7 research outputs found

    Knowledge sharing in medical team: knowledge, knowledge management, and team knowledge

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    Nowadays medical work is team work of several professionals (like for example in rehabilitation) so knowledge is a central issue in this field: the fast growing biomedical knowledge base is needed to be applied as fast and as effectively as possible to avoid medical errors. The suitable method for this purpose is a knowledge management system, which is based on the specialties of medical knowledge, and the expert teams of physicians and related professionals. The aim of this article is to review the literature on three levels: (1) personal level (medical knowledge and knowledge encapsulation theory by Boshuizen and Schmidt (1992) (2) team level (medical teamwork, e.g. in rehabilitation); (3) and organizational level (knowledge management systems). The medical work has some specialties that constraint the possibilities of knowledge management. On one hand, medical knowledge in a high level of expertise is activated faster, but in a less detailed manner compared to other domains of knowledge; it is stored in an \textitencapsulated form. On the other hand, as a consequence of medical work, any effective knowledge management system must be ``baked in´´ the daily routine (Devenport, Glaser 2002). The user interface must be on the spot, avoiding additional efforts, and time needs. As a conclusion, this review is the integration of experiences and results from group interaction researches in high risk environment, and the practices from the knowledge management applications in several domains of work and to find the theoretical possibilities of a successful knowledge management system in the medical field

    Prerequisites of Virtual Teamwork in Security Operations Centers: Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Characteristics

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    Cybersecurity is an emerging field of national security where usually the technical aspects of defense take first place. Cyberdefense is heavily relaying on teamwork where members of Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) or Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) or Security Operations Center (SOC) teams are often geographically dispersed. In cybersecurity teamwork, computer supported collaboration is crucial as the team functions virtually in many ways. In this paper we present the results of interviews that were conducted with SOC exerts and we summarize the reviewed relevant literature. We have reviewed knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs) that make a team of cybersecurity experts capable to perform as virtual teams. These results revealed that to treat the cybersecurity team as a socio-technical system and supporting to cope with challenges of virtual teams helps them to be more effective and enhances employee retention. This perspective may contribute to cyberdefense of both industry and military

    A fogyasztói preferenciaváltozások lehetséges okai

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    Cikkünk célja azonosítani és csoportosítani a fogyasztói preferenciaváltozást okozó tényezőket. Sejtésünk szerint a tranzitív preferenciák kontextuális diszfunkcióira visszavezethetők (1) pszichológiai, (2) fiziológiai és (3) környezetből eredő okokra. Jelenlegi marketingkutatásunk elsődleges axiómája, hogy a jószág-attribútumokkal kapcsolatos látens fogyasztói preferenciarendszer nem minden körülmények között érvényes: a vásárlási döntésekben kinyilvánított preferenciarendszer nagyban kontextus függő. Gyanítjuk továbbá, hogy a preferenciafordulások többsége nem szándékosan, nem tudatosan történik; melyre a vásárlás után gyakran jelentkező csalódottság-érzésből következtetünk. A diszkrepanciák alapos megismerésével a preferenciarendszerben fellépő inkonzisztencia gyakorisága csökkenthető lenne úgy, hogy olyan értékesítési technikák kerülnek kidolgozásra, melyek az emberi természet tökéletlenségét számításba veszik, csökkentve a preferenciafordulás következményeként fellépő vásárlás utáni negatív vásárló értékeléseket

    Analysis of Cyberattack Patterns by User Behavior Analytics

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