2,866 research outputs found

    Extinction probabilities of branching processes with countably infinitely many types

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    We present two iterative methods for computing the global and partial extinction probability vectors for Galton-Watson processes with countably infinitely many types. The probabilistic interpretation of these methods involves truncated Galton-Watson processes with finite sets of types and modified progeny generating functions. In addition, we discuss the connection of the convergence norm of the mean progeny matrix with extinction criteria. Finally, we give a sufficient condition for a population to become extinct almost surely even though its population size explodes on the average, which is impossible in a branching process with finitely many types. We conclude with some numerical illustrations for our algorithmic methods

    Single Event Effects in CMOS Image Sensors

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    In this work, 3T Active Pixel Sensors (APS) are exposed to heavy ions (N, Ar, Kr, Xe), and Single Event Effects (SEE) are studied. Devices were fully functional during exposure, no Single Event Latch-up (SEL) or Single Event Functional Interrupt (SEFI) happened. However Single Event Transient (SET) effects happened on frames: line disturbances, and half or full circular clusters of white pixels. The collection of charges in cluster was investigated with arrays of two pixel width (7 and 10 \textmu{}m), with bulk and epitaxial substrates. This paper shows technological and design parameters involved in the transient events. It also shows that STARDUST simulation software can predict cluster obtained for bulk substrate devices. However, the discrepancies in epitaxial layer devices are large - which shows the need for an improved model

    l'hypnose ou la médiation par l'image

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    International audienceObjectives.–The article aims at questioning mental functions through hypnosis. The authors question in particular the mediating dimension of the emerging image in the psychotherapeutic framework, which is considered as the interface of the meeting between the patient and the clinician. They suggest reïŹ‚ecting the therapeutic work from the place of the image as permitting the thought process.Method.–The authors work from the introduction of the hypnotic tool in their analytical psychotherapeutic practice, from sensory and perceptive dimensions. The psychotherapy joins in an individualization of the procedures according to Erikson’s technique. The authors study the regressive processes and imaginary productions with the presentation of the case study of a patient presenting somatic pains and followed-up in a Medical Psychological Centre.Results.–Hypnosis allows the creation of images articulated with an emotion. The image is co-created in the therapeutic relationship, through the patient’s emergent mental tracks and the metaphoric suggestions of the clinician. The imaging phase also releases the affective burden, as well as working on the perception of body and the painful sensations associated with precise parts of the emotional history (image-key). The patient’s pains disappears to give way to a symbolisation phase.Discussion.–The state of modiïŹed consciousness during hypnosis at the same time allows a regressive pro-cess facilitating access to the problematic sensory and perceptive tracks, and also arouses a representational process stimulating the imaginary productions. Mediation through images permits treatment of traumatic, archaic or repressed mental inscriptions and supports the process of rituals and symbolization. Conclusions.–The authors talk of “work of image” when describing the work of representation, as well as the potential of transformation and symbolization of the image under hypnosis. Furthermore, this image has an intersubjective dimension in a co-construction and hence becomes a mediating object. As such, it can reveal the transfer relationship. The image stemming from the hypnotic trance is thus situated at the crossroads of intrapsychic and intersubjective dimensions and therefore expands the subject’s spoken wordObjectifs.–L’articleviseĂ interrogerlesfonctionspsychiquesconvoquĂ©esparl’outilhypnotique.Lesauteurs questionnent en particulier la dimension mĂ©diatrice de l’image Ă©mergeante dans le cadre psychothĂ©rapeu-tique, comme interface de la rencontre entre le patient et le clinicien. Ils se proposent de rĂ©ïŹ‚Ă©chir le travail de la thĂ©rapie Ă  partir de la place laissĂ©e Ă  l’image comme permettant la mise en pensĂ©e.MĂ©thode.–Les auteurs travaillent Ă  partir de l’introduction de l’outil hypnotique dans leur pratique psycho-thĂ©rapeutique analytique, Ă  partir des dimensions sensorielles et perceptives. Le suivi psychothĂ©rapeutique s’inscrit dans une individualisation des procĂ©dures selon la technique eriksonienne. Ils Ă©tudient les proces-sus rĂ©gressifs et les productions de l’imaginaire Ă  partir de la prĂ©sentation de l’étude de cas d’une patiente prĂ©sentant des douleurs somatiques et suivie dans un Centre MĂ©dico-Psychologique. RĂ©sultats.–L’hypnose permet la crĂ©ation d’images articulĂ©es avec un Ă©prouvĂ©. L’image est co-crĂ©Ă©e dans la relation thĂ©rapeutique, grĂące aux traces psychiques Ă©mergentes chez la patiente et les suggestions mĂ©ta-phoriques du clinicien. Le passage par l’image permet aussi la libĂ©ration de la charge affective, ainsi qu’un travail sur la perception du corps et des sensations douloureuses associĂ©es Ă  des pans prĂ©cis de l’histoire affective (image-clef). Lesdouleurs delapatientes’abrasent pourlaisserplaceĂ untravaildesymbolisation. Discussion.–L’état modiïŹĂ© de conscience permis par l’hypnose permet Ă  la fois un processus rĂ©gressif facilitant un accĂšs aux traces sensorielles et perceptives problĂ©matiques, et un processus ïŹguratif favori-sant les productions imaginaires. La mĂ©diation par l’image permet le traitement d’inscriptions psychiques traumatiques, archaĂŻques ou refoulĂ©es, et soutient la scĂ©narisation et la symbolisation.Conclusions.–Les auteurs parlent de «travail de l’image» pour dĂ©crire le travail de ïŹguration, ainsi que le potentiel transformatif et symboligĂšne de l’image dans le cadre de l’hypnose. De plus, l’image a une dimension intersubjective, s’inscrivant dans une co-construction et devenant alors un objet mĂ©diateur. À ce titre, elle peut ĂȘtre rĂ©vĂ©lateur de la relation transfĂ©rentielle. L’image issue de la transe hypnotique se situe donc au carrefour de l’intrapsychique et de l’intersubjectif et est porteuse de la parole du sujet

    La gestion des affects dans la relation thérapeutique chez le patient schizophrÚne

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    International audienceThis article studies schizophrenic patient’s affective conflict by non-integrated ambivalence and absence of symbolisation of affect. Through the meet with a psychotic patient, the authors show that evolution of therapeutic relation is on a par with affect-representation link and its expression in therapy. The authors differentiate processes, which are involved in affect-representation link ; ones concern on representation (in particular dĂ©scĂ©narisation and dĂ©mĂ©taphorisation), others concern on affect, as “thinging” of affects and external deposit of affect. The term of “insulating split”, a form of psychotic insulation, is used to describe this process.Cet article Ă©tudie la conflictualitĂ© affective chez le patient schizophrĂšne sous l’angle de la non-intĂ©gration de l’ambivalence affective et de l’absence de secondarisation de l’affect. À travers la rencontre avec une patiente psychotique, les auteurs montrent que l’évolution de la relation thĂ©rapeutique accompagne la liaison affect-reprĂ©sentation et son expression dans la thĂ©rapie. Les auteurs diffĂ©rencient des mĂ©canismes spĂ©cifiques portant sur le lien affect-reprĂ©sentation, certains agissant sur la reprĂ©sentation elle-mĂȘme (notamment la dĂ©scĂ©narisation et la dĂ©mĂ©taphorisation) et d’autres portant sur l’affect, notamment la « chosification » des affects et la mise en dĂ©pĂŽt externalisĂ©e de l’affect. Le terme de « dĂ©liaison isolante », forme d’isolation psychotique, est avancĂ© pour circonscrire l’ensemble de ces processus

    Place de l’objet comme support du processus dĂ©lirant dans la rencontre intersubjective

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    International audienceThis article underlines the possibility to think the clinical work with psychotic patient from concrete external objects. Through an encounter with a schizophrenic patient, Georgia, the authors show at the same time that the concrete object may serve as deposit as delirious process in the therapy, and that it acts as interface between subjects of the encounter. Indeed, concrete object, as a relational intermediary, becomes the prop of affects that can’t be up dated and verbalized yet in the acquaintance. So, different functions of the object of relation are emphasized, especially this to represent a state of relation at a moment. This work also brings out the evolution and transformation of the concrete object in comparaison with the evolution of delirious process in intersubjective relation.Cet article met en Ă©vidence la possibilitĂ© de penser le travail clinique avec le patient psychotique Ă  partir d’objets concrets externes. À travers la rencontre avec une patiente schizophrĂšne, Georgia, les auteurs montrent Ă  la fois que l’objet concret peut ĂȘtre un lieu de mise en dĂ©pĂŽt du processus dĂ©lirant dans le cadre de la thĂ©rapie et qu’il a une fonction d’interface entre les sujets de la rencontre. De plus, l’objet concret, en tant qu’intermĂ©diaire relationnel, devient le support d’affects qui ne peuvent encore s’actualiser et se verbaliser dans la rencontre. DiffĂ©rentes fonctions de l’objet de relation sont ainsi mises en Ă©vidence, en particulier celle de reprĂ©senter l’état de la relation Ă  un moment donnĂ©. Ce travail met Ă©galement en relief l’évolution et la transformation de l’objet concret parallĂšlement Ă  l’évolution du processus dĂ©lirant dans la rencontre intersubjective

    Theoretical evaluation of MTF and charge collection efficiency in CCD and CMOS image sensor

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    Classical models used to calculate the Modulation Transfer function (MTF) of a solid-state image sensor generally use a sinusoidal type of illumination. The approach, described in this paper, consists in considering a point-source illumination to built a theoretical three dimensional model of the diffusion and the collection of photo-carriers created within the image sensor array. Fourier transform formalism is used for this type of illumination. Solutions allow to evaluate the spatial repartition of the charge density collected in the space charge region, i.e. to get the Pixel Response Function (PRF) formulation. PRF enables to calculate analytically both MTF and crosstalk at every needed wavelengths. The model can take into account a uniformly doped substrate and an epitaxial layer grown on a highly doped substrate. The built-in electric field induced by the EPI/Substrate doping gradient is also taken into account. For these configurations, MTF, charge collection efficiency and crosstalk proportion are calculated. The study is established in the case of photodiode pixel but it can be easily extended to pinned photodiode pixels and photogate pixels

    Le repérage de l'affect dans l'entretien clinique avec le patient souffrant de schizophrénie : proposition méthodologique

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    International audienceThe authors take up the question of expression of affect in clinical interview with schizophrenic patient from analysis of interactions; they underline that verbal interaction enable privileged investigation of affect rationality. They propose a reflection about a model of analysis and formalisation; this one may initiate the construction of a model which emphasizes the types of conversational shapes underlying therapeutic strategies of change. The emotive dimension, as it is studied in psychanalytic theories can be questionned by cognitive and conversational theories. Indeed, cognitive and conversational enlightenment are used to bring out marks of affect expression, on the one hand, about syntactic and semantic structure of utterances, on the other hand, about shapes of conversational structures. So, this article presents a method which permits to study structure of conversations as ground of accomplishment of affect expression in interaction. From an illustration, the authors explain how some clinician’s interventions are a prop of exploration of affect in conversation. The studied conversational sequence invite to think that some modalities of interaction organize connection of subject with his own affects, updating it in therapeutic relation. The authors brings out the idea that conversational relation facilitate the creation of a specific psychic space permitting mutual prop between intersubjective ties and intrapsychic.Les auteurs abordent la question de l’expression de l’affect dans l’entretien clinique avec le patient soufrant des chizophrĂ©nie Ă  partir de l’analyse des interactions langagiĂšres, en montrant que l’interaction verbale est un lieu d’investigation privilĂ©giĂ© de la rationalitĂ© de l’affect. Ils se proposent de rĂ©flĂ©chir Ă  un modĂšle d’analyse et de formalisation permettant d’initier la construction d’un modĂšle qui circonscrive les types de configurations dialogiques sous-jacentes aux stratĂ©gies thĂ©rapeutiques porteuses de changement. La dimension affective telle qu’elle est Ă©tudiĂ©e parles thĂ©ories psychanalytiques et rĂ©interrogĂ©e au risque des thĂ©ories cognitivo conversationnelles. L’éclairage cognitivo-dialogique est, en effet, utilisĂ© pour mettre en Ă©vidence l’existence de marqueurs associĂ©s Ă  l’expression des affects, d’une part, au niveau de la structure syntaxico- sĂ©mantique des Ă©noncĂ©s, d’autre part, au niveau de la configuration des structures conversationnelles. En ce sens, l’article prĂ©sente une mĂ©thode permettant d’étudier la structure des conversations en montrant en quoi elles sont la matrice de l’accomplissement de l’expression des affects dans l’interaction. À partir d’une illustration, les auteurs expliquent comment certains types d’intervention du clinicien constituent un support Ă  l’exploration de l’affect dans l’échange. La sĂ©quence dialogique Ă©tudiĂ©e invite Ă  penser que certaines modalitĂ©s d’interaction rĂ©organisent le rapport du sujet Ă  ses propres affects, en actualisant dans le lien au thĂ©rapeute. Les auteurs avancent alors l’idĂ©e que la relation dialogique facilite la crĂ©ation d’un espace psychique particulier permettant le co-Ă©tayage entre les liens intersubjectifs et l’intrapsychique

    L’étalement urbain comme phĂ©nomĂšne gĂ©ographique : l’exemple de QuĂ©bec

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    L'Ă©talement dit « urbain » correspond Ă  une croissance de la banlieue qui, loin de repousser devant elle la discontinuitĂ© entre l'urbain et le rural, franchit cette discontinuitĂ©. Le processus se traduit par l'implantation, en positions rurales, de formes conçues pour convertir des valeurs positionnelles urbaines. Dans l'agglomĂ©ration de QuĂ©bec, oĂč il s'accĂ©lĂšre depuis la dĂ©cennie de 1970, l'Ă©talement est dynamisĂ© par une mimesis d'appropriation incitant les acteurs municipaux en positions rurales Ă  vouloir rĂ©aliser, chez eux, l'archĂ©type de l'urbanitĂ© moderne incarnĂ© par Sainte-Foy Ă  compter des annĂ©es 1960. En projetant des formes d'apparence urbaine en positions rurales, le phĂ©nomĂšne d'Ă©talement reprĂ©sente, plus profondĂ©ment, la tentative d'effacer la dimension intrinsĂšquement politique de la discontinuitĂ© entre les positions gĂ©ographiques. Cette manoeuvre conduit Ă  la survalorisation Ă©conomique de positions rurales et, par le fait mĂȘme, Ă  un endettement qui, de nos jours, signifie l'impossibilitĂ© de rĂ©duire l'ordre politique Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© Ă©conomique.What is called « urban sprawl » agrees with the growth of a suburb which, instead of pushing in front of itself the discontinuity separating the urban and rural areas, crosses through that qualitative discontinuity. The process finds expression by the implantation, into rural positions, of forms previously conceived in order to convert urban positional values. In the outskirts of QuĂ©bec City, where it is used to go faster for more than the last 20 years, the sprawl is concerned with an internal dynamics of mimesis which has led the local councils, staying in rural positions, to appropriate the prototype of the urban modernity such as it was implemented by the town of Sainte-Foy since the sixties. By producing urban look like forms on rural positions, the recent "urban sprawl" represents, more precisely, an endeavour oriented towards erasing the political intrinsic character of the discontinuity separating geographical positions. This "manoeuvre" entails economical bull operations in the rural area and, by the way, gets the society as a whole into debt. Nowadays, such a consequence means that it is not possible to confine the political order into the matter of the economical necessity

    RĂ©adaptation et psychose : de l’enveloppe soignante Ă  l’enveloppe sociale

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    International audienceAfter a theoretical reminder of main notions of readjustment, rehabilitation, reintegration, the authors broaden the thought on readjustment from clinical experience near chronic psychotic patients in therapeutic flats.They show how the patient converts his ties with his circle and social world, through a new psychic organization with moments of crisis: the patient must gradually free oneself from “nursing envelope” to invest others envelopes, before being able to integrate a new group which constitute “social envelope”.AprĂšs un rappel thĂ©orique des notions essentielles de rĂ©adaptation, rĂ©habilitation et rĂ©insertion, les auteurs ouvrent la rĂ©flexion sur la rĂ©adaptation Ă  partir d’une expĂ©rience clinique auprĂšs de patients psychotiques chroniques en appartements thĂ©rapeutiques. Ils montrent comment le patient rĂ©amĂ©nage ses liens Ă  son entourage et au monde social, Ă  travers une rĂ©organisation psychique parsemĂ©e de moments de crise: le patient doit progressivement se dĂ©tacher de l’«enveloppe soignante» pour investir des enveloppes substitutives, avant de pouvoir intĂ©grer un nouveau groupe constitutif de l’«enveloppe sociale»
