8 research outputs found

    Differences in hip bone mineral density may explain the hip fracture pattern in osteoarthritic hips

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    Introduction In patients with osteoarthritis of the hip (OAH), trochanteric fractures are much more common than femoral neck fractures. One reason may be altered bone composition in the proximal femurs. OAH often leads to a fixed external rotation of the hip, leading to difficulties in positioning during DXA measurements. We compared BMD in OAH-affected legs and healthy legs

    Utvärdering och validering av den internationella sjöminröjningsstyrkan : klarar styrkan en internationell insats?

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    Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka på vilket sätt den internationella sjöminröjningsstyrkan skall utvärderasoch valideras mot ställda krav.Inledningsvis beskriver jag den internationella minröjningsstyrkan och dess ingående delar. Jag nedtecknarbakgrunden till varför den har satts upp och förklarar under vilka förhållanden den skall kunna verka samtvilka uppgifter den kan ställas inför. I den här delen beskriver jag också innebörden av begreppenutvärdering och validitet och hur de kan appliceras på militära förband.I nästa del av uppsatsen redovisar jag de, nationella och internationella, mål och krav som är satta förstyrkan. Syftet med den här delen är att komma fram till vilka teoretiska definitioner som ligger till grundför en utvärdering och validering av styrkan.Därefter utreder jag vem som skall utvärdera och validera styrkan. Detta gör jag genom att beskriva vilkaprocesser som är styrande för styrkan samt vilken chef som är ansvarig för vilken process. Syftet meddenna del är att undersöka vilka ansvarsförhållanden som gäller för styrkan i olika skeden och därmedockså vem som är ansvarig för utvärderingen och valideringen.Därefter undersöker jag vilka metoder som kan användas för att utvärdera och validera internationellasjöminröjningsstyrkan. I slutet på denna del gör jag en metodjämförelse. Avsikten med jämförelsen är attundersöka vad de olika metoderna kan användas till samt vilka svar de kan ge.Den avslutande delen, som är studiens resultatdel, omfattar en tolkning av framkomna resultat som omsättsi en diskussion. Utifrån diskussionen redovisas de slutsatser som är dragna. I denna del besvaras ocksåuppsatsens frågeställningar.As from 1 January 2001 the Swedish Naval Rapid Reaction Unit Mine CounterMeasure. (SWENARAP MCM) stands on a 30 days alert to depart fromSweden. Calling up time for the unit is 7 days after decision on deployment.The purpose of this essay is to examine how to evaluate the unit against itsdemands.The essay starts with a short introduction where I describe the unit and its tasks.I also describe in which environment the unit is supposed to operate. This partends with a description on how to evaluate military units.After that I will look into what kind of objectives that is put up forSWENARAP MCM. The purpose of this part is to analyse on what objectivesthe unit is supposed to be evaluated. I will look into booth national andinternational objectives.In the next part I analyse who is going to do the evaluation. The unit hasdifferent commanders during different times and he purpose is to find out whois responsible to do the evaluation.After that I analyse what kind of methods that can be used to evaluateSWENARAP MCM. In the end of this I compare three different methods to findout what they can be used to and what kind of answer they can provide. I alsodescribe what kind of evaluation each method is suitable for.The last part of essay provides a discussion on the conclusions that I have findout in previous analyses. From this discussion I answer the key questions of theessay.Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 02-0

    Characterization of microcrystalline cellulose spheres and prediction of hopper flow based on a μ(I)-rheology model.

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    International audienceThe objective of this study was to characterize the rheology of a pharmaceutical material in the context of the µ(I)-rheology model and to use this model to predict powder flow in a manufacturing operation that is relevant to pharmaceutical manufacturing. The rheology of microcrystalline cellulose spheres was therefore characterized in terms of the μ(I)-rheology model using a modified Malvern Kinexus rheometer. As an example of an important problem in pharmaceutical manufacturing, the flow of these particles from a hopper was studied experimentally and numerically using a continuum Navier-Stokes solver based on the Volume-Of-Fluid (VOF) interface-capturing numerical method. The work shows that the rheology of this typical pharmaceutical material can be measured using a modified annular shear rheometer and that the results can be interpreted in terms of the μ(I)-rheology model. It is demonstrated that both the simulation results and the experimental data show a constant hopper discharge rate. It is noted that the model can suffer from ill-posedness and it is shown how an increasingly fine grid resolution can result in predictions that are not entirely physically realistic. This shortcoming of the numerical framework implies that caution is required when making a one-to-one comparison with experimental data

    Smoking induces overexpression of immediate early genes in active Graves' ophthalmopathy.

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    Background: Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for the development of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO). In a previous study of gene expression in intraorbital fat, adipocyte-related immediate early genes (IEGs) were overexpressed in patients with GO compared to controls. We investigated whether IEGs are upregulated by smoking and examined other pathways that may be affected by smoking. Methods: Gene expression in intraorbital fat was studied in smokers (n=8) and non-smokers (n=8) with severe active GO as well as in subcutaneous fat in thyroid-healthy smokers (n=5) and non-smokers (n=5) using microarray and real-time PCR. Results: With microarray, eight IEGs were upregulated more than 1.5-fold in smokers compared to non-smokers with GO. Five were chosen for confirmation and were also overexpressed with real-time PCR. Interleukin-1 beta /IL-1B/ (2.3-fold) and interleukin-6 /IL-6/ (2.4-fold) were upregulated both with microarray and with real-time PCR in smokers with GO compared to non-smokers. Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 1 /HLA-DRB1/ was upregulated with microarray (2.1-fold) and with borderline significance with real-time PCR. None of these genes were upregulated in smokers compared to non-smokers in subcutaneous fat. Conclusions: IEGs, IL-1B, and IL-6 were overexpressed in smokers with severe active GO compared to non-smokers suggesting that smoking activates pathways associated with adipogenesis and inflammation. This study underlines the importance of IEGs in the pathogenesis of GO and provides evidence for possible novel therapeutic interventions in GO. The mechanisms activated by smoking may be shared with other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis

    A novel hormone-sensitive lipase isoform expressed in pancreatic beta -cells.

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    Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is a key enzyme in fatty acid mobilization in many cell types. Two isoforms of HSL are known to date, namely HSLadi (84 kDa in rat) and HSLtes (130 kDa in rat). These are encoded by the same gene, with exons 1-9 encoding the parts that are common to both and an additional 5'-exon encoding the additional amino acids in HSLtes. HSL of various tissues, among these the islet of Langerhans, is larger than HSLadi, but not as large as HSLtes, indicating that there may be other 5'-coding exons. Here we describe the molecular basis for a novel 89-kDa HSL isoform that is expressed in -cells, adipocytes, adrenal glands, and ovaries in the rat and that is encoded by exons 1-9 and exon A, which is spliced to exon 1 and thereby introducing an upstream start codon. The additional 5'-base pairs encode a 43-amino acid peptide, which is highly positively charged. Conglomerates of HSL molecules are in close association with the secretory granules of the -cell, as determined by immunoelectron microscopy with antibodies targeting two separate regions of HSL. We have also determined that the human genomic sequence upstream of exon A has promoter activity in INS-1 cells as well as glucose sensing capability, mediating an increase in expression at high glucose concentration. The minimal promoter is present within 170 bp from the transcriptional start site and maximal glucose responsiveness is conferred by sequence within 850 bp from the transcriptional start site