15 research outputs found

    Times of Application of Boron in Irrigated Rice Genotypes in Tropical Varzeas

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    Boron is an important micronutrient for all vegetables, being part of several metabolic functions within cells. Rice stands out as a staple food for more than half the world’s population and requires small amounts of boron. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of boron application at different times in the culture of irrigated rice in the conditions of the floodplains in the Southwest of the State of Tocantins. The experiment was installed at Fazenda Santa Rita, municipality of Lagoa da Confusão-TO in the 2015/2016 harvest, in bands, with a randomized block design, in a 4 x 4 factorial scheme, with 4 repetitions. The dose of 3.0 kg ha −1 of boron was applied, in the form of borax, via leaf, in four seasons. WereFour lowland rice cultivars (IRGA-424, IRGA-424 RI, IRGA-425, and IRGA-426) were used. The characteristics evaluated were: plant height, number of panicles, spikelet sterility, the mass of one hundred grains, grain yield, whole grains, and grain yield. Boron resulted in higher productivity. The highest yields were achieved with borate fertilization at 60 and 75 days after emergence. The genotypes IRGA-424 RI and IRGA-425 proved to be more efficient in the use of boron, is recommended at any time of application of the micronutrient

    Propriedades da Alcachofra com Ênfase na Composição Nutricional/Properties of Artichoke with Emphasis on Nutritional Composition

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    O uso de plantas medicinais consiste em uma das mais antigas formas de prática medicinal utilizada tanto, para o tratamento quanto, para a cura e prevenção de doenças. Dentre as plantas medicinais de maior relevância, a alcachofra (Cynara scolymus L.) tem recebido destaque, devido aos seus efeitos benéficos sob a saúde humana. Diante disso, o objetivo do estudo foi identificar as propriedades da alcachofra com ênfase na composição nutricional. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão narrativa através da busca em bancos de dados eletrônicos acerca das propriedades da alcachofra. As bases de dados consultadas foram: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e outras Revistas Eletrônicas de Saúde, com dimensão temporal entre 2001 e 2018, nos idiomas português e inglês. Pode-se verificar com os dados obtidos, que a alcachofra atua com benefícios frente a doenças hepáticas, saúde intestinal, diabetes, apetite e hipercolesterolemia e suas propriedades bioativas estão associadas diretamente a sua composição química

    Is myoelectric activity distributed equally within the rectus femoris muscle during loaded, squat exercises?

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    Recent evidence suggests different regions of the rectus femoris (RF) muscle respond differently to squat exercises. Such differential adaptation may result from neural inputs distributed locally within RF, as previously reported for isometric contractions, walking and in response to fatigue. Here we therefore investigate whether myoelectric activity distributes evenly within RF during squat. Surface electromyograms (EMGs) were sampled proximally and distally from RF with arrays of electrodes, while thirteen healthy volunteers performed 10 consecutive squats with 20% and 40% of their body weight. The root mean square (RMS) value, computed separately for thirds of the concentric and eccentric phases, was considered to assess the proximo-distal changes in EMG amplitude during squat. The channels with variations in EMG amplitude during squat associated with shifts in the muscle innervation zone were excluded from analysis. No significant differences were observed between RF regions when considering squat phases and knee joint angles individually (P>0.16) while a significant interaction between phase and knee joint angle with detection site was observed (P<0.005). For the two loads considered, proximal RMS values were greater during the eccentric phase and for the more flexed knee joint position (P<0.001). Our results suggest inferences on the degree of RF activation during squat must be made cautiously from surface EMGs. Of more practical relevance, there may be a potential for the differential adaption of RF proximal and distal regions to squat exercises

    Exodontia pela técnica intraoral em égua: Relato de caso

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    Alterações dentárias, ao decorrer dos anos, devido ao processo de domesticação e confinamento dos equinos, associado à falta de um manejo correto e tratamento odontológico periódico precário, dentre outros requisitos, aparecem com frequência, levando o animal a alguns problemas intra-orais. Algumas afecções na rotina veterinária tornam-se comuns na grande maioria dos haras, por falta de uma avaliação antecipada sem que o mesmo apresente algum tipo de incômodo ou queda no seu desempenho. Isto ocorre principalmente, quando se trata de um animal atleta. Contudo, a importância do cuidado na rotina dos haras com a cavidade oral dos equinos, para uma boa mastigação e deglutição do alimento, torna-se de extrema relevância, evitando danos maiores futuros. O processo de avaliação veterinária deve ser de intensa solicitação por parte do tutor, para poder proporcionar uma boa qualidade de vida ao animal. Pontas dentárias, por exemplo, causam traumas na mucosa, resultando em uma série de incômodos tanto para o animal, quanto para o seu dono. Objetivou-se nesse trabalho relatar o caso de exodontia do elemento 307. Neste, existia uma infecção bacteriana causada por um canal interligando uma fístula na região mandibular com o meio intra-oral. Foram realizados bloqueios anestésicos através do forame mandibular e metoniano com bupivacaína, associado à infusão com sedativo com detomidina. A falta do tratamento da doença periodontal dessa égua resultou na enfermidade apical, causando também halitose, redução do seu escore corporal. Concluiu-se ainda mais que, um bom tratamento odontológico dos equinos torna-se de suma necessidade para seu desenvolvimento atleta, alimentar e de seu bem-estar, levando assim também uma vida prolongada e saudável do animal

    Production and Characterization of a β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex with <i>Platonia insignis</i> Seed Extract as a Proposal for a Gastroprotective System

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    Platonia insignis Mart, Clusiaceae, known as bacuri, is a species native to Brazil that, in studies with extract of the seed of its fruit, showed antioxidant activity against free radicals. Products with such properties may be of great importance in the treatment of peptic ulcers since this pathology may be associated with the inflammatory process caused by the action of free radicals. Cyclodextrins are molecules capable of forming inclusion complexes with other molecules, affecting their physicochemical properties and improving their pharmacokinetic characteristics. Thus, this work aimed to produce, characterize, and evaluate the gastroprotective effect of the inclusion complex of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) with the bacuri seeds hexanic extract (BSHE). In the characterization of the inclusion complex, an apparent stability constant (Kc) of 416 mol/L was obtained in the solubility study; the BSHE:β-CD m/m (g) complexation ratios at 1:9, 2:8, and 3:7 were 5.51%, 21.46%, and 20.11%, respectively. The formation of the BSHE:β-CD inclusion complex was observed by FTIR technique, indicating the disappearance of bands characteristic of BSHE (2960 cm−1 and 1755 cm−1) when in the complex, compared to the spectra of pure BSHE or in physical mixture with β-CD, and by X-ray diffraction, which indicated a loss of crystallinity, typical signals of pure β-CD, and presentation of intense amorphization, characteristic of BSHE, incorporated in the β-CD pockets. In the evaluation of gastroprotective activity, through absolute ethanol-induced gastric lesions in mice, both BSHE and BSHE:β-CD reduced gastric lesions, with 100 mg/kg dose of the complex having the greatest gastroprotective effect. BSHE:β-CD was also able to reduce gastric lesions from ischemia and reperfusion, with the 50 mg/kg dose being the most effective. BSHE:β-CD, also at this dose, reduced the MDA levels of the gastric mucosa, indicating a possible antioxidant activity in its gastroprotective effect. Thus, it was concluded that inclusion complex formation between β-CD and BSHE is possible, and that this formulation enhanced the gastric protective activity

    Arquivos Brasileiros de Psiquiatria, Neurologia e Ciências Afins: uma fonte com muita história Arquivos Brasileiros de Psiquiatria, Neurologia e Ciências Afins: a source rich in history

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    Surgido em 1905, o Arquivos Brasileiros de Psiquiatria, Neurologia e Ciências Afins foi o primeiro periódico brasileiro especializado na área. Com o nome de Arquivos Brasileiros de Psiquiatria, Neurologia e Medicina Legal, tornou-se, em 1908, veículo de divulgação da Sociedade com o mesmo nome. A partir de 1919 foi publicado como Arquivos Brasileiros de Neuriatria e Psiquiatria. O periódico traz as propostas para a psiquiatria brasileira lideradas por Juliano Moreira, diretor do Hospício Nacional e da Assistência a Alienados do Distrito Federal. Por veicular trabalhos de profissionais do Hospício Nacional, é fonte fundamental para a investigação dos processos diagnósticos e das práticas clínicas e terapêuticas do período. Apresenta-se aqui uma seleção de artigos publicados na revista entre 1905 e 1930, ano da aposentadoria de Moreira.<br>Launched in 1905, the Arquivos Brasileiros de Psiquiatria, Neurologia e Ciências Afins was the first Brazilian periodical specialized in psychiatry, neurology, and related sciences. In 1908, under the new name of Arquivos Brasileiros de Psiquiatria, Neurologia e Medicina Legal, it became the journal of the Society of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Forensic Medicine. Starting in 1919, it was published under the title Arquivos Brasileiros de Neuriatria e Psiquiatria. The periodical presents proposals put forward for this field in Brazil, under the leadership of Juliano Moreira, director of both the National Asylum and of Federal District Assistance for the Insane (Assistência a Alienados do Distrito Federal). Because the journal published articles by healthcare providers from the National Asylum, it is a vital source for researchers of the era's diagnostic processes and clinical and therapeutic practices. This selection of texts was published in its pages between 1905 and 1930, the year Moreira retired