78 research outputs found

    Perception Factors, Intentions and Attitudes with Market Community Participation to Prevent Occupational Diseases

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    An Occupational Disease was a disease caused by work or work environment. One of the efficient and effective strategies for controlling Occupational Disease was the empowerment and participation of the community called Occupational Health Unit (Pos UKK) in the workplace. Based on the data of market health inspection in Pos UKK Imogiri market in March 2017, there were only 67 participants (19.17%) from 365 invited people.: The purpose of this research was to know the internal factors with the community participation in Pos UKK Imogiri market Bantul. This research was a quantitative analytic research with cross sectional design. The population was 365 people and the sample was 150 respondents. The sampling used purposive sampling technique. Kendall Tau test showed that there was a relation between perception and community participation (p value <0.05, r = 0.677); Intentions related to community participation (p value <0.05 r = 0.486); Attitudes related to community participation (p value <0.05 , r= 0.802). F test result showed that the variables of Perception, Intentions and Attitudes related simultaneously to community participation (F value = 387.41> F table = 2.67). The dominant independent variable was Attitudes with the highest Standard Beta Coefficient value was 0.776. Perceptions, Intentions and Attitudes related both partially and simultaneously to community participation; the independent variable that had dominant influence was Attitudes

    Rentabilitas Usaha pada Industri Bawang Goreng Sal-Han di Kota Palu Sulawesi Tengah

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    Kebijakan pembangunan pertanian di Indonesia saat ini diarahkan pada modernisasi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil dan mutu produksi dalam rangka peningkatan pendapatan sekaligus peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat. Salah satu komoditi andalan khususnya di Kota Palu yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani adalah komoditi bawang merah lokal Palu. Hasil olahan bawang merah lokal Palu dikenal dengan produk bawang goreng Palu yang memiliki kekhasan cita rasa tersendiri sehingga produk ini berbeda dengan bawang goreng hasil daerah lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui besarnya pendapatan bawang goreng Sal-Han di Kota Palu dari kesuluruhan modal yang digunakan dan untuk mengetahui besar kecilnya angka rentabilitas ekonomi dan rentabilitas modal sendiri pada industri bawang goreng Sal-Han, berdasarkan penambahan modal pinjaman. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada industri bawang goreng Sal-Han di Kota Palu. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan sengaja (Purpossive) dalam hal ini industri bawang goreng Sal-Han. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis penyusutan, analisis pendapatan dan analisis rentabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan modal pinjaman sebesar Rp 100.000.000 dengan tingkat bunga 19,6% pertahun, industri bawang goreng Sal-Han memperoleh nilai rata-rata rentabilitas ekonomi sebesar 40,65%, artinya bahwa setiap penambahan modal sebanyak Rp 100 akan menghasilkan keuntungan sebesar Rp 40,65,-, sementara nilai rentabilitas modal sendiri menghasilkan nilai rata-rata sebesar 41,31%, hal ini berarti setiap penambahan Rp 100 akan mengahasilkan keuntungan sebesar Rp 41,31,-

    Analisis Produksi dan Pendapatan USAhatani Bawang Merah Lokal Palu di Desa Oloboju Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This study aims to determine the affect of land area, seed, fertiliser and labor to the local Palu onion production in the village Oloboju Biromaru Sigi Sub District Sigi District andthe incomes of local Palu onion farming at village Oloboju Sub Biromaru Sigi District Sigi. Respondents used in this study were 30 respondents or 13.82 % of the 217 households that farming oflocal Palu onion by using simple random sampling. The analysis showed that the simultaneously land area factor (X1), seeds (X2), fertilizer (X3) and labor (X4) very significant effect on farm production local Palu onion farming, with an F-count > F- table ( 299.354 > 2.76 ) at the α level of 5 % signicancy. The test results show that the t-test was highly significant on land area with t-> t -table (8.098 > 2.756), the seed was highly significant with t-count > t-table (5.869 > 2.756), fertilizer was highly significant with t-count > t -table (3.978 > 2.756) and a significant on labor with t --count > t -table (2.836 > 2.756), respectively at the 1 % level α. The revenue analysis results showed that the average income of the respondent of Local Palu onion farmers Oloboju village in single growing season was Rp 59.913.000/ 0,67 ha or Rp89.511.454/ha

    Effect of Doctor\u27s Personality, Job Characteristic, Payment Method, Facility, on Performance and Quality of Doctor Service

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    Background: Doctors generally do not work permanently at hospitals. Doctors are expected to deliver quality medical service at the hospitals. However, hospitals often find it difficult to exercise efective managerial control over the quality of medical services. This study aimed to investigate the effect of doctor\u27s personality, job characteristic, payment method, facility, on performance and quality of doctor service.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study using cross-sectional design. The study was carried out at Dr. Moewardi Hospital and PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Surakarta, from March to May 2017. A sample 182 study subjects consisting of 26 doctors, 26 nurses, and 130 patients, were selected for this study by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was quality of doctor service. The independent variables were doctor\u27s personality (extrovert vs. introvert), doctor\u27s carefulness, proactive attitude, self-efficacy, autonomy, performance feedback, supervisor support, payment method, work site (private vs. public), and performance. Questionnaire was used to collect data. Path analysis was employed to analyze the data.Results: Good quality of doctor service was directly affected by good performance (b=0.64, SE=0.11, p<0.001), private work site (b= 2.85, SE=0.66, p<0.001), and strong self-efficacy (b=0.21, SE=0.07, p=0.006). Good work performance was affected by extrovert personality (b=0.08, SE= 0.06, p=0.186), careful attitude (b=0.30; SE=0.09; p=0.001), proactive personality (b=−0.17; SE=0.05; p=0.001), strong self-efficacy (b=0.27; SE=0.07; p<0.001), autonomy (b=0.16; SE=0.06; p=0.015), performance feedback (b=0.43; SE=0.13, p<0.001), supervisor support (b=0.14, SE=0.06, p=0.018), payment method (INA CBGs) (b= −2.29; SE= 0.66; p<0.001), and private work site (b= -0.26, SE= 0.68, p=0.696).Conclusion: Good quality of doctor service is directly affected by good performance, private work site, and strong self-efficacy.Keywords: quality, doctor\u27s service, performance, path analysisCorrespondence: Heni Hastuti. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Email: [email protected] Mobile: +6281904534310.The Journal of Health Policy and Management (2017), 2(1): 42-55https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2017.02.01.0

    Determinants of Job Performance among Nurses at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta

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    Background: Nurses are critical to the delivery of high-quality, efficient care. Evidences from previous studies show that hospital nurses and staff, supported by leadership, can be actively involved in improving both the quality and the efficiency of hospital care. This study aimed to examine determinants of job performance among nurses at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta. Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta, from April to June 2018. A sample of 203 nurses was selected for this study by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was job performance. The independence variables were motivation, skill, tenure, and motivation. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Nurse job performance increased with skill (OR= 5.70; 95% CI= 0.93 to 3.72; p<0.001), tenure (OR= 2.04; 95% CI= 1.07 to 3.88; p= 0.030), and motivation (OR= 1.87; 95% CI= 0.93 to 3.72; p= 0.079). Conclusion: Nurse job performance increases with skill, tenure, and motivation. Keywords: job performance, nurse, tenure, motivation, skil

    Analisis Efisiensi Penggunaan Input Produksi Usahatani Semangka di Desa Maranatha Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This study aims to determine the influence of the use of input and determine the level of efficiency of use of inputs of land, seed, labor, fertilizer Phonska, ZA, Pearl fertilizer, and fertilizer to the production of KCl Watermelon in Maranatha Village District Biromaru Sigi Sigi. The research was conducted at Maranatha Village District Biromaru Sigi Sigi. Respondents were 36 people, which was conducted by the census. Analysis tool used is the Cobb-Douglass Production Function and Efficiency Analysis. The results showed simultaneously all the independent variables (X) effect nayata the dependent variable (Y). partial land area (X1), seeds (X2), labor (X3), fertilizer Phonska (X4), ZA (X5), fertilizer Pearl (X6), and KCl (X7) significantly affect the production of watermelon in the Village Maranatha District Biromaru Sigi Sigi sig value 0.000 1, meaning that all inputs used in the production of watermelon farming in Maranatha Village District Sigi Sigi Biromaru in terms of the price of each input production efficiency declared yet
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