127 research outputs found

    Modelling the burden caused by gene expression: an in silico investigation into the interactions between synthetic gene circuits and their chassis cell

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    In this paper we motivate and develop a model of gene expression for the purpose of studying the interaction between synthetic gene circuits and the chassis cell within which they are in- serted. This model focuses on the translational aspect of gene expression as this is where the literature suggests the crucial interaction between gene expression and shared resources lies

    Distributed Reconstruction of Nonlinear Networks: An ADMM Approach

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    In this paper, we present a distributed algorithm for the reconstruction of large-scale nonlinear networks. In particular, we focus on the identification from time-series data of the nonlinear functional forms and associated parameters of large-scale nonlinear networks. Recently, a nonlinear network reconstruction problem was formulated as a nonconvex optimisation problem based on the combination of a marginal likelihood maximisation procedure with sparsity inducing priors. Using a convex-concave procedure (CCCP), an iterative reweighted lasso algorithm was derived to solve the initial nonconvex optimisation problem. By exploiting the structure of the objective function of this reweighted lasso algorithm, a distributed algorithm can be designed. To this end, we apply the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to decompose the original problem into several subproblems. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods, we use our approach to identify a network of interconnected Kuramoto oscillators with different network sizes (500~100,000 nodes).Comment: To appear in the Preprints of 19th IFAC World Congress 201

    Bounding stationary averages of polynomial diffusions via semidefinite programming

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    We introduce an algorithm based on semidefinite programming that yields increasing (resp. decreasing) sequences of lower (resp. upper) bounds on polynomial stationary averages of diffusions with polynomial drift vector and diffusion coefficients. The bounds are obtained by optimising an objective, determined by the stationary average of interest, over the set of real vectors defined by certain linear equalities and semidefinite inequalities which are satisfied by the moments of any stationary measure of the diffusion. We exemplify the use of the approach through several applications: a Bayesian inference problem; the computation of Lyapunov exponents of linear ordinary differential equations perturbed by multiplicative white noise; and a reliability problem from structural mechanics. Additionally, we prove that the bounds converge to the infimum and supremum of the set of stationary averages for certain SDEs associated with the computation of the Lyapunov exponents, and we provide numerical evidence of convergence in more general settings

    Shaping Pulses to Control Bistable Biological Systems

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    In this paper we study how to shape temporal pulses to switch a bistable system between its stable steady states. Our motivation for pulse-based control comes from applications in synthetic biology, where it is generally difficult to implement real-time feedback control systems due to technical limitations in sensors and actuators. We show that for monotone bistable systems, the estimation of the set of all pulses that switch the system reduces to the computation of one non-increasing curve. We provide an efficient algorithm to compute this curve and illustrate the results with a genetic bistable system commonly used in synthetic biology. We also extend these results to models with parametric uncertainty and provide a number of examples and counterexamples that demonstrate the power and limitations of the current theory. In order to show the full potential of the framework, we consider the problem of inducing oscillations in a monotone biochemical system using a combination of temporal pulses and event-based control. Our results provide an insight into the dynamics of bistable systems under external inputs and open up numerous directions for future investigation.Comment: 14 pages, contains material from the paper in Proc Amer Control Conf 2015, (pp. 3138-3143) and "Shaping pulses to control bistable systems analysis, computation and counterexamples", which is due to appear in Automatic

    Approximations of countably-infinite linear programs over bounded measure spaces

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    We study a class of countably-infinite-dimensional linear programs (CILPs) whose feasible sets are bounded subsets of appropriately defined weighted spaces of measures. We show how to approximate the optimal value, optimal points, and minimal points of these CILPs by solving finite-dimensional linear programs. The errors of our approximations converge to zero as the size of the finite-dimensional program approaches that of the original problem and are easy to bound in practice. We discuss the use of our methods in the computation of the stationary distributions, occupation measures, and exit distributions of Markov~chains

    Global Network Prediction from Local Node Dynamics

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    The study of dynamical systems on networks, describing complex interactive processes, provides insight into how network structure affects global behaviour. Yet many methods for network dynamics fail to cope with large or partially-known networks, a ubiquitous situation in real-world applications. Here we propose a localised method, applicable to a broad class of dynamical models on networks, whereby individual nodes monitor and store the evolution of their own state and use these values to approximate, via a simple computation, their own steady state solution. Hence the nodes predict their own final state without actually reaching it. Furthermore, the localised formulation enables nodes to compute global network metrics without knowledge of the full network structure. The method can be used to compute global rankings in the network from local information; to detect community detection from fast, local transient dynamics; and to identify key nodes that compute global network metrics ahead of others. We illustrate some of the applications of the algorithm by efficiently performing web-page ranking for a large internet network and identifying the dynamic roles of inter-neurons in the C. Elegans neural network. The mathematical formulation is simple, widely applicable and easily scalable to real-world datasets suggesting how local computation can provide an approach to the study of large-scale network dynamics

    A coarse-grained bacterial cell model for resource-aware analysis and design of synthetic gene circuits

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    Within a cell, synthetic and native genes compete for expression machinery, influencing cellular process dynamics through resource couplings. Models that simplify competitive resource binding kinetics can guide the design of strategies for countering these couplings. However, in bacteria resource availability and cell growth rate are interlinked, which complicates resource-aware biocircuit design. Capturing this interdependence requires coarse-grained bacterial cell models that balance accurate representation of metabolic regulation against simplicity and interpretability. We propose a coarse-grained E. coli cell model that combines the ease of simplified resource coupling analysis with appreciation of bacterial growth regulation mechanisms and the processes relevant for biocircuit design. Reliably capturing known growth phenomena, it provides a unifying explanation to disparate empirical relations between growth and synthetic gene expression. Considering a biomolecular controller that makes cell-wide ribosome availability robust to perturbations, we showcase our model's usefulness in numerically prototyping biocircuits and deriving analytical relations for design guidance