles. Abstract: In reduced muscle preparations, stretch and muscle contraction change the properties of relaxed muscle fibres. In humans, effects of stretch and contraction on properties of relaxed muscles have been inferred from measurements of time taken to develop force, joint stiffness and reflex latencies. The current study used ultrasound imaging to directly observe the effects of stretch and contraction on muscle–tendon slack length and fascicle slack length of the human vastus lateralis muscle in vivo. The muscle was conditioned by (a) strong isometric contractions at long muscle–tendon lengths, (b) strong isometric contractions at short muscle–tendon lengths, (c) weak isometric contractions at long muscle–tendon lengths and (d) slow stretches. One minute after conditioning, ultrasound images were acquired from the relaxed muscle as it was slowly lengthened through its physiological range. The ultrasound image sequences were used to identify muscle–tendon slack angles and fascicle slack lengths. Contraction at short muscle–tendon lengths caused a mean 13.5 degree (95% CI 11.8–15.0 degree) shift in the muscle–tendon slack angle towards shorter muscle–tendon lengths, and a mean 5 mm (95% CI 2–8 mm) reduction in fascicle slack length, compared to the other conditions. A supplementary experiment showed the effect could be demonstrated if the muscle was conditioned by contraction at short lengths but not if the relaxed muscle was held at short lengths, confirming the role of muscle contraction. These observations imply that muscle contraction at short lengths causes the formation of bonds which reduce the effective length of structures that generate passive tension in muscles