13 research outputs found

    Contraception for adolescents in low and middle income countries: needs, barriers, and access

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    Substantial numbers of adolescents experience the negative health consequences of early, unprotected sexual activity - unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortions, pregnancy-related mortality and morbidity and Sexually Transmitted Infections including Human Immunodeficiency Virus; as well as its social and economic costs. Improving access to and use of contraceptives – including condoms - needs to be a key component of an overall strategy to preventing these problems. This paper contains a review of research evidence and programmatic experiences on needs, barriers, and approaches to access and use of contraception by adolescents in low and middle income countries (LMIC). Although the sexual activity of adolescents (ages 10–19) varies markedly for boys versus girls and by region, a significant number of adolescents are sexually active; and this increases steadily from mid-to-late adolescence. Sexually active adolescents – both married and unmarried - need contraception. All adolescents in LMIC - especially unmarried ones - face a number of barriers in obtaining contraception and in using them correctly and consistently. Effective interventions to improve access and use of contraception include enacting and implementing laws and policies requiring the provision of sexuality education and contraceptive services for adolescents; building community support for the provision of contraception to adolescents, providing sexuality education within and outside school settings, and increasing the access to and use of contraception by making health services adolescent-friendly, integrating contraceptive services with other health services, and providing contraception through a variety of outlets. Emerging data suggest mobile phones and social media are promising means of increasing contraceptive use among adolescents


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    Curso de Especial InterésLa siguiente propuesta, contiene la información necesaria para poder asesorar y brindar una mejor atención a los procesos que son inherentes a la sexualidad del ser humano. El diseño de la creación de una aplicación llamada iPrevent, usada en aparatos tecnológicos como los móviles con sistema Android y Apple. Esta aplicación está encaminada a presentar y a exponer los distintos métodos anticonceptivos que se encuentran en el mercado, así mismo brindar un marco de conocimiento de cada uno, para facilitar la toma de decisiones de los adolescentes; de esta manera teniendo una correlación con la salud pública y mitigar los embarazos no deseados y posibles interrupciones voluntarias del embarazo (IVE) y uso de Métodos Anticonceptivos de emergencia en esta población.101 p.1. Resumen 2. Justificación 3. Marco teórico 4. Objetivos 5. Metodología 6. Estudio de mercadeo 7. Resultados 8. Discusión 9. Conclusiones y recomendaciones 10. Referencias 11. ApéndicesPregradoPsicólog

    Invest in adolescents and young people: it pays

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    Abstract This year’s Women Deliver conference made a strong call for investing in the health and development of adolescents and young people. It highlighted the unique problems faced by adolescent girls and young women–some of the most vulnerable and neglected individuals in the world–and stressed the importance of addressing their needs and rights, not only for their individual benefit, but also to achieve global goals such as reducing maternal mortality and HIV infection.In response to an invitation from the editors of Reproductive Health, we-the sixteen coauthors of this commentary–put together key themes that reverberated throughout the conference, on the health and development needs of adolescents and young people, and promising solutions to meet them.1. Investing in adolescents and young people is crucial for ensuring health, creating prosperity and fulfilling human rights.2. Gender inequality contributes to many health and social problems. Adolescent girls and boys, and their families and communities, should be challenged and supported to change inequitable gender norms.– Child marriage utterly disempowers girls. It is one of the most devastating manifestations of gender discrimination.– Negative social and cultural attitudes towards menstruation constrain the lives of millions of girls. This may well establish the foundation for lifelong discomfort felt by girls about their bodies and reticence in seeking help when problems arise.3. Adolescents need comprehensive, accurate and developmentally appropriate sexuality education. This will provide the bedrock for attitude formation and decision making.4. Adolescent-centered health services can prevent sexual and reproductive health problems and detect and treat them if and when they occur.5. National governments have the authority and the responsibility to address social and cultural barriers to the provision of sexual and reproductive health education and services for adolescents and young people.6. Adolescents should be involved more meaningfully in national and local actions intended to meet their needs and respond to their problems.7. The time to act is now. We know more now than ever before about the health and development needs of adolescents and young people, as well as the solutions to meeting those needs

    Making good on a call to expand method choice for young people - Turning rhetoric into reality for addressing Sustainable Development Goal Three

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    Abstract Background Investments in the nearly two billion young people, aged 10–24 years, in the world today are necessary to meet global development commitments, specifically the Sustainable Development Goals and Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths. More than 12 million married and unmarried adolescents (aged 15–19) will give birth in 2016. Complications of pregnancy and childbirth are the second leading cause of death among 15–19 year-old women and early childbearing can significantly curtail social and economic prospects for young women. Facilitating the ability of sexually active young people to choose and effectively use a satisfactory contraceptive method will ensure they can exercise their right to prevent, delay or space pregnancy. The Global Consensus Statement, “Expanding Contraceptive Choice for Adolescents and Youth to Include Long Acting and Reversible Contraception” provides evidence on the safety and effectiveness of LARCs for young people. Three inter-dependent actions linking advocacy and policy (advocating for policy and guideline revisions); supply (improving quality and accessibility of an expanded method choice) and an enabling environment (social norms and comprehensive reproductive health information) are suggested as vital to achieving full access and full choice for all sexually active young people. Identified approaches include national advocacy addressing policy guidelines and standard operating procedures that guide providers in the provision of age and developmentally appropriate contraceptive services; pre-service and in-service training for health care providers to be able to effectively communicate and counsel young people, including dispelling myths and misconceptions around LARCs; and partnering with young people to design appropriate, contextually-relevant, and effective strategies to increase their self-efficacy and, at the community level, address broader social norms to dispel stigma and discrimination. Conclusion An immediate call to action for collaborative and coordinated global, regional and national efforts that enable full access and full choice for all young people is paramount to achieve their reproductive health intentions and the Sustainable Development Goal targets

    Longitudinal examination of which married young women use contraception to delay a first pregnancy in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Early marriage and childbearing put young women and their babies at risk of poor health and well-being. This study uses two rounds of longitudinal data from young women ages 15–19 in 2015–2016 and followed in 2018–2019 to determine factors associated with contraceptive use before a first pregnancy among young, married women in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India. Discrete time hazard models were used to analyze time to first use starting from the month of marriage. Overall, use of contraception prior to a first pregnancy was low in this sample (between 12 to 20% used before a first pregnancy). Young women who reported that someone discussed the importance of delaying a first birth at the time of marriage were significantly more likely to have used a method of family planning (FP) before a first pregnancy than those who did not receive this information. Further, women who discussed FP with their husband before a first pregnancy were more likely to use contraception. Finally, among recently married young women, those who experienced pressure to have a child were less likely to use before a first pregnancy. As young women recognize the advantages of delaying a first birth and adopt FP to meet their needs, social norms around early childbearing will slowly adjust and early use to delay a first pregnancy will become more normative

    Longitudinal examination of young married women\u27s fertility and family planning intentions and how they relate to subsequent family planning use in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh India

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    Objectives: This study examines which fertility and family planning (FP) intentions are related to subsequent FP use in a sample of young, married women in India. Design: We use 3-year longitudinal data from married women ages 15-19 in 2015-2016 (wave 1) who are not using contraception to examine factors associated with any use of FP in 2018-2019 (wave 2). Setting: Data were collected in the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India. Participants: A representative sample of 4893 young married women ages 15-19 was surveyed in 2015-2016 and 4000 of them were found and interviewed 3 years later. This analysis focused on the 3614 young women who were not using FP at wave 1. Primary outcomes: This study examines FP use at wave 2 as the main outcome variable. Results: Multivariate analyses demonstrated that young women who wanted to delay childbearing three or more years or who did not want any(more) children at wave 1 were more likely to use contraception at wave 2. Additionally, intention to use FP in the next 12 months at wave 1 was significantly associated with FP use at wave 2 whereas unmet need at wave 1 was not significantly related to subsequent use. A combined measure of fertility desires and intention to use FP demonstrated the importance of both measures on subsequent use. Having any children and being pregnant at wave 1 were both related to FP use at wave 2. Conclusions: It is important to reach young, married women prior to a first pregnancy with nuanced messages addressing their fertility and FP intentions. Programmes targeting women at antenatal and postpartum visits are important for young women to help support them to use FP to address their desires to delay or limit future childbearing for the health and well-being of themselves and their children

    A never-before opportunity to strengthen investment and action on adolescent contraception, and what we must do to make full use of it

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    Abstract Background Increasingly, the health and rights of adolescents are being recognized and prioritized on the global agenda. This presents us with a “never-before” opportunity to address adolescent contraception. This is timely, as there are enormous numbers of adolescents who are currently unable to obtain and use contraceptives. From research evidence and programmatic experience, it is clear that we need to do things differently to meet their needs/fulfil their rights. Main body In this commentary, we call for action in several key areas to address adolescents’ persistent inability to obtain and use contraceptives. We must move away from one-size-fits-all approaches, from a ‘condoms-only’ mind set, from separate services for adolescents, from ignoring the appeal of pharmacies and shops, and from one-off-training to make health workers adolescent friendly. Our efforts to expand access to quality contraceptive services to adolescents must be combined with efforts to build their desire and ability to use them, and to do so consistently. In order for these changes to be made, action must be taken on several levels. This includes the formulation of sound national policies and strategies, robust programme implementation with monitoring, regular programmatic reviews, and implementation research. Further, high-quality collection, analysis, and dissemination of data must underlie all of our efforts. As we move ahead, we must also recognize and draw lessons from positive examples of large scale and sustained programmes in countries that have led the way in increasing contraceptive use by adolescents. Conclusion This unprecedented moment in history gives us a real opportunity to bring about transformational change, particularly when there is so much at stake

    Forward, Together: A Collaborative Path to Comprehensive Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Our Time

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    The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development established a basis for the advancement of adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR) that endures today. Twenty-five years later, our vision for the future warrants reflection based on a clear understanding of the opportunities and challenges before us. Inclusion of adolescents on global, regional, and national agendas; increased investment in ASRHR policies and programs; renewed commitments to universal health coverage; increased school enrollment; and advances in technology are all critical opportunities we can and must leverage to catalyze progress for adolescents. At the same time, a range of significant challenges remain, have newly emerged, or can be seen on the horizon, including persistent denial of adolescent sexuality; entrenched gender inequality; resistance to meaningfully engaging adolescents and young people in political and programmatic processes; weak systems, integration, and multisectoral coordination; changes in population dynamics; humanitarian and climate crises; and changes in family and community structures. To achieve as much progress toward our vision for ASRHR as possible, the global ASRHR community must take strategic and specific steps in the next 10 years within five areas for action: (1) mobilize and make full use of political and social support for ASRHR policies and programs; (2) increase and make effective use of external and domestic funding for ASRHR; (3) develop, communicate, apply, and monitor enabling and protective laws and policies for ASRHR; (4) use and improve available ASRHR data and evidence to strengthen advocacy, policies, and programs; and (5) manage the implementation of ASRHR strategies at scale with quality and equity. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine