79 research outputs found

    Microsatellite mapping of QTLs affecting resistance to coccidiosis (Eimeria tenella) in a Fayoumi × White Leghorn cross

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Avian coccidiosis is a major parasitic disease of poultry, causing severe economical loss to poultry production by affecting growth and feed efficiency of infected birds. Current control strategies using mainly drugs and more recently vaccination are showing drawbacks and alternative strategies are needed. Using genetic resistance that would limit the negative and very costly effects of the disease would be highly relevant. The purpose of this work was to detect for the first time QTL for disease resistance traits to <it>Eimeria tenella </it>in chicken by performing a genome scan in an F2 cross issued from a resistant Fayoumi line and a susceptible Leghorn line.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The QTL analysis detected 21 chromosome-wide significant QTL for the different traits related to disease resistance (body weight growth, plasma coloration, hematocrit, rectal temperature and lesion) on 6 chromosomes. Out of these, a genome-wide very significant QTL for body weight growth was found on GGA1, five genome-wide significant QTL for body weight growth, plasma coloration and hematocrit and one for plasma coloration were found on GGA1 and GGA6, respectively. Two genome-wide suggestive QTL for plasma coloration and rectal temperature were found on GGA1 and GGA2, respectively. Other chromosme-wide significant QTL were identified on GGA2, GGA3, GGA6, GGA15 and GGA23. Parent-of-origin effects were found for QTL for body weight growth and plasma coloration on GGA1 and GGA3. Several QTL for different resistance phenotypes were identified as co-localized on the same location.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using an F2 cross from resistant and susceptible chicken lines proved to be a successful strategy to identify QTL for different resistance traits to <it>Eimeria tenella</it>, opening the way for further gene identification and underlying mechanisms and hopefully possibilities for new breeding strategies for resistance to coccidiosis in the chicken. From the QTL regions identified, several candidate genes and relevant pathways linked to innate immune and inflammatory responses were suggested. These results will be combined with functional genomics approaches on the same lines to provide positional candidate genes for resistance loci for coccidiosis. Results suggested also for further analysis, models tackling the complexity of the genetic architecture of these correlated disease resistance traits including potential epistatic effects.</p

    A new class of scorpion toxin binding sites related to an A-type K+ channel: pharmacological characterization and localization in rat brain

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    AbstractA new scorpion toxin (3751.8 Da) was isolated from the Buthus martensi venom, sequenced and chemically synthesized (sBmTX3). The A-type current of striatum neurons in culture completely disappeared when 1 ÎŒM sBmTX3 was applied (Kd=54 nM), whereas the sustained K+ current was unaffected. 125I-sBmTX3 specifically bound to rat brain synaptosomes (maximum binding=14 fmol mg−1 of protein, Kd=0.21 nM). A panel of toxins yet described as specific ligands for K+ channels were unable to compete with 125I-sBmTX3. A high density of 125I-sBmTX3 binding sites was found in the striatum, hippocampus, superior colliculus, and cerebellum in the adult rat brain

    Prise en charge thérapeutique du glioblastome en 2012

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    Le glioblastome, appartenant aux tumeurs cérébrales est une pathologie qui est en augmentation. Si elle reste relativement rare lorsqu on compare son incidence aux autres cancers, la mortalité qui lui est associée est quant à elle trÚs importante. Il s agit donc ici de décrire cette pathologie, et de faire le point sur les différentes approches thérapeutiques existantes, les protocoles en cours et ceux à l étude dont le but est d augmenter la survie et d améliorer la qualité de vie de ces patients.Glioblastoma, related to brain tumors, is an illness increasing in number. If it remains relatively scarce compared to other cancers incidence, the mortality that is associated to it is very important. Therefore, this thesis is about describing this disease, reviewing the different existing therapeutic approaches, the current protocols, and those under review, whose aim is to increase the patients life expectancy, as well as improving their quality of life and well being.AMIENS-BU Santé (800212102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Thrombopénie et paludisme à Plasmodium Falciparum chez l'enfant

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    PARIS5-BU MĂ©d.Cochin (751142101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Étude des effets de deux modes de navigation dans un logiciel d'aide Ă  la rĂ©Ă©criture

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    Les auteurs ont mis au point un hypertexte d'aide Ă  la rĂ©daction de « rĂ©cits d'expĂ©rience personnelle » pour des Ă©lĂšves du cycle 3 de l'Ă©cole primaire. Cet outil permet de faire interagir le modĂšle mental sous-jacent au texte de l'apprenant et les modĂšles sous-jacents Ă  des textes ressources. L'apprenant peut y circuler de deux façons : soit par des requĂȘtes de type base de donnĂ©es, soit par des liens de type hypertexte. AprĂšs avoir montrĂ© la supĂ©rioritĂ© des rĂ©Ă©critures des enfants disposant du logiciel sur ceux qui disposent d'une aide sur papier, on compare les effets, sur la rĂ©Ă©criture, des deux types d'accĂšs aux textes ressources : par l'appel de critĂšres et par la navigation hypertexte. Les Ă©lĂšves utilisant le premier type de circulation produisent davantage d'expansions et leurs modifications de structure semblent davantage tirer parti des textes ressources

    Semi-chronic increase in striatal level of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde does not result in alteration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurones

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    International audienceThis work was carried out to evaluate the potential in vivo toxicity of 3,4‐dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL), an aldehyde formed from dopamine by monoamine oxidase (MAO) that is oxidised mainly to 3,4‐dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) by brain aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH). In this study, male Sprague‐Dawley rats were treated with levodopa (L‐dopa)‐benserazide, which increases DOPAL production by MAO, and disulfiram, an irreversible inhibitor of ALDH, which reduces the formation of DOPAC from DOPAL. An acute systemic intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of 100 mg/kg disulfiram and L‐dopa‐benserazide (100 mg/kg + 25 mg/kg, 24 hr later) significantly increased DOPAL striatal level. A 30‐day treatment with disulfiram (100 mg/kg i.p., once every 2 days) and L‐dopa‐benserazide (100 mg/kg + 25 mg/kg, two times/day) did not affect either indexes used to assess integrity of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurones (i.e., the striatal content in dopamine and binding to the vesicular monoamine transporter on striatal membranes). These results do not evidence any deleterious effect of DOPAL and argue against toxicity of L‐dopa therap

    Perspectives Ă©conomiques 2007-2008

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    D’aprĂšs les indicateurs conjoncturels rĂ©cents, l’état actuel de l’économie belge demeure bien orientĂ©. Les perspectives Ă©conomiques pour les 18 prochains mois sont positives, avec une croissance que nous prĂ©voyons Ă  2,8 % en 2007 et 2,5 % en 2008
