38 research outputs found

    Trigeminal neuralgia

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    AbstractTwo different clinical entities, essential or secondary neuralgia, are associated with different pathologies. The pathways of CN V comprise the cervical spine, the brainstem, the root of the nerve and the three peripheral branches: V1, V2 and V3. The lesions responsible for neuralgia are neoplastic, vascular, inflammatory, malformative or post-traumatic. The examination protocol should explore the set of CN V pathways. Neurovascular compression is the main cause of essential neuralgia. It is investigated by T2-weighted inframillimetric volume. Two conditions are necessary to diagnose a neurovascular compression: localised on the root entry zone [(REZ), 2–6mm from the emergence of the pons] and perpendicularly. In the absence of neurovascular compression, thin slices and a gadolinium injection are necessary

    Hommage Ă  Georges-Photios Tapinos

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    HĂ©ran François, Livi Bacci M., Lee Ronald. Hommage Ă  Georges-Photios Tapinos. In: Population, 55ᔉ annĂ©e, n°6, 2000. pp. 879-885

    Hommage Ă  Georges-Photios Tapinos

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    HĂ©ran François, Livi Bacci M., Lee Ronald. Hommage Ă  Georges-Photios Tapinos. In: Population, 55ᔉ annĂ©e, n°6, 2000. pp. 879-885

    Language Use and Family Transmission in Migration Context

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    This chapter analyses the foreign language usage of migrants to France over the last 50 years. The TeO survey enables us to place language usage in the context of individual linguistic repertoires and migration trajectories, taking account of social characteristics and transnational practices. The use of languages other than French evolves in response to strong competition from the majority language. Moreover, many immigrants from countries with historical colonial links to France spoke French even before arriving in the country.After a first part devoted to immigrants’ linguistic skills and their command of French, the chapter then describes the profile of immigrants who continue to speak other languages, the context in which they use them, and the factors that favour their continued use, notably family transmission. The last part examines the extent to which family languages are mastered by descendants of immigrants after reaching adulthood. Placing different languages in perspective reveals the degree to which individuals acknowledge this transmission as a cultural inheritance and/or a resource that can also be mobilized outside the family sphere. Attitudes in this respect vary from one language to another

    Who Counts in the Census? Racial and Ethnic Categories in France

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    The question of racial and ethnic statistics is part of a debate in France that has been going on for 20 years now: indeed France’s census (performed by the INSEE, Institut National de la Statistique et des etudes Ă©conomiques or National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) does not include racial or ethnic categories. Furthermore, it is illegal for French structures and institutions (schools, universities, employers, corporations and public administrations) to request and hold information that includes racial or ethnic categories. At the same time, over the years, there have been several attempts – mostly unsuccessful- by scholars, non-governmental organizations and also elected officials, to argue in favor of the inclusion of ethnic statistics, as it has come to be called. This chapter will first present a demographic profile and trends of France, and then expose the methodological and theoretical issues related to the seemingly color-blindness of the French census