21 research outputs found

    Zur generalpräventiven Abschreckungswirkung des Strafrechts: Befunde einer Metaanalyse

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    'Vielfach wird angenommen, dass Strafdrohungen potentielle Täter von der Tatbegehung abschrecken. Die Richtigkeit dieser Theorie wird jedoch bezweifelt. Zahlreiche empirische Untersuchungen haben unterschiedliche Ergebnisse erzielt. In dem vorliegenden Artikel wird eine Metaanalyse beschrieben, die versucht, die Gründe für die unterschiedlichen Befunde zu ermitteln. Erste Auswertungen deuten darauf hin, dass die Untersuchungsmethoden die Ergebnisse beeinflussen und eine mögliche Abschreckungswirkung des Strafrechts nur mit einem differenzierten Modell angemessen erfasst werden kann.' (Autorenreferat)'It is supposed that threats of punishment deter potential criminals from committing crimes. The correctness of this theory is, however, questionable. Numerous empirical investigations have come to different results. In this article a meta-analysis is described which tries to find out the reasons for the different results. First evaluations indicate that the methods of research have an influence on the results and that a possible deterring effect of the penal law can only be covered reasonably with a very differentiating model.' (author's abstract)

    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF): A saturated fatty acid-induced myokine with insulin-desensitizing properties in humans

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    Objective: Circulating long-chain free fatty acids (FFAs) are important metabolic signals that acutely enhance fatty acid oxidation, thermogenesis, energy expenditure, and insulin secretion. However, if chronically elevated, they provoke inflammation, insulin resistance, and β-cell failure. Moreover, FFAs act via multiple signaling pathways as very potent regulators of gene expression. In human skeletal muscle cells differentiated in vitro (myotubes), we have shown in previous studies that the expression of CSF3, the gene encoding granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), is markedly induced upon FFA treatment and exercise. Methods and results: We now report that CSF3 is induced in human myotubes by saturated, but not unsaturated, FFAs via Toll-like receptor 4-dependent and -independent pathways including activation of Rel-A, AP-1, C/EBPα, Src, and stress kinases. Furthermore, we show that human adipocytes and myotubes treated with G-CSF become insulin-resistant. In line with this, a functional polymorphism in the CSF3 gene affects adipose tissue- and whole-body insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in human subjects with elevated plasma FFA concentrations. Conclusion: G-CSF emerges as a new player in FFA-induced insulin resistance and thus may be of interest as a target for prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Keywords: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), Saturated fatty acid-induced myokine, Fatty acid-induced insulin resistanc

    Virology: independent virus development outside a host

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    Viruses are thought to be functionally inactive once they are outside and independent of their host cell. Here we describe an exceptional property of a newly discovered virus that infects a hyperthermophilic archaeon growing in acidic hot springs: the lemon-shaped viral particle develops a very long tail at each of its pointed ends after being released from its host cell. The process occurs only at the temperature of the host's habitat (75-90 degrees C) and it does not require the presence of the host cell, an exogenous energy source or any cofactors. This host-independent morphological development may be a strategy for viral survival in an environment that is unusually harsh and has limited host availability